Superman Returns

Started by MacGuffin, January 16, 2003, 10:28:43 AM

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I like to hug dogs


I thought they had chosen Brendan Fraser for this a while ago... Hmmm...


I know you can't see me, but I'm crying right now

Henry Hill


im guessing these are all just rumors because they sound  a bit over the top


courtesy: Wired News

Will the Real Superman Please Stand Up?, Reeve in Talks

In a crowded press conference, Christopher Reeve announced he was in talks for the role of Superman in the new movie to be distributed by AOL Time Warner.  Reeve had much dissent for the rumors of casting the lead role to MTV's "Punk'd" and "That Seventies Show" star Ashton Kutcher.  

"I won't allow the heritage of the character of Superman to be dishonered by the likes of Kelso," Reeve announced.  "He's the kryptonite to this project.  Maybe they should cast him as Lex Luthor," Reeve stated as the audience giggled.

Kutcher angrily responded to Reeve's comments on the set of his hit MTV show, "Punk'd."  "Christopher is like, what, 70 or 80 years old?  I mean, I can lift almost a hundred pounds.  That guy can't even get out of a wheelchair,"  Kutcher laughed.  

"WB approached me because, y'know, they want to bring in a young audience.  I'm still in talks.  I'm still in the running,"  said Kutcher.

WB spokesman, Greg Nieber confirmed rumors of Reeve's casting considerations.  "We've come a long way with technology, and CGI has been a huge success in Hollywood.  We want to use this same success to let Chris reprise his role," Nieber stated.

"Ashton is a good choice because of demographics.  But at the end of the day, people are going to want to see Chris up there on the screen.  Let's face it: Chris will bring in the money and the sympathy vote," Nieber smirked.

"It's great to be back in the saddle," Reeve laughed.  "No pun intended."


Quote from: wired
Will the Real Superman Please Stand Up?, Reeve in Talks

That's just mean


This is exactly what my friends and I have been wishing... no one can be Superman, but Reeves... he's fucking Superman.  Technology is there, let's do it.


Quote from: PawbloeKutcher angrily responded to Reeve's comments on the set of his hit MTV show, "Punk'd." "Christopher is like, what, 70 or 80 years old? I mean, I can lift almost a hundred pounds. That guy can't even get out of a wheelchair," Kutcher laughed.

Quote from: RegularKarateThat's just mean


Ha ha!  I wish I could work for "The Onion."

Okay, I swear I won't make up any more news.  Cross my heart.  

Unless it's really funny.


LATEST RUMOR: BRUCE WILLIS AS LEX LUTHOR IN THE NEW SUPERMAN MOVIE? has an update about the upcoming "Superman" movie. Apparently their sources are claiming that BRUCE WILLIS have been approached to star in the film. even takes the logical step and predicts that the “bald” action star of Die Hard was likely offered the role of Superman’s main “bald” villain LEX LUTHOR.

SHH! reports that Johnny Depp may actually be up for Jor-El and not Lex Luthor after all. Meanwhile, Daily Star has picked up on rumours. They have Beyonce down as Lois (debunked by us), Depp as Luthor (read on for more Depp info) and Henry Cavill for Superman (he's THE contender at the moment).

A source expanded on these recent Superman rumours and dropped another name into the mix - Bruce Willis. They didn't know who Willis is up for but surely it can't be anyone else but Lex Luthor? With Willis' box office clout we could have a similiar situation as in 1978 with Richard Donner casting the then unknown Christopher Reeve.

"They'll give McG his choice for Superman but Warners will demand a couple of marquee names in prominent roles. They'll want a Brando and Hackman." When asked about Depp the source thought the rumour might have a kernel of truth, "The real surprise would be if Depp's name hasn't been brought up!"

What makes Willis sound that little more legit is his connections to the key players on the Superman project. He had a cameo in McG's Full Throttle, starred in the Jon Peters produced Bonfire of the Vanities and the JJ Abrams scripted Armageddon.

As we always do, we got in touch with Willis' reps at CAA. S-V asked has he read the script? Has he been approached? Is he in negotiations? Remember, this was from the same agency who totally debunked Beyonce as Lois.
"Nothing to report on this at this time."

A pretty open ended response, though not a flat out denial, as is the usual response from agencies when making these enquiries.

At this stage it's too early for anything to be signed and sealed. McG and WB are probably drawing up wish lists and nothing more.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Willis would rock as Luthor.

However, with McG still at the helm there is no hope for this movie. They need to go after big name actors that haven't seen Charlie's Angels.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


oh, i get it he's bald.  boy, they're really searching the ends of the earth to find the right casting.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Yes, he's bald. Completely overlook that the man is a great actor who can pull off menacing and intelligent easily and focus on his head.
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.


Quote from: RaikusYes, he's bald. Completely overlook that the man is a great actor who can pull off menacing and intelligent easily and focus on his head.


Beyoncé Knowles Confirms Superman Talks
Source: Superhero Hype!

You heard it first at Superhero Hype!, and now singer/actress Beyoncé Knowles herself has confirmed that she is up for the role of Lois Lane in Warner Bros.' new Superman adaptation, to which McG is attached to direct.

She tells Extra, "I hope so. Everyone pray that happens for me." We'll have to wait and see what the studio decides to do with the casting.

Superhero Hype! had also learned from the same source that Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp was being eyed for the role of Lex Luthor in the film. There's been no further confirmation of that at this point.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks