Spider-Man 2

Started by MacGuffin, July 21, 2003, 10:19:46 AM

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grand theft sparrow

Quote from: El Duderinooverall, it was good. bruce campbell's cameo made the movie for me.

As good as Bruce's cameo was, it was so trumped by what can almost be considered a cameo by Donnell "Ashy Larry" Rawlings from Chappelle's Show.

The movie was phenomenal, such an improvement over the original (which was no slouch).  That one scene in the hospital when Raimi goes ol skool was the best.  And that freeze frame was comedic perfection.


even with its problems, i'm pretty sure i still think the first one is better, although i really want to see this one again before i am sure.  i will say that SPOILERS MAJOR everyone in the fucking film finding out spider-mans identity was the king of all lame.  doc oc, mary jane, harry osbourne, a whole trainful of people, SHIT!  is there anyone who DOESNT know who he is at this point?!?  as i feared months ago from the trailer, they would fall into that trap thinking the only way to create any drama is to have people find out who he is. (wrong).  END SPOILERS  also, the main conflict of the film seemed to be peter and mary jane, not doc oc.  there was a section towards the middle of the film when you kind of forget he's in it, so he's hardly the driving force in the movie like you might think, which is weird, but okay.  also SPOILERS now that they're together, they have now forfeited hte whole driving force behind the last two films, which is the romantic tension of WANTING but being unable to be together.  its like kevin and winnie, ross and rachel, etc. etc.  you WANT to see them together, but when they get together the writers have nothing else to do but break them up or put her in danger (again). END SPOILERS
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

El Duderino

Source: BoxOfficeMojo

"Spider-Man 2" breaks the All Time Single Day Opening record for a Wednesday opening with an estimated $38.6 million take, beating The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King first Wednesday take of $34.4 million and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace's $28.5 million. The sequel is looking towards breaking the All Time Weekend record as it just fell slightly short of its predecessor "Spider-Man" first day take of $39.4 million for a Friday opening.
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Quote from: Jeremy Blackmangood
whip pans
the emergency room scene
cryptic Sam Raimi tones

the dialogue
the story
complete exhaustion of the newspaper guy's precious novelty
absence of a dislikable villain
(SPOILER) everybody discovering Spiderman's identity
Kirsten Dunst (again)
the end... my god, the end

Ouch. Why did I read on after the (SPOILER)?


Quote from: meatballOuch. Why did I read on after the (SPOILER)?
yeah, same. let it be known that henceforth, all spoilers ought to be whited or at least reded.

A Matter Of Chance

I actually really liked it. The operating room scene, the operating room scene. I think the ending was pretty low, Harry finding his father's stash and all that. I think though I once heard someone say that Spiderman was the story of jesus, and the SPOILER part where he saves the train END SPOILER remainded me alot about that.

El Duderino

i saw it again with my little sis, and i have to say, it was better the second time around. and the operating room scene was unbelievably Raimi. Elfman's score was good too. the acting was so-so, alfred molina was good, but soooo out of place with the other actors involved. i kept picturing him in boogie nights miming the drumming for "sister christian" and i kept laughing throughout the movie because of it. and does anyone else think that Uncle Ben (why that name out of all the names in the world, oh stan lee) looks like Johnny Cash? maybe i'm alone.

EDIT: also SPOILER franco's reaction when he takes off spidey's mask. it was terrible
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?

A Matter Of Chance

Oh yeah, and Alfred Molina was great.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: A Matter Of ChanceThe operating room scene, the operating room scene.
Yes. And if only the whole movie was like that, Spiderman 2 might have been as great as HULK.

A Matter Of Chance

Quote from: Jeremy Blackman
Quote from: A Matter Of ChanceThe operating room scene, the operating room scene.
Yes. And if only the whole movie was like that, Spiderman 2 might have been as great as HULK.

Agreed. I thought the movie was good though, very Rami.


Quote from: themodernage02even with its problems, i'm pretty sure i still think the first one is better, although i really want to see this one again before i am sure.  i will say that SPOILERS MAJOR everyone in the fucking film finding out spider-mans identity was the king of all lame.  doc oc, mary jane, harry osbourne, a whole trainful of people, SHIT!  is there anyone who DOESNT know who he is at this point?!?  as i feared months ago from the trailer, they would fall into that trap thinking the only way to create any drama is to have people find out who he is. (wrong).  END SPOILERS  also, the main conflict of the film seemed to be peter and mary jane, not doc oc.  there was a section towards the middle of the film when you kind of forget he's in it, so he's hardly the driving force in the movie like you might think, which is weird, but okay.  also SPOILERS now that they're together, they have now forfeited hte whole driving force behind the last two films, which is the romantic tension of WANTING but being unable to be together.  its like kevin and winnie, ross and rachel, etc. etc.  you WANT to see them together, but when they get together the writers have nothing else to do but break them up or put her in danger (again). END SPOILERS

I don't see how SPOILER all the people on the train finding out who he is is so problematic for a lot of you. No one knew who Peter Parker was -- all any of them could have said  to the press was "it's just some kid." That he didn't have the mask on during that scene made it so much more powerful and emotional, simply because you could see his face. And when everyone carried him back onto the train and are surprised at how young he is...that was a great moment. When they all face off against Doc Ock when he pops up again, it's very of reminiscent of that cheesy "you mess with him, you mess with us" bit in the first Spider-Man, bur Raimi flips it by having Doc Ock plow through them all without a thought.

As for MJ and Harry learning his identity as well -- Harry's creates GOOD drama, I think, whereas Mary Jane's discovery may take something away from the future films but it sure gave this one an amazing ending. When she first realizes who he was, while he's holding up that wall, that was such a triumphant scene...I had tears in my eyes. I guess I'm a sucker.  


Saw it.

Loved the cheesy camp comic book dialogue.

Great action scenes.

.. a little weak on some of the merits of Spiderman himself.

(Would he really just walk away from a guy being mugged in an alley?)

Overall though, 7/10.


Superheroic Box Office For Spider-Man 2
Source: Los Angeles Times

"Spider-Man 2" is casting an even bigger box office net than its blockbuster predecessor and is on pace to cross the $200-million mark faster than any other movie.

The Peter Parker sequel grossed $40.5 million in its first full day of release in U.S. theaters Wednesday, Sony Pictures Entertainment said Thursday. Sony's original "Spider-Man," released in 2002, had ticket sales of $39.4 million in its first day at the multiplex and ultimately grossed $403.7 million, making it the fifth highest-grossing film of all time (although "Shrek 2" will pass it this weekend).

"People really, really like the movie," said Amy Pascal, chairwoman of Sony's motion picture group. "We didn't overhype it but made people want to see it."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Just saw it and surprisingly liked it.  Fav scene was the elevator.  Very funny.  "It itches.  And it rides up a bit in the croch." (paraphrased).  

Wasnt familiar with what a Raimi scene was but the hospital scene really stood out.  I was wondering how far he would take it and then realized it was a comic book movie and they probably wouldnt show blood spurting all over the place.   This isnt the Texas Chainsaw Massacre after all.  (I agree with the bad line about bleeding, BTW).

Stupid but i sort of laughed at the roll of 20's and I found the rubber band joke.  Everyone was a beautiful person.  Loved the tie choices and love the striped shirt with the pinstripe suit worn by Harry.  Good wardrobe person.

Superior to the first.  Good character development.
Ten should be enough.  You think 10 should be enough?  You think we need one more?  You think we need one more.  Alright,  we'll get one more.

El Duderino

Quote from: london
Wasnt familiar with what a Raimi scene was but the hospital scene really stood out.  I was wondering how far he would take it and then realized it was a comic book movie and they probably wouldnt show blood spurting all over the place.   This isnt the Texas Chainsaw Massacre after all.  (I agree with the bad line about bleeding, BTW).

go rent Evil Dead.
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?