The stupidest thing you've heard someone say about a movie..

Started by CollinBullock, March 29, 2003, 02:00:00 PM

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Quote from: GamblourThis guy, who's pretty funny but kinda jealous that his girlfriend likes me more than him, is in one of my film classes. He said is top five was as follows:

Fight Club

Well I can't remember what else he said, but that's all you really need to know. He listed movies from Pulp Fiction onward (I believe PF was one of them). This is old hat by now, but I just kinda can't stand film majors who act like films started with Tarantino.

the worst part about it is that some day, they'll all be out of school and you might have to work with/for them.
Quote from: Pas Rap on April 23, 2010, 07:29:06 AM
Obviously what you are doing right now is called (in my upcoming book of psychology at least) validation. I think it's a normal thing to do. People will reply, say anything, and then you're gonna do what you were subconsciently thinking of doing all along.

Figure 8

I heard someone say the other day "The movie wasn't even fully translated: it had subtitles."  It was a sad, sad day.


Quote from: GamblourThis guy, who's pretty funny but kinda jealous that his girlfriend likes me more than him,

She likes me more than him




Quote from: GamblourI'll kick your butt! At nintendo.
under the paving stones.


this isn't stupid. in fact, i thought it was genius.

joe: do you like films?

nick: of course, nigga. what the fuck else you think i watch?
Quote from: Pas Rap on April 23, 2010, 07:29:06 AM
Obviously what you are doing right now is called (in my upcoming book of psychology at least) validation. I think it's a normal thing to do. People will reply, say anything, and then you're gonna do what you were subconsciently thinking of doing all along.


Quote from: Reinhold Messnerin response to "i don't support blockbuster because they don't support independent artists.":

"yea, but they carry all that shit. dey got this one that i got there. Ong-Bak. it's about buddhism and everything. you're a guy. you like it. it's better than jackie chan."

then i said, "foreign is not the necessarily the same thing as independent"

and she said, "well they got shit there that ain't in english. it's better than jackie chan and everything."

that girl is pretty cool that she appreciates ong bak.  unless she's not attractive, then she's just a loser.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


"I love movies. I love serious crime thrillers like Heat and Carlito's Way, dramas like Crash, comedies like Swingers, horrors like the Descent. I can appreciate an Oscar-winning performance from Denzel Washington in Training Day as much as Mickey Rourke's standout tour-de-force as Marv in Sin City, blockbusters like War of the Worlds and low budget independent productions like Garden State. As for cheesy action movies, well I love them too."

Stealth DVD Review
\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


In college we had a screening of "Dr. Strangelove" on a Thursday night. Upon exiting I heard a woman say to her friend "We had to miss 'Friends' for that?"

Also, a friend of mine once heard a co-worker say, "I just love sequels, don't you?"
"The girls around here all look like Cadillacs" -- Tom Waits


Me:  "Who are you doing for your project [on your favorite director]?"

Him:  "The only two good directors I can think of are Kevin Smith and Wes Anderson."


Quote from: ®edlum on November 14, 2005, 11:48:52 AM
"I love movies. I love serious crime thrillers like Heat and Carlito's Way, dramas like Crash, comedies like Swingers, horrors like the Descent. I can appreciate an Oscar-winning performance from Denzel Washington in Training Day as much as Mickey Rourke's standout tour-de-force as Marv in Sin City, blockbusters like War of the Worlds and low budget independent productions like Garden State. As for cheesy action movies, well I love them too."

Stealth DVD Review

should have said "i love american movies made after 1993"...


That guy used to be into Cassavettes until Stealth damaged his brain.

Gold Trumpet

I think I've made some pretty stupid comments before and have many more to make.


During A History of Violence a girl behind me said during the first sex scene with the cheerleader outfit and such,  "This is the sign of a REALLY bad movie." and when the movie was over a guy outside of the theatre was like "I guess they ran out of money and couldn't finish the movie."  Yes. That is exactly what happened.

Also, I haven't seen The Hulk, but I was at a family reunion where some of my cousins and my uncle watched it.  After it was over I came into the room to hear them talking about it, and my uncle was like "they Really messed up with this one.  The main problem was that they put too much plot into it.  They need to realize that a movie doesn't need plot if it's got good action." 

No joke.


Quote from: Astrostic on November 19, 2005, 02:54:33 PM
"The main problem was that they put too much plot into it.  They need to realize that a movie doesn't need plot if it's got good action."
I agree with this statement.  Action movies with a bizarrely large amount of plot tend to bore me.  (i.e. this bomb's going to explode at this time if this guy who doesn't know about it gets to this point to do this thing, but he's also the president's son and must be prevented from activating the bomb without explicitly knowing anything about the bomb because it's all part of a plot that if he tells his father--the president--then the president will tell his security advisor, who is actually an alien spy, who is using that as a signal that it is now time to open the space portal that will allow a race of alien nazis from outer space to enter Earth... unless one man, Eddie Jones, can stop them, all before his morning cup of coffee.)

If it DOES indeed have good action, then no, it doesn't really need all that much plot.  Plot just slows things down, since what everyone is there for is the big action scenes.  Some movies have been successful with plot and action, but they're rare.

I'm still waiting for the truly plotless, abstract action film masterwork.