Superman Returns

Started by MacGuffin, January 16, 2003, 10:28:43 AM

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'X-Men' Director to Take on Superman Franchise

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "X-Men" director Bryan Singer has signed on to shoot the next Superman movie, replacing "Charlie's Angels" veteran McG, who dropped out a week ago over such issues as budget and location.

By signing on, Singer puts his next two high-profile projects in a gray zone. He was scheduled to direct "Logan's Run," and then return for a third shot at the comic-book franchise that propelled his career into the realm of big-budget tentpoles: Fox has already scheduled "X-Men 3" for a May 5, 2006 release.

There is no scheduled start date for Superman which, like "Logan's Run," is in development at Warner Bros. Superman's script is probably the most time-consuming element that will determine any production start. The previous script was written by "Alias" creator J.J. Abrams. Singer has a reputation for being very involved in the writing of his movies, as well as working with his own stable of writers.

Singer has long nursed a dream to direct a Superman movie.

"My interest in Superman dates back many, many years," he said. "In fact, it was the Richard Donner classic film that was my day-to-day inspiration in shaping the 'X-Men' universe for the screen. I feel that Superman has been late in his return and it is time for him to fly again."

Singer's other credits include "Apt Pupil" and "The Usual Suspects."

Besides McG, directors Tim Burton and Brett Ratner have also been involved with the resurrection of Warners' once-profitable franchise. The primary reason given for the exit of McG, ne Joseph McGinty Nichol, was the inability to agree on a budget, which reportedly hovers around $200 million, similar to what "Spider-Man 2" cost. Casting also was an issue, as was the shooting location. McG favored a New York shoot, while the studio favored Australia.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter


There are reports Tom Welling has just signed on for some movie, on which he can't disclose any details, likely, it is Superman. Can't say I'm too thrilled about this, or the signing of Singer. Singer is an improvement over McG and Ratner, though.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

El Duderino

Welling is on Superman overload
Did I just get cock-blocked by Bob Saget?


Superman Bosses Advertize for Unknown

Superman Returns producers have turned to the internet in a desperate bid to find a lead for the troubled production. Movie bosses behind the superhero sequel began their search for an actor to replace original star Christopher Reeve a year ago - and are now contemplating casting an unknown for the fifth Man Of Steel film. Top Hollywood names, including Jude Law and Keanu Reeves, have already rejected the role for fear of being typecast. Film-makers have now posted an advert on recruitment website Craigslist.Org in another drive to get cameras rolling on the much-delayed movie. The ad reads, "Late 20s, at least 6 foot, chiseled good looks, athletic, strong character, all-American, confident, yet awkward."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Caviezel Poised To Sign Superman Deal

The Passion Of The Christ star Jim Caviezel may be ready to sign a deal to star as Superman in the long-awaited new film Superman Returns. The hunky actor - who movingly portrayed Jesus in Mel Gibson's controversial epic - is said to be very close to an agreement with studio Warner Bros. despite his agent's recent insistence the part had not yet been offered to him. Big name stars such as Jude Law, Josh Hartnett and Brendan Fraser have already been offered, and turned down, the role. However, according to respected comic book author Mark Miller, Caviezel's participation is all but guaranteed. He writes, "You remember I told you to relax about Superman? That a very, very trusted and experienced director we'd all love was coming over? That everything would be fine? Well, my same good buddy has informed me that Jim Caviezel is officially the new man of steel and what a perfect choice he is. Expect an announcement shortly."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I think Caviezel's a great choice, I just hope they don't turn this into another brooding superhero. Keep it light, along the lines of Donner's film because darkness and despair is Batman's territory, not Superman's.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


I always thought superman should be more american and young though, like the littleville one.  he was a good superman.  you don't need to be a good actor or anything, just need to look wholesome and a little troubled.  jim cavezel looks way too troubled and old.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


***sung to the tune of John William's Superman Theme***

He flies through the sky, SUPERMAN
He's such a great guy, SUPERMAN
Across his big chest HE'S
Got a big 'S', HE'S
Such a great guy, Superman

His folks aren't his real DAD OR MOM
He comes from a planet CALLED KRYPTON
He picks up BUSSES
and never CUSSES
What a great guy, Superman


Caviezel, huh?

So now Superman will have permanent 5 o'clock shadow?
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: MacGuffinCaviezel Poised To Sign Superman Deal

Perfect choice for me. Caviezel has the face for the role. His face reminds me of Henry Fonda's in that for certain roles, you see an actor who already has a look so expressive for warmth and emotion that he could get roles off that alone. Fonda was the only person who could have played Tom Joad and just off his role in The Thin Red Line, Caviezel feels like the only man right now for the job of Superman. Welling has a good look, but the younger it goes the more it feels like Superman Jr. (or something) and just doesn't live up to the granduer of Christopher Reeves who last had the role. At least try to equal it.


