The stupidest thing you've heard someone say about a movie..

Started by CollinBullock, March 29, 2003, 02:00:00 PM

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Oh, okay.  Yeah, I've had that happen to me, too.  I guess you're not to blame.  Then you get faced with the question, "You liked it??  WHY???"  Oh, "Why," how many times have you been thrown in my face?

And then she pretty much said that you have to or ought to watch V for Vendetta when you never said that she had to watch The New World.  It's always... interesting when people tell you what movies you'd like, especially when you know that you wouldn't like them.  Or ask you if you've seen it yet, when you never intended to see it.

It almost sounds like this girl doesn't like serious movies, period.  Maybe she would have liked the Simpsons's alternate ending to Casablanca.

A Matter Of Chance

The same thing happened to me once with a friend. The only thing is that the movie was The Royal Tenenbaums. Ever since I recommended that movie to my friend Adam, him and his entire family don't trust me. They give me sideways looks.

*sigh* - we must be a rare breed.


yeah there are certain movies I only recommend to certain friends.  funny enough, I think I also got scarred big time by the royal tenenbaums.  I told all my friends to watch it and showed it to all my friends and relatives, and got burned kinda badly.  after that I don't recommend certain movies to certain people anymore.  some of them just don't wanna watch movies, and that's fine.  I don't watch sports, they don't watch movies.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


i too, have recommended royal tennenbaums only to get bitten in the ass later. i don't get it. the movie is so lovable.

so okay, yesterday A Time to Kill was on TBS and a friend of a friend of a nobody said the following:

"this movie is so smartly done. you can tell they really researched it."


this is interesting cause tenenbaums is probably the only thing ive ever recommended that people actually appreciated.


oh my god, you guys do I ever have a treat for you. tonight I got 'mike's' opinion on The New World. It's rather lengthy, so I won't post it all. (you'll thank me)

ASoundSo: I actually saw a movie so bad that when it was finally over, somewhere, a baby died.
a few minutes later after telling me how excited he is for the da vinci code and xmen3...he goes on:
ASoundSo: but seriously, dont ever watch The New World.  Talk about being Amped to see a film and then just being kicked in the face for it. 
ASoundSo: hahaha, you already saw it
bethie is uncool: in the theatre
ASoundSo: oh man, I was gonna go
ASoundSo: I would have been so pissed off If I did
ASoundSo: man I cant beleive you liked that movie!  It was sooooooo damn boring!
ASoundSo: and made no sense whatsoever
bethie is uncool: haha yes it did
ASoundSo: Christian Bale shows up out of Nowhere
ASoundSo: and in 2 hours and 15 min. there is about 20 min. of dialouge and an hour and 55 min. of Pocahontas doing some weird form of sign language that somehow John Smith understood perfectly, but nobody else did because there were no subtitles.
ASoundSo: who directed that
bethie is uncool: only like the best living directer there is. hes brilliant. any noteworthy critic will tell you terrence malick is a god. you dont understand though.
ASoundSo: Terrence Malick...he should never be allowed to make another film.  They should cut out his tounge so he cant direct. 
ASoundSo: any noteworthy critic who said that is a good movie is lying his ass off.  Terrance Malick is obviously in the Mafia.  They slept through it or were on so many drugs that they said they loved it.
ASoundSo: and I just checked his list of films
ASoundSo: and there aint shit on it
bethie is uncool: you wouldnt know
ASoundSo: and only 2 since 1978
ASoundSo: one of which was a war film that wasnt very good either
bethie is uncool: every single one is 5 stars and makes cinephiles cream their pants
bethie is uncool: maybe some day youll understand
ASoundSo: then this one was only rated highly because of who he is
ASoundSo: the film sucks fucking terribly
bethie is uncool: when you see as many films as i have and great ones at that, youll know whats good and whats great and what isnt worth your time
bethie is uncool: the new world was on all the critics top ten list b/c theyve all seen great film and they realize what a great film is and that is, the new world
ASoundSo: I beg to differ.  I have probably seen just as many or close to it that you have and I know whats makes a good film.  Its more than just a critic liking it. A film can be great to a critic, but if people other than movie critics dont like it, then its not a great film. it takes both critics and general population to adore a film to make it great
one of the other is a wash and I would love for a critic to tell me what is so great about that film I think they would have a hard time, because its not good.
bethie is uncool: the new world has a cult following already
ASoundSo: what is so good about it. maybe I can be convinced to join the cult
bethie is uncool: its told accurately and beautifully. i think thats enough justifiction. and christian bale doesnt need to be in the entire film

then he went on spitting on the romance and cine told me to ask him what he thought about Pearl Harbor and he said "pearl harbor wasn't bad"

ohmygod. he just said
ASoundSo: but I officially rank him next to Stanley Kubrick in my overrated directors file.  This file is set aside for directors who do brilliant work, but then later on do crappy work that gets called brilliant because of their previous brilliant work. 

