Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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Something Spanish

If memory serves (a true rarity), recall IV trailer coming out the week of its NYFF premiere, around late Sept, and Phantom's trailer dropped sometime in October (recall watching it in a theater parking lot after watching that Miles Teller firefighter movie), and anyway, with time being such a slippery weasel nowadays, what's another 4-5 weeks anyway. I know it's due to the state of affairs in the world (in addition to personal shyte), but this is the least excited I've been for a new PTA. Usually go nuts in the months leading up to new film, refreshing online sites constantly for new info, it feels very weird not to be in that wheelhouse this time. Maybe because I'm still too shook to go to a theater. On that note, excited to see trailer/footage in the upcoming weeks


Quote from: Something Spanish on August 25, 2021, 05:05:53 AM
If memory serves (a true rarity), recall IV trailer coming out the week of its NYFF premiere, around late Sept, and Phantom's trailer dropped sometime in October (recall watching it in a theater parking lot after watching that Miles Teller firefighter movie), and anyway, with time being such a slippery weasel nowadays, what's another 4-5 weeks anyway. I know it's due to the state of affairs in the world (in addition to personal shyte), but this is the least excited I've been for a new PTA. Usually go nuts in the months leading up to new film, refreshing online sites constantly for new info, it feels very weird not to be in that wheelhouse this time. Maybe because I'm still too shook to go to a theater. On that note, excited to see trailer/footage in the upcoming weeks

Same. I expected some kind of official info for the convention. But I'm not anxious for a trailer or anything—it will all drop soon enough. It's been a year already since they started shooting the damn thing...


Quote from: Drenk on August 25, 2021, 04:02:20 AM
He was being bitchy. :yabbse-grin:

They're not at war with each other, but the studio is clearly losing patience.

I don't blame them tbh, we're talking about a 40m auteur movie with no significant buzz (and no planned festival route) that is scheduled for wide release during the same period along Spider-Man, Don't Look Up, the new Matrix, the King's Man and Sing 2 to name a few.

Its best card is to be really loved (85+ MC & 90+ RT) and supported by the critics, will it though?

Something Spanish

Who knows, wouldn't be too surprised if it's pushed to be released next year instead


If, as De Luca says they "are still waiting on a title" then I'm guessing it won't be called Soggy Bottom!

Something Spanish

Has anyone yet considered Paul reworked the entire film to be a Soggy Bottom Boys biopic, hence the title


What if it's just not that good? Sorry, but I've been more and more skeptical. It didn't exactly get off to a good start when we first learned about it via DiCaprio turning it down. And I'm not sure I buy the reasons about this leaving Focus Features and going to MGM. Especially since apparently De Luca is just letting him do whatever he wants. Which for me isn't a good thing since I think his films are better when there's another strong hand involved. Namely Tichenor, who seems to be the person most of all who can tell him "no". TBH, hearing some of the behind the scenes stories from Phantom Thread about how Tichenor shaped the story, if it weren't for him the film probably would've really sucked. Since he seems busy with "Eternals", him apparently not editing this also gives me pause.


Quote from: wrongright on August 25, 2021, 11:21:07 AM
What if it's just not that good?

What're you, LastSnowKing's alt? You've been sounding alarms this whole time based off of nothing.

PTA being private with how he unveils his movies has always been exciting imo, but saying Phantom Thread would've sucked without Tichenor is insulting to PTA.

Tichenor has always been the one to push for more classical narrative beats and more suspense, but PTA's films have always been special for their ability to dispense with the usual formula for a drama.

Punch-Drunk Love and The Master are two of his most experimental films, and are among the most unique in his filmography. Neither of those had Tichenor editing them.

Maybe you're just not that into him as a filmmaker?


Quote from: jzakko on August 25, 2021, 11:30:52 AM
Quote from: wrongright on August 25, 2021, 11:21:07 AM
What if it's just not that good?

What're you, LastSnowKing's alt? You've been sounding alarms this whole time based off of nothing.

PTA being private with how he unveils his movies has always been exciting imo, but saying Phantom Thread would've sucked without Tichenor is insulting to PTA.

Maybe you're just not that into him as a filmmaker?

WTF is LastSnowKing? Listening to that one talk with Tichenor, what he revealed made me think that no, the film really wouldn't have worked without his strong input. I don't see how that's insulting to PTA. It's praise for Tichenor. Editors are already completely undervalued as is. It just doesn't seem like a coincidence to me that his Tichenor films are his most popular/successful. Are you only allowed to be a fan if you slavishly agree and love everything someone says/does? I want the film to be a success of course but I can have my doubts/concerns.

This filmed a year ago. No festivals, no buzz with the release date closer than it appears is concerning to me. The PT situation doesn't compare because that was a very quick turnaround from wrap to release. Even Inherent Vice, his least successful film since Hard Eight, had its first stills released by now.


(For context, LastSnowKing is a troll over in r/PaulThomasAnderson.  The less attention given to him the better.)

I agree that editors are seriously undervalued.


I know it's tempting fate a bit, but I think it's highly unlikely that PTA would produce a bad film. Flawed, certainly – how many movies aren't? – but his methods of working and unwillingness to compromise mean that any feature he makes is almost certain to be interesting, at the very least. (I can't extend the same enthusiasm to all of his music videos though...)

But then, The Master and Inherent Vice are probably my favourite PTA films. I like the meandering ones.


I'm of two minds regarding the leads.  Coop & Alana haven't acted before on the one hand, but on the other they're in a PTA film--someone who often gets career-best performances out of people.  (But, yeah, talented actors.)   On the other, other hand...the material in this case could be tailor made to these 'actors'. (Are you considered an actor the first time you're paid to act?)


Quote from: RudyBlatnoyd on August 25, 2021, 11:56:22 AM
I know it's tempting fate a bit, but I think it's highly unlikely that PTA would produce a bad film. Flawed, certainly – how many movies aren't? – but his methods of working and unwillingness to compromise mean that any feature he makes is almost certain to be interesting, at the very least. (I can't extend the same enthusiasm to all of his music videos though...)

But then, The Master and Inherent Vice are probably my favourite PTA films. I like the meandering ones.

Ha, I was going to make another observation about that but decided not to. But since I've already been accused of being a hater, might as well. Looking at the crew for this, it appears as if he wanted to make a feature film with all his music video crew instead of his regulars. And since I'm of the same mind as you regarding the videos, that's another point of concern for me. But, quite a few of them of worked on his previous films, most prominently PT, so that shouldn't be an issue hopefully.


Fuck it. I dont want a trailer. Just give us a needle drop with some actors names in a nice font. That I'll watch over and over.

I love the playful ribbing of them using Live and Let Die in their showreel too... God i hope that song is actually in the movie.
Paul X Paul is the sign I need.
New Name, Same Typos.


Comparing the features with the music vids kinda seems like apples and golf balls.