Batman Begins

Started by ©brad, February 19, 2003, 01:10:29 PM

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grand theft sparrow

My Pubrick-esque review:

bale as batman
murphy doing depp
no CGI overdose

"I gotta get me one of those"
not enough oldman (except above)
the open ending for sequel

katie's nipples


I like to hug dogs


that was amazing

purely amazing
Long live the New Flesh


I really liked it.  Not too much I'd do different. :oops:

High point = Theology behind Batman and the League of Shadows

Low point = All of the Batman's have made me feel a little claustraphobic because of the tight sets.
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


Whoever said Tom Wilkinson should have been the main bad guy got it spot on. I like the way that the scarecrow had a less over-the-top alter-ego, though. I've had enough of science experiments gone wrong (and boy did I hate seeing that Fantastic4 trailer again, today).

My main fear - the obligatory gadget selection montage was actually really well done and setup. And thank god for Michael Caine! As great as Gary Oldman was I think Caine was my favourite - completely the opposite of the twee embarassment I feared the part would be.

I liked the sequel setup but Im dissapointed that it was the Joker. Im not sure how that works in with Burton's Batman. I suppose its not meant to, but who the hell can they get to play the Joker who will make the part just as iconic and more his own than the Jack?
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


Quote from: ®edlumI liked the sequel setup but Im dissapointed that it was the Joker. Im not sure how that works in with Burton's Batman. I suppose its not meant to, but who the hell can they get to play the Joker who will make the part just as iconic and more his own than the Jack?

That's a good question. If they get the casting right on a young Joker, it will make the sequel. However, somebody who people can't picture (in spirit) as a young Jack Nicholson will tank.


Don't you think they established this as a completely separate continuity enough to get a brand new Joker? He doesn't need to be anything like Nicholson if they're staying true to (the best of the) comic book incarnations.


Quote from: ®edlumwho the hell can they get to play the Joker who will make the part just as iconic and more his own than the Jack?

Quote from: hacksparrowdepp
context, context, context.


Yeah I guess you're right. A young Joker doesnt work anyway because I dont beleive that would fit with how The Joker is established in Batman. It's been such a long time since Ive seen it - I guess that's why Ive ignored other elements that make any continuation or overlap impossible.

The 'Begins' is slightly misleading, though. I did presume that these were prequels of some form, I was wrong.

Hmm Depp....nope, I just think of Jack. Considering John C Reileys desire to play Willy Wonka, though - he would be a fantastical but interesting casting choice.
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


They should go really young and go with Jonathan Lipnicki.  Does he have a little brother?  Or maybe that Dakota Fanning....that kid can act! :oops:
We live in an age that reads too much to be intelligent and thinks too much to be beautiful.


Johnny Depp would be a great joker... maybe they should get Chris Rock and make a black joker... he has the smile with no surgery

Myxo they'll cast Hayden Christensen as a young joker..



Hopefully they won't go any further with the Batman series. This prequel leads right into the first Batman movie (Tim Burton's version) and the joker even hints at that. The studio might get persuaded to do another one since it'll make a lot of money, but this series and Star Wars they should seriously leave alone.
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Quote from: Small Town LonerHopefully they won't go any further with the Batman series. This prequel leads right into the first Batman movie (Tim Burton's version) and the joker even hints at that. The studio might get persuaded to do another one since it'll make a lot of money, but this series and Star Wars they should seriously leave alone.

Basically, none of this makes any sense at all.


totally,  this movie was as if batman in all his manifestations had never ever EVER existed before it.  man i dug
context, context, context.