and I changed his sn a little so none of you waste your time messaging him.
who likes movies anyway


I saw the new world at one of those advanced screening things and I've never seen less love from the audience.  even the hills have eyes got more love than the new world.  people were laughing during the dialogues and they actually cheered in the end when it ended.  then I heard this half-witty kid saying "it felt like the three-hour version of the ad with the indian shedding a tear."  I think people can't stand movies where the conflict is not spelled out or nothing's at stake.  it's a strange thing, and it's very conditioned.  they can appreciate a pretty picture when there is a conflict and a journey, but not pretty picture when everyone is alive.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


bethie your friends sound like complete idiots. the truth is the majority of ppl have idiotic opinions about movies. yes i'm saying majority without any extensive research to back me up, just my own theory derived from my own experience: if you want to find a reliable flaw in a person, it'll be their taste in movies. people who are cool in every other aspect of their personality suddenly become ASoundSo when discussing what movies they like. and there's not a goddamn thing u can do about it. haha, actually the problem seems to be that THEY think it can be fixed, like mod with new world, and this mike character, "say the word and i shall be healed". it's ridiculous.

and pete u told us already, but that's cool, the bit the kid said wasn't in the first telling.
under the paving stones.


I haven't recommended The Royal Tenenbaums to anyone but my roommate a few years ago borrowed my copy a lot.

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: Bethie on May 15, 2006, 03:35:52 AM
and I changed his sn a little so none of you waste your time messaging him.

You neither, Bethie... you neither.

The line I will laugh at during the day several times and probably just as I'm going to sleep tonight:

Quote from: Bethie on May 15, 2006, 03:35:52 AM
Talk about being Amped to see a film and then just being kicked in the face for it. 

What trailer did he see for this? :shock:  I don't recall anything in them that would make anyone think The New World was action-oriented.  Unless it's just that I know what to expect from Malick. 

Or is he just a big Colin Farrell fan:  "Man, he was so DOPE in Phone Booth!  What's this Indian shit?"

Quote from: Cinephile on May 15, 2006, 12:28:12 AM
this is interesting cause tenenbaums is probably the only thing ive ever recommended that people actually appreciated.

You have better friends than Bethie.


A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me to recommend a movie for him to watch with the girl he had just started dating.  I recommended, as any good friend would, Before Sunrise.  I asked him the next day how it went.  His response: "Why did you give me that movie?  I got so bored, just waiting for something to happen."  A little stunned, I regained my composure and asked what his girlfriend thought about it.  He said, "I don't know.  She liked it, I guess.  I turned it off after 45 minutes because it was boring me."

So I told him, "If she breaks up with you anytime soon, that's why."  Then I kicked him in the nuts.  Or should have, anyway.
My house, my rules, my coffee


dude: what are you reading?
me: v for vendetta.
dude: is it better than the movie?
me: i haven't seen the movie.
dude: it's not better than the movie. it can't be. wow there's a lotta chicks in the book, isn't there? does v get any pussy?

The part with the fridge.
me: he was talking about requiem for a dream.
girl: oh i've seen that, it's so funny.
me: really? you thought it was FUNNY?
girl: yeah the part with the fridge, hahaha. I thought that was funny.

Lost in Translation.
guy 1: so what's your favourite movie?
latina girl: wedding crashers.
guy 1: oh... wait, what? winnie crotchet?
latina girl: wedding crashers
guy 1: winning crotches..
[awkward pause]
guy 2 (me): um, wedding crashers.


Quote from: Hedwig on May 16, 2006, 12:52:37 AM
The part with the fridge.
me: he was talking about requiem for a dream.
girl: oh i've seen that, it's so funny.
me: really? you thought it was FUNNY?
girl: yeah the part with the fridge, hahaha. I thought that was funny.

Translation: she was stoned out of her gourd when she was watching it.
My house, my rules, my coffee

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: Hedwig on May 16, 2006, 12:52:37 AM
girl: yeah the part with the fridge, hahaha. I thought that was funny.

I owe my friend who laughed at the "Ass-to-ass!" part a big apology.

And Hedwig, you totally ruined that guy's date.  Or I guess you can look at it like you saved him from a girl whose favorite movie is Wedding Crashers.   :bravo:


I guess this could go here:

Dukes of Hazzard 2 Casting News

Former "Laguna Beach" star (?) Kristin Cavallari is apparently set to take over from Jessica Simpson – and consequently, those shorts – in the next "Dukes of Hazzard" movie.

The film, a prequel to the events of the recent film, will be released straight-to-video – hence the 'we don't give a hoot, who we cast in this thing' attitude. Producer Bill Gerber says the spunky blonde is the frontrunner for the role of Bo and Luke's feisty skimpy-shorts wearing cousin. "She's at the top of the list. I like her innocence and her beauty", he told Contact Music. "It's a prequel, like Batman. We're going for a whole new cast."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks