The stupidest thing you've heard someone say about a movie..

Started by CollinBullock, March 29, 2003, 02:00:00 PM

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Quote from: cronopioFear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a favorite among junkies, at least from the ones I know.

I second that.

But I do feel your pain, ddiggler.  I took a film appreciation class over the summer at a community college (I'm still in high school) and I never thought a film class is where I'd hear the painfully stupid things I've heard about movies.

For instance, the professor makes a point that the majority of the movie-going public only watch movies for their entertainment value and asks jokingly, "When's the last time you and your friends saw the latest European art film and had a lively two hour discussion at a local coffee shop?"  A girl raises her hand. Her answer: "Me and my friends saw Hellboy and we talked about how it was a better film than Van Helsing because it had more character and the action was better."  I guess that's slightly better than the other stuff that's been posted in this thread so far but I get annoyed by people that want to show a class/group up by (poorly) answering questions that were rhetorical, much less a joke.


Quote from: samsong"When's the last time you and your friends saw the latest European art film and had a lively two hour discussion at a local coffee shop?"  A girl raises her hand. Her answer: "Me and my friends saw Hellboy and we talked about how it was a better film than Van Helsing because it had more character and the action was better."
HAHAHAHAHA!!!  No, that seriously is retarded.  Oh man, you can tell that she NEEDS to take that film class.  If I were the professor, I think I might've just had to walk up to her and slap her, even if it was in a giant auditorium and I had to walk for a full minute to reach her.  It'd be worth it.

But at least she recognized that Hellboy is a much better movie than Van Helsing.

... European art films... seriously.  Maybe she just didn't hear the "European art" part.


Quote from: cronopio"When's the last time you and your friends saw the latest European art film and had a lively two hour discussion at a local coffee shop?"  

eew was he actually condoning that?


Quote from: eward
Quote from: cronopio"When's the last time you and your friends saw the latest European art film and had a lively two hour discussion at a local coffee shop?"  

eew was he actually condoning that?

dude, i never asked that
context, context, context.


that girl doesn't need to take more film classes. she just needs to give up right now and drop out of film school
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty




During one of the conversations between Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murry, Murry types something like "if you are a boy, I'll kick you're butt." I took that as him saying that if a boy has a crush on me, that's wrong. I am a lesbian and I was offended by that line in the movie.

To which someone responded:

Let's have some reciprocity, beyatch. You say you're a lesbian? A pure 100% same-sexist? I want you to sleep with a guy. Let him take you to dinner, then let him take you up to his pad so he can bang you silly.

What's that? You find the idea of heterosexual relations 'wrong', and not to your liking? F**K you, you ignorant bigotted heterophobe! I am offended by your heterophobia!!!!! If straights can't complain about things they have no taste for, then neither can gays!!!!

F**k, I am in a SERIOUSLY bad mood today.

To which someone responds:

When did she say she found the idea of heterosexual relations wrong? All she was saying is she was slightly offended. I do agree that sometimes people take issues of homophobia a little too seriously, like if Chads charcater had been gay and had said 'you better not be a girl, or I'll kick your butt', everyone would just have laughed, but since its the other way round, its automatically offensive. I'm not being nasty towards gays, cos I am one myself, but sometimes we just need to cool down a bit, not take things too seriously.

Then, that same last person posts again, this time writing:
Grrrr... my brothers been posting on my bloody account again... I AM NOT GAY ><


Georgiegirl complains: "There was no clever dialogue! All i heard was obsenities and abuses."

....on behalf of everyone on Xixax : :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:


'this movie is overrated! it sucks! haha........aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. it's bullsh!t....(This message has been deleted by the administrator.) SPIKE LEE is RACIST and .... quentin.......he's a pothead................fucking....PTA writes ....Vincent Gallo's ego is SO .... bigger than his You Know what!.....rushmore...this sucks...and...ahaha....get a life, loser...shut up, mature....can we have normal...d.ebates.......? everyone is dumb except me..."

Now, it's your turn -- ready set go.


I've done it before, I'm guilty. I've posted IMDB stuff in this thread.

But I think its now universally understood that "Best DVD Covers" is to Criterion Collection as "Stupidest Things Said About A Movie" is to


haha, I love the imdb message boards. The comments they had for Northfork are the best.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.

Weird. Oh

I work at a video store so I hear a ton of these.

(About Passion of the Christ)

{igorant old guy} "I want a credit for this movie. It should have been in English.
{my co-worker} "But sir, it wouldn't have been as historically accurate"
{igorant old guy}" Why not? The Bible is in english. :?

(my co-worker trying to prove to me I have bad taste in movies)

Co-worker: Hey you, did you see Lost In Translation?
Customer:  yeah that sucked, nothing happend.
Co-worker: How about Man on Fire?
Customer: Yeah that was great!

I said to him how does this prove I have bad taste in movies by liking Lost in Translation and hating Man on Fire because some other drone likes shitty movies.
The more arguments you win, the fewer friends you will have.


The guy behind me when I saw Anchorman last week kept making predictions about the plot that always turned out to be wrong.

A Matter Of Chance

Why would someone make predictions about the plot of Anchorman? Can you give us an example...


Quote from: A Matter Of ChanceWhy would someone make predictions about the plot of Anchorman? Can you give us an example...

When Ron is hanging out in the bar and gets the call to go back on camera after they can't find Veronica, he goes into the bathroom to clean up, and the guy behind me said "Oh, I bet he'll take too long and miss his chance" when the complete opposite happened.  That's the only one I can remember but he did it a lot.


Film Threat finally got something right for a change.  This is the closest thread to the subject that I could find to post this article in.  If anyone has any better suggestions, let me know.

I really admire a professor like this.  There are too few of them.  But it begs the question, why he didn't structure his class the way he thought it should be, challenge students with thought-provoking films and either change them or let them get washed away with all the others who just can't cut it.  If it really is a film criticism class (and it is, as it criticizes the values of the characters in certain films), that's what should happen.


First of all, maybe I benefit from being in a city college where most people are working for their education, but I have not had a class as narrow-minded as that (well, a class that mattered). I don't think it's safe to make the assumption that that class is a microcosm for our generation. People have always been stupid, I'm sure some caliber of the school's quality changed, not the student populace, perhaps. I don't think people get dumber, though I have seen it happen. I think it has more to do with schools giving up. But that's me. That teacher seems to be slowly 'accepting' more ignorant students and accomodates them, which he shouldn't be doing, like you said ono.

Secondly, that is a really interesting class idea, but it seems pointless to do easy schlock. And while I appreciate the author's attempt to claim that he and his friends talk about deep shit with movies, it's awfully pompous to say that's the only way. That stuff gives me a headache a lot, I prefer just talking about cool shit about good movies, beit La Dolce Vita or Wayne's World.


This "class" was probably an exageration or didn't exist.

It's just a way for the author to say that he thinks he's smarter than most people and he gets a movie like Braveheart more than most (BRAVEHEART for christ's sake, PLEASE!)