Batman Begins

Started by ©brad, February 19, 2003, 01:10:29 PM

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would be really nice if they included Harley Quinn this time around
Long live the New Flesh

A Matter Of Chance

I just saw this last night and I know I am a little late, but here is the main thing I took away from this. Since they explored fear so much in this one, and used the Scarecrow so well to do it, won't they have to explore insanity (even on Batman's side) in the next one? If they can keep relating Batman to his villains like this, then they can keep up a good franchise. Then once they reach Two-Face they can explore vengance, etc . . .

In any case, I still maintain that Katie Holmes was the worst part of this movie. It's just something about the way she says things and how her lips get crooked and her voice that just don't sit well with me. But I thought the rest was really good, I didn't even mind the one liners (either because there were so few or because the actors were so good). Plus, it's nice to see Gary Oldman blowing shit up. Tom Wilkinson (doing his best Brando) was also a nice little addition to the case, not to mention Cillian Murphy.

And I don't think what's bad about Sean Penn as the Joker.


Quote from: A Matter Of ChanceI just saw this last night and I know I am a little late, but here is the main thing I took away from this. Since they explored fear so much in this one, and used the Scarecrow so well to do it, won't they have to explore insanity (even on Batman's side) in the next one? If they can keep relating Batman to his villains like this, then they can keep up a good franchise. Then once they reach Two-Face they can explore vengance, etc . .
yep that approach is definitely the best aspect of the movie.

the only thing i really couldn't get over, and i havn't checked if anyone's mentioned it yet: HUMANS ARE TWO THIRDS WATER.

still great tho.
under the paving stones.




do you mean they don't drink too much water in the movie? can you elaborate ?
any whoo0, i saw it yesterday for the third time and i still liked it quite a lot.  even batman's solid snake voice was cool. i'm  echoing ghost boy here but  gary oldman was the man. i like how he looks when he enters arkham, skinny but brave because he knows batman's inside. i'm definetely reading batman year one sometime soon. also that scene at the police station right after the murder is very moving, how gordon looks at lil' bruce as if all chance of gotham getting better had disappeared that night.

the kid sucked at some scenes, specially the one in the train, where he anticipates almost every line by thomas wayne, and i don't buy how did that nose turn into christian bale's . rachel was a brat. that's it.
context, context, context.


I'm seeing it for the third time today too. It probably won't be thrilling as it was the first couple of times but hopefully still very good. I just think this is one of the best posters ever:

Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Quote from: cronopio


do you mean they don't drink too much water in the movie? can you elaborate ?
i mean, how was the vaporization microwave not working at least on the ppl standing right next to it?! steam should've been coming out of everyone's ears!

it's like in Ocean's 11 (remake) when cheadle detonates the pinch, he covers his balzac in a comical fashion, cos he understands the joke in the basic physics of the thing. with batman i guess it's a matter of disbelief, but even as far as this movie goes, that's pushing it. it's a pretty major part of the climax/threat to the city.
under the paving stones.


to be honest i don't pay much attention on the concepts of world ruling devices, like that one or doc ocks tentacles, but you're right. i was talking with redlum yesterday about how aside from its greatness, it still had those paperwork scenes, because he was complaining about that scene with the guys at the waterplant, how there wasn't any real need for those scenes, and he's right, the man says "this whole building's gonna blow!" two times in a row or something. that six flags rollercoaster shot of the train was weak too,. my belief is that was out of nolan's control, but being that warner seems pleased by the fact that people is appreciating it for its 'psychology' rather than the whole spectale, next time there's gonna be more rocknroll.
context, context, context.


It had a human dodging adapter, sleep well now
I like to hug dogs


Quote from: SleuthIt had a human dodging adapter, sleep well now
was that mentioned in the movie? i ask cos i stepped out for a minute to hang a slash.

and what a glorious slash it was.
under the paving stones.


If you can go to see a film like Batman (or any other good film) and you go out of the theatre in the middle, for any reason, I dont think you have what it takes to judge it or say that its wrong... cause obviously you didnt pay enough attention, or you werent that into the movie to hold it



Quote from: andy gekkoIf you can go to see a film like Batman (or any other good film) and you go out of the theatre in the middle, for any reason, I dont think you have what it takes to judge it or say that its wrong... cause obviously you didnt pay enough attention, or you werent that into the movie to hold it


I've seen some great films (this might be a funny thread to start) where I couldn't take it anymore and had to go piss. At some point the discomfort of sitting in your seat has to be a big enough distraction that it's worth it to just hurry up and go. Pick a good time (right after a major action sequence usually) and haul ass.


Finished seeing it for the third time and it's still great.
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Quote from: andy gekkoIf you can go to see a film like Batman (or any other good film) and you go out of the theatre in the middle, for any reason, I dont think you have what it takes to judge it or say that its wrong... cause obviously you didnt pay enough attention, or you werent that into the movie to hold it

nah, i value my balzac more.
under the paving stones.


This movie, while hitting all of the right notes I suppose what the hardcore fans wanted to see as far as origin.............seemed to lack the FUN of Burton's '89 Batman. I liked Keaton's nutcase Bruce Wayne better than Bale's noble one as well, he always seemed like a bit of a space cadet (Keaton) as Wayne and incredibly focused as Batman.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


Spoilers, maybe?

I love the movie overall.  I do like how, once Christian Bale became Batman, they had Tom Waits do his voice over.

This movie was really well done, and really dug into the story aspect of Batman, which is what makes him so intriguing.  The Burton perspectives were very cool, but they didn't have much to do with Batman, but more with his enemies.  The movies weren't about who Batman was or really the method to how he fought crime as much as it was the capers of his enemies.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye