NEON MERCURY's ++ ps360ii Lite ++ thread -weaning you off WoW since 07

Started by NEON MERCURY, November 09, 2003, 08:52:13 PM

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The new Nintendo is going to be a completely different type of console than the other two predictable consoles.

Instead of trying to be the fastest and brokenest (all my nintendo systems still work, my brother's had to buy two PS2s and he hardly ever plays), they're going to work on actually trying to advance the way you play a game... since they pretty much standardized the way you play games at home now, I have faith that they can take it to the next level... then we'll see Sony and Microsoft quickly shuffling to catch up.


context, context, context.


Quote from: polkabluesBut now, in the era of the Gamecube and the DS, I haven't heard about a single Nintendo game that makes me the slightest bit inclined to buy one of their systems.

Resident Evil 4 is reason enough to have a gamecube
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


Quote from: squints
Quote from: polkabluesBut now, in the era of the Gamecube and the DS, I haven't heard about a single Nintendo game that makes me the slightest bit inclined to buy one of their systems.

Resident Evil 4 is reason enough to have a gamecube

SSBM, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Monkey Ball
Long live the New Flesh


"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche


"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


yeah, i cant wait until all the systems come out.  most likely i will end up getting all three but at long intervals.  i already reserved the 360 since spring.  then i will get the ps3 followed by nintendo.  i think all three will own.  i think they are going to play for their strengths.  its smart that nintendo is not trying to out-power the other two systems.  and just like rk said, nintendo makes the most reliable system.  i still have and play a functional old school nintendo, super nes, and n64 along with the cube.  nintendo is all about innovation and unique gameplay. think: mario, zelda, metroid...  any self respecting video game player would bow down to these franchises.  nintendo does its own thing.  i will not bitch about nintednos decisions.  well, i do hate that the new zelda has been pushed back to next fucking spring.  my guess is to why would be to make it even better, add more shit, give the gamecube a final swan song.  or it could be a launch title for the revolution.   as ps3 goes, it will sell the most and break the most.  and will have solid games.  but i want to start going online and shit so, its 360 for me.  and i think team ninja is only making games for microsoft.  which means a new ninja gaiden for the 360. :yabbse-grin:


Quote from: BrazoliangeSSBM, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime, Monkey Ball

Monkey Ball, I'll grant you.  And, to be fair, that one Zelda game with the lousy art style is kind of fun to play.
My house, my rules, my coffee


my first DDR AAA (all Perfects), just got it about a half-hour ago :)
Long live the New Flesh



yes and no, it was really nice but I had seen it coming for awhile.
Long live the New Flesh


After hating the original idea for the nintendo controller it's growing up me the possiblities that can be handled with such a controller. Imagine slicing the controller, the same way you'd slice a sword.

Fishing by casting the controller...

Jerking off by yanking on the controller...
Aclockworkjj:  I have like broncitious or something
Aclockworkjj:  sucks, when i cough, if feels like i am dying
Aclockworkjj:  i can barely smoke


lets look at a real controller:

TGS 2005: Our Love Affair with the Xbox 360 Controller
How do we love thee, 360 controller? We count the ways.
by David Clayman and Tal Blevins
Source:  IGN

September 18, 2005 - Sure, we've had a chance to play around with the Xbox 360 controller before, but with over 80 playable X360 kiosks at the Tokyo Game Show this year, this is first time we've really been able to spend a good amount of quality time with the controller. Over the past three days we've all been touching, holding and grasping the Xbox 360 controller, and yes, there's even been a little cuddling, spooning, embracing and snuggling going on.

David's Impressions

TGS not only gave us the opportunity to play more Xbox 360 games than ever before is also allowed us to put our hands all over Microsoft's glorious new controller. Sure the Revolution controller has all the functionality of the Dreamcast fishing rod, but how will it adjust to racers, shooters, hack 'n' slashers, and platformers? We already know the answer in the case of 360's little white peripheral.

The beauty of the 360 controller is that it is small and lightweight without feeling cheap. It also posses an excellent layout that puts every button within easy reach of your thumbs. When prompted to press the start button I found myself lifting my hand off of the controller out of instinct. This was unnecessary seeing as I could easily reach both of the buttons next to the central guide button with my thumbs. The guide button itself is an excellent addition that quickly brings up the Live menu. We entered the Live guide on numerous occasions out of curiosity and the irresistible urge to push a shiny sphere surrounded by glowing lights.

The bumpers and face buttons are more substantial than those found on a dual shock and the placement above the triggers conforms to the natural placement of your forefinger. More important than the layout, the 360 controller was never a factor when getting used to a new game. There was no looking down at our hands to figure out what we should be hitting. This is perhaps the controller's biggest asset considering that experiencing the software is ultimately what's important.

Tal's Impressions

The Xbox 360 controller is the best gaming device I've ever touched. After getting a chance to play around with the controller even more at TGS, I've found myself falling in love.

It's not too heavy like the original Xbox controller. It feels fairly light, but not like you can break it like so many cheap-o third party controllers. The hand grips are at the perfect angle for extended play sessions that won't tire out your wrists, and the smooth, white surface fits my hands even better than the S-controller.

I've been saying it for years, but the Microsoft has finally listened (okay, not just to me, but to everyone). The black and white buttons should have been on the back above the triggers since the controller was released in 2001. The button placement is perfect, and I can easily reach everything on the controller. You literally have 17 possible buttons within your grasp (A, B, X, Y, RT, LT, RB, LB, R3, L3, start, select, guide, plus the D-pad). That's a whole lot of potential at your fingertips in such a small area.

The analog triggers that we've all come to love on the S-controller feel just as nice on the 360 controller, and the bumpers directly above the triggers are in the perfect position and don't get in the way in the slightest.

I also love the idea of the guide button. Not only can it be used to access the menu system mid-game, giving you instant access to what used to be multiple button mashes on the S-controller, but it can also be used like a remote control for the system as you can turn the Xbox 360 on and off with the guide button from the comfort of your couch. How's that for the ultimate in laziness?

So far I love the X360 controller, and I don't want to leave it behind. The premium system is now a must for me so I can take the wireless version to bed with me and whisper sweet nothings into its ear.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"

Jeremy Blackman

I've always liked Nintendo... and I'll keep an open mind on the new controller...

But I'm pretty much done with consoles. Too expsensive and no time to play anything but World of Warcraft. But I would like to fix my Dreamcast or get a used one... I should do that... mostly because I want to feel like an outcast again...

I know people who bought xbox systems just so they could have Halo parties. It only lasted two or three months.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: RaikusFinally, make an optional herbalism/alchemy alt. I chose a druid because there's one low level herb that's easily accessible that no one farms and is worth a lot -- Stranglekelp. Level this druid to 16 and gain aquatic form. Swim this alt up and down the coast of Darkshore or Westfall and get stacks of this (don't know about horde maps). Send it to your AH alt and have them place it up for bid.
Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanI just might try that... :yabbse-grin: ...

I got on my first run (and no resistance). Thank you, Raikus.  :bravo: