NEON MERCURY's ++ ps360ii Lite ++ thread -weaning you off WoW since 07

Started by NEON MERCURY, November 09, 2003, 08:52:13 PM

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Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
I'm mostly playing my Rogue, because he's so much easier than the priest. But now I'm into some of the tougher quests in Loch Modan, and it's... tough. My problem is trying to pull one or two at a time... otherwise I'm toast. (Anyone know a way around this?) And in some quests, that's pretty much impossible unless you have a group. And getting a group together can be difficult on Sargeras, because it's a relatively low-population server. (Stuff is generally worth more in auctions, though.)
There are 2 ways for a rogue to pull, one is ranged weapon (use throw until you get to Lakeshire and complete the quest to get the Dwarven Fishing Rod and then start using your gun skills) and the other is Sap. Use your ranged when the enemies are in a chain (like they are around the excavation site or the Kobold near the damn) and use your sap when the enemies are standing side by side. Sap one, kill the other, back off and bandage, go for the sapped mob.

You can solo most of the Loch quests with the exception of the Kobold mine and the Loch Islands. You WILL have to wait until you're a higher level to finish some of the other quests (Dark Dwarves Sabotage and the Elite Ogres in the east). I think I closed out the Loch quests when I was 20.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: Raikus(use throw until you get to Lakeshire and complete the quest to get the Dwarven Fishing Rod and then start using your gun skills)
I can't find information anywhere on the Dwarven Fishing Rod. And don't the higher level throwing axes do more damage than guns anyway? I'm pulling right now with throwing axes, but I often get two at a time. I'll definitely try the sap strategy.

I'm going to try killing Vagash (rested) a few times to level. Would it be worth it to travel to Darkshore to pick up some quests there?


The Dwarven Fishing Pole (sorry, not rod) is a gun you get in Lakeshire after completing a certain quest. Normally, throw is fine, but an increased ability with guns is a racial feature with Dwarves. It out damages the throw most of the time and can really do some damage if you get the higher weapons.

Stay in the Loch area or go to Stormwind and complete some of the quests there and in Westfall. Darkshore is pretty hairy for someone of your level. You'll get ganked tons of times by Horde players and it won't be fun. You really won't be able to kill anything either. Wait until you complete the Loch, Westfall and Lakeshire (in this order) quests before you move on to that. Run Deadmines in Westfall when you get around 20. You should be able to get some really great stuff that you'll use until 25.

On the pulling issue, you really shouldn't have a problem if the enemies are spaced out. Wait for them to get farthest from the next mob and then hit them with a ranged. Make sure your back if free and then just backtrack as they're running towards you. If they are coupled then use Sap to full effect.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Quote from: Sleuthha, I remember that I almost rented that every time I went to a video store.  

here's a site with a lot of old games run through java

you know, when videogames were fun

man, that site is awseome!!!

also, all ya'll PC nerds need to stop hijacking my thread.... :yabbse-wink:

sorry to be posting so much i am just excited...i am goign to a fourth of july party tomorrow-even though its only the 2nd of july ..and i might actaully get laid [by a girl!!!!]


"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


attn: gamecude owners

as i pointed ou tmonths ago regardign resident evil 4 as the shit for the ' mothafuckas need to pick up killer 7...this shit is unbelievable...i am about 1/4 the way through and i can't put it eone thing i do know in life is videogames...and this one incredible...bu ti will warn you the game is more art than playability....the game has a wonderful visual style and feel to it..basically, if aronofsky, tarantino, cunningham, and lynch made a viideo game together this would eb it....the story is so fuckign bizuiarre bu tnot in a geek gamer way like someoen who would think that the halo story is cool..i  mean this is really fuckign fopr gameplay it serves as a back seat to the story/visual style...its very push "a" to move, "b" for a 180 degree turn, right trigger for 1st person view, once in 1st person view push "a" to fire weapon, .very simplified stuff...but damn fun and cool to can switch characters on the fly and they hav eupgradeable skills, and the shit is twisted.. for example: the chick, her skill is that she slits her wrist and sprays blood over walls and shi tto find secrets passages/inscriptions...check it out...... :yabbse-thumbup:


i just got a gba emulator and this rom  . i hope this provides enough videogame summer entertainment. it looks great
context, context, context.


Quote from: Dude in article"I tip my cap to that first step of showing responsibility," said Tim Winter, the council's executive director.

Anyone who uses the phrase "I tip my cap to...", and not ironically, needs to get out more.
My house, my rules, my coffee



I like to hug dogs


Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


context, context, context.

Jeremy Blackman

I hit 40 and got my mount yesterday. It's nice.

I've promised myself never to grind unrested ever again. I did that from 32-40. I'm playing my alts when my rogue is unrested. 20 Gnome Mage and 18 Night Elf Priest:

I like playing the priest a whole lot more than I thought I would. Healing is pretty satisfying, and I plan to use a full healer build. The mage is fun, of course, and I'm leaning toward a Frost PVP build. My beloved rogue basically depends on criticals and backstabbing. (I'm a fan of Cold Blood and Improved Backstab).

Jeremy Blackman

I put together a little guide (mostly so I wouldn't forget my mistakes) for getting to 40:

quest home area
quest Dun Morogh and/or Elwynn Forest
quest Westfall
Harvest Watchers in Westfall (Alexston Farmstead)
Redridge Poachers in Redridge
quest Redridge
quest Wetlands
Raptors in Wetlands (Excavation Site)
Yetis in Hillsbrad cave (Darrow Hill)
Yetis in Alterac
Syndicate & Mountain Lions in Alterac
Crushridge Ogres in Alterac
Scarlet Monastery

Places I try to stay out of (after learning the hard way) include Loch Modan, Darkshore, Ashenvale, and Stranglethorn Vale. Westfall Harvest Watchers and Hillsbrad Yetis were probably my favorite grinds. And the Stockade was the fastest/easiest instance grinding by far.