Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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Yeah, not a huge Cooper fan, but he sounds right for this role.


At first i was all "WTF please God no", but now I'm thinking more of it I say if he can take a great performance out of him then why not (considering he's given the politician role).
The filming of Nightmare Alley isn't done yet and was expecting to resume shooting sometime in fall, so what does that may mean?


Two things:

One I'm genuinely excited about this. I thought his performance in A Star Is Born was genuinely great and kind of underrated. I can't wait.

Second so this basically confirms that that this is starting in 2021 right. Nightmare Alley still needs to finsih.


Via Collider: "Sources say that Harrison Ford, Michael Douglas and George Clooney had all been considered early on in the casting process, back when the project was set up at Focus, and before the pandemic pushed back production."

Would have loved to see PTA get a great performance out of Harrison Ford! I can dig the Cooper casting though.


Yeah I find Cooper a very boring actor but PTA managed to make Wahlberg look interesting so I'm sure it'll work out. Collider says he's playing the aging director though - surely that can't be right and he's playing the politician? If so maybe Douglas, Ford or Clooney are still under consideration for the director.


Quote from: Alma on August 03, 2020, 02:03:32 PM
Yeah I find Cooper a very boring actor but PTA managed to make Wahlberg look interesting so I'm sure it'll work out. Collider says he's playing the aging director though - surely that can't be right and he's playing the politician? If so maybe Douglas, Ford or Clooney are still under consideration for the director.

Yeah I think you are right. It doesn't make sense that he was looking at DiCaprio and then would go to Harrison Ford/Michael Douglas instead.

Collider were speculating on what the role might be anyway, they didn't even mention the alledged "closeted politician role".

Would love Harrison Ford to be in it. Michael Douglas is great too.


If Harrison Ford winds up in this I will die from glee.


Quote from: eward on August 03, 2020, 02:23:03 PM
If Harrison Ford winds up in this I will die from glee.



I want Ford in this. I'm not a big fan of Douglas and I really only like Clooney when he's playing a goof.  Ford is also the only one who seems to fit the idea of a John Huston type if thats really what they are going for.


As everyone else said if there really is a closeted politician and an older director I really don't see how he playing the older director.


I remember PTA talking about Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World during the Phantom Thread press tour. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a fan of Peter Weir's filmography, which seems as carefully made and varied as PTA's. I mention this because I could see PTA being a fan of Harrison Ford's collaborations with Weir, although I've admittedly only seen Witness at this point.

EDIT: I originally wrote something different about Bradley Cooper but I deleted it. I was initially unenthused about the casting choice. I  still sort of am...but I really haven't seen that many Cooper performances so I can't properly judge anything about that casting at this point. I'll keep an open mind and rent Silver Linings Playbook and/or finally watch A Star is Born.


Quote from: Lewton on August 03, 2020, 03:03:52 PM
I remember PTA talking about Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World during the Phantom Thread press tour. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a fan of Peter Weir's filmography, which seems as carefully made and varied as PTA's. I mention this because I could see PTA being a fan of Harrison Ford's collaborations with Weir, although I've admittedly only seen Witness

Oh you must watch The Mosquito Coast. It's a real one of a kind performance from Harrison Ford, great movie too.


Yeah. Not sure about that casting choice. His daughters are fan of A Star is Born, I guess. I'm definitely seeing it as a challenge: I don't consider Cooper as a bad actor, but everything is bland about him, which might be what they were looking for, who knows?


I'm rooting for Harrison Ford, too, this NEEDS to happen.


Quote from: Drenk on August 03, 2020, 03:08:15 PM
Yeah. Not sure about that casting choice. His daughters are fan of A Star is Born, I guess. I'm definitely seeing it as a challenge: I don't consider Cooper as a bad actor, but everything is bland about him, which might be what they were looking for, who knows?

I couldn't believe it when they said Cooper had as many Oscar noms as PTA, but I just checked and yeeeep. He was nominated for JOKER last year. Hahahaha