I Just Bought...

Started by ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ, October 25, 2003, 05:14:10 PM

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i got LIT but not AS, as i was underwhelmed by it.  i had no idea so many people here were in love with that film.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: themodernage02i got LIT but not AS, as i was underwhelmed by it.  i had no idea so many people here were in love with that film.

exact same post, but flip around the titles
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


Maybe you should rewatch LiT though, I don't know, maybe you weren't in the mood.


I know. I probably will. I like both those actors too much to not revisit it.

It's just those problems I have, the scenes that stick out as ruining the movie for me: the sleeping with the lounge singer scene, and every scene with the over-the-top dumb blonde. Numero uno was just too cliche and cheap, and the latter was blatantly a revenge thing.

But I will rewatch, to be sure...

But Mod (and all other AS haters) you folks should give it another try, too.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.


I truly and thoroughly enjoyed both. It's not too often you have a year with two completely distinct, individually standout comedies (well, using that description loosely). And I think they're each incredibly charming in their own ways.

I guess I saw the dumb-blonde in LIT less as a pure revenge thing as just poking fun of what passes for personality in the movie biz... Ribisi in a way, too. I know Copolla has survived the hipster and showbiz scenes, so she probably has some inside background and has met these people as we see them. She insists neither of those characters were necessarily personal, but for me, whether they are or aren't, they do work in the movie.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.



Fantastic choice, Cinephile. One of my favorites.
context, context, context.

Chest Rockwell

Paper Moon actually came on the TeeVee just the other day.

You Never Got Me Down Ray

Just copped these Criterions:

Diary of a Chambermaid
grand illusion
rules of the game (dope ass box)
il posto
naked kiss
coup de torchon
for a total of $140

Swimming Pool
Lost in Translation
Love Liza
American Splendor
Capturing the Friedmans
Rabbit-Proof Fence

The latter 5 are "back-ups." Out of these 13, the only one I've seen is Love Liza. I'm not sure about LIT, it doesn't look like it's as much of a masterpiece to me as most of you and the critics make it out to be. I might just make a back up of that one too and get something else. But i do love scarlett, so...yeah I'll just keep it I guess.

I gotta stop buying dvds and invest in the dvx100 :?

My collection= http://www.dvdaficionado.com/dvds.html?cat=1&id=davidbrown
My life has taken another turn again. The days move along with regularity, over and over. One day indistinguishable from the next. A long, continuous chain. Then suddenly, there is change.


my dream is to one day be rich enuff to blind buy 12 dvds.
under the paving stones.


my dream is not having to worry about buying dvd's and get them for free.. you know, like when you work for a magazine or somtn'... :roll:
context, context, context.

You Never Got Me Down Ray

EDIT: Rabbit Proof Fence wouldn't burn. Only 13 total.

My dream is to one day be rich enough to blind buy 12 dvds, and be able to eat for the week, too.

BTW it was only 8 blind BUYS. The other 4 were blind "rentals." It was my birthday so I thought I'd treat myself...at least that's my excuse.
My life has taken another turn again. The days move along with regularity, over and over. One day indistinguishable from the next. A long, continuous chain. Then suddenly, there is change.


blind buying has gotta be the movie geek equal to compulsive gambling

I'll never forget that rush I got when I blind-bought Rififi based on the cover. Salesman was, I think, my all-time best blind buy of days past.

In The Mood For Love is chalking up to being the best one of recent history.

i gotta do one CC minimum a month blind, to support my habit...
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.

You Never Got Me Down Ray

Quote from: SoNowThenblind buying has gotta be the movie geek equal to compulsive gambling

Yep, that's for sure. Especially with me since I take forever to get around to watching them.

I bought Salesman close to a year ago and I don't even think it's been out of its case. Same with about half of my Criterions. If you look at my dvd collection (above a couple posts) I'd say over half are blind buys. I was never a huge movie nerd until I got a dvdplayer 2 or 3 years back, and the rest is history...
My life has taken another turn again. The days move along with regularity, over and over. One day indistinguishable from the next. A long, continuous chain. Then suddenly, there is change.


Quote from: You Never Got Me Down RayEspecially with me since I take forever to get around to watching them.

i can relate to that... i haven't seen a lot of my movies, they're just there . and xixax consumes a lot of time.
context, context, context.