Licorice Pizza - Speculation & General Reactions

Started by Fuzzy Dunlop, August 30, 2017, 12:58:10 PM

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Quote from: jzakko on August 31, 2020, 07:12:06 AM
Haven't seen this vid in this thread:

from r/paulthomasanderson

If videos like this keep being leaked, then we may won't have to wait a year to see the actual movie.
That said, this scene has strong IV vibes.


Quote from: pynchonikon on August 31, 2020, 07:28:28 AM
That said, this scene has strong IV vibes.

I see this phrase used a lot (not just here).  As the one that responds to IV's charms the least among us, can you elaborate on what this generally means when used in a context like this?


Curious how we feel about spoilers this time around (or in general).  Are any of us completely avoiding any posts with spoiler tags? 

I've decided that on this one--especially given its time and setting (and the possibility of visiting some of the sets in person) that I'm all-in when it comes to spoilers.  I think I'd probably even read a copy of the damn script if one came my way.

I've always wished I'd somehow crewed on Boogie Nights 24 years ago (it's in large part what my oral history project is about).  This may be one of the only opportunities to see PTA at work in the wild, we (or certainly me) will have.  It may very well change the way I view the film a year-plus from now, but I'm curious to have that experience too.

I'd assume we're all too hard core to avoid whatever comes at us the next 3 months (or until release, I guess)? Anyone dead set against spoilers probably ain't hangin' around in here.

Is there any project or filmmaker you'd personally avoid all spoilers about no matter what?


Quote from: wilberfan on August 31, 2020, 09:52:23 AM
Quote from: pynchonikon on August 31, 2020, 07:28:28 AM
That said, this scene has strong IV vibes.

I see this phrase used a lot (not just here).  As the one that responds to IV's charms the least among us, can you elaborate on what this generally means when used in a context like this?

In this particular instance I mean it in the sense of an offbeat, almost surreallistic sense of humour, and a quick change stylistically in a weirdly comic way that makes you wonder whether what you see on screen is actually happening or not. At least that's how I interpreted it.


Spoilers are always okay with me. Knowing more helps preparing myself for the first time viewing.


Personally I would prefer to get spoiled in the matter of infos such as crew members, actors etc that the producers don't want to reveal yet for their own reasons, rather than possibly crucial scenes that may find their way into the final film (there is always the possibility of being left in the editing room, but I wouldn't leave it to chance). I would also avoid too much plot details, not necessarily the general concept/setting.


I'd normally be a bit hesitant before viewing stuff that seems very obviously spoilery, but honestly given the pandemic and that there's not much going on at the moment, I'm consuming everything I can about this film. It's nice to have something film-related to get excited about for the first time in a while with everything being shut down.

The only thing in the past few years that I tried to avoid any and all spoilers about, to the point of not even reading reviews or articles about it, was Blade Runner 2049. I think that was a pretty good decision as it was a novel experience to go into a film with no idea at all about the plot, but I think I would have loved it either way.


I'm fine with spoilers, but mainly because I can't resist.

I had read The Master's leaked script multiple times prior to the film's release and I definitely can't say that spoiled the experience for me, if anything it enhanced it because the film was somehow still a mindfuck despite the fact that I knew many of the scenes verbatim and its general structure quite well.

But I'm more interested in technical/workflow spoilers.  I'd rather know the aspect ratio they're framing for rather than anything else.  I'd like to know how PTA and his camera team are running things.  In one of the vids, where Bradley ends the take pointing a gas nozzle and lighter at someone, we see them call cut, Mike Bauman gets Bradley to go back to his mark and hold up the props, and Bauman appears to take a still with a dslr that he then reviews with Paul.  What's going on there?  Is that for exposure, to preview something about the lighting?  I must know.


I don't care about spoilers. Reviews are what I should avoid because they bring context and expectations to what otherwise is just plain plot.


I'd personally appreciate plot/story based things being kept behind spoiler tags.

Cast, Crew, post production info I'm interested in for sure.

Jeremy Blackman

I think mild spoilers are okay, but we should probably have one mostly spoiler-free thread for this movie, and I guess this would be that.


Quote from: pynchonikon on August 31, 2020, 10:13:28 AM
Quote from: wilberfan on August 31, 2020, 09:52:23 AM
Quote from: pynchonikon on August 31, 2020, 07:28:28 AM
That said, this scene has strong IV vibes.

I see this phrase used a lot (not just here).  As the one that responds to IV's charms the least among us, can you elaborate on what this generally means when used in a context like this?

In this particular instance I mean it in the sense of an offbeat, almost surreallistic sense of humour, and a quick change stylistically in a weirdly comic way that makes you wonder whether what you see on screen is actually happening or not. At least that's how I interpreted it.

He seems like he's channelling Joaquin levels of madness.

By the way where is the camera in that video because I can see what looks like film mag low on the footpath?


She was in the video? i gotta watch again, couldn't see her


Quote from: ThereWillBeOreos on August 31, 2020, 11:23:26 AM
She was in the video? i gotta watch again, couldn't see her

If you're referencing my comment, I deleted it because I see Alana's under a ladder and other equipment and maybe it makes sense in-camera and all that stuff is framed out but I'm less confident the shot is of her.

But yeah, she's seated on the stoop as Bradley is passing her by and the camera could be pointed at her since it's low on the ground but I just can't tell for sure.