Superman should be about 35, Welling is way too young and boyish. Caviezel won't do it, and I hope they don't pull those lame jesus paralells out like the first movie did. I want a good Superman Story, not "Jesus: Space Age Adventures".
Run until you puke blood.
Practice until you piss blood.
- Ping Pong


Does anybody else think that Caviezel is too tanned for the part?  I think Superman should either be really pale, or straight up Black.

OOH, or Asian, cuz that would make an excellent Clark Kent.


Well, Dean Cane is half japanese. Closest you'll get..

Run until you puke blood.
Practice until you piss blood.
- Ping Pong


I heard Caviezel's off this. I'm not going to get too hyped or too down until there's more concrete news regarding this project, but I hope he does play the part. Any recent news?
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


Nice int. with Bryan Singer found at AICN, I only included Q's regarding flims (Superman, X-Men and others). Complete interview here.

Capone: Are you surprised that you got in front of an audience today and didn't get a single superhero question? It almost seemed like everyone here was here to watch a TV show.

B.S.: I think they were. It's certainly not like at the Comic Con.

Capone: Well, you won't be so lucky with me, my friend. Where do you stand right with casting SUPERMAN? Is it really going to be called SUPERMAN RETURNS?

B.S.: That's strictly a working title. But it is a return story. It puts the first films in a kind of vague history. So what it doesn't do is tread over the 1978 Richard Donner film, it doesn't tread over "Smallville." It elaborates on the existence of Superman in the world in a history. He's out of the culture and then he returns.

Capone: Will you be using footage from the other films?

B.S.: (Long pause) It's possible. There's an introduction sequence that may or may not involve something like that, but not in the way you might be thinking.

Capone: Is there any truth to the reports that you have a deadline to lock in the main cast or Warner Bros. will step in a do it for you?

B.S.: No, that's absurd. I read that too and think it's just bizarre about James Caviezel, who's a wonderful actor. But, no, I'm committed to casting an unknown.

Capone: So asking you what that unknown might be would be pointless, because we probably would not have heard of this person, right?

B.S.: Right.

Capone: Working on such high-profile projects that put you under the geek electron-microscope, is it a relief to be involved in the television project, where maybe the scrutiny is far less?

B.S.: Absolutely. Not that I mind that scrutiny because I am a geek. I am now, have always been, and forever shall be a geek, as James Cameron said once. This show allows me to shoot so much character dialogue and really takes me back to USUAL SUSPECTS days. That love doesn't always get satisfied on a feature, but this show satisfies that organ. When your life has become big-event superhero movies, and it will now be for several years, a respite like directing and defining a couple episodes of "House" is incredibly necessary. I don't like to take vacations, but this is a kind of vacation, a really pleasurable one. I'm really proud of the show.

Capone: Was it a tough decision to leave X-MEN at a point in the series where the plot for the next film, or at least part of the plot, was so clearly set up in X-2?

B.S.: I had a very strong vision for the next X-MEN picture. But SUPERMAN has always been a dream of mine. Things weren't moving as quickly was difficult, and I love those actors and I have a strong relationship with the X-Men universe. I'm still taking over the writing of Ultimate X-Men for a year, so I'm by no means out of that universe. But I've had an idea for a SUPERMAN movie for many years, so for me the fact that it was available and Warner Bros. was willing to take everything it had spent 11 years developing with three other directors and throw it completely out and let me start from scratch at an accelerated level of time...once they showed the willingness, the desire and excitement to do that after my pitch, it became an obvious choice for me, but a difficult one.

Capone: Are you still committed, after SUPERMAN, to LOGAN'S RUN?

B.S.: My desire to do that film is so much so that I'm already pre-vizing [pre-visualizing] LOGAN'S RUN simultaneously while we're making SUPERMAN, so that by the time I'm done making SUPERMAN, I'll have LOGAN'S RUN completely pre-vized. I've already got five major sequences pre-vized, including Carousel. It's extraordinary, things you've never seen before. I'm usually that excited about something this far out, but if I showed you the pre-viz, I think you'd get a big kick out of it.

Capone: The real question is do you have your costume designer lined up for LOGAN'S RUN?

B.S.: As hard as it is to make sure you have a good and solid Superman suit, I think her greatest challenge will be the LOGAN'S RUN costumes. I told her that the other day actually. We had some artists do some preliminary designs to see if certain things are possible, but when she comes on board it's going to be interesting, especially in the world my LOGAN'S RUN takes place in, it's very strange.

Capone: Okay, enough with these lightweight questions. On to the real SUPERMAN dirt: will Jimmy Olsen be a young red head?

B.S.: [Laughing] I don't know how red his hair will be, but he will be a character in the film.

Capone: Certain people who shall remain nameless think red heads are the most discriminated group in movies.

B.S.: Yes, yes. I know. I'm going to ask Harry to let his hair grow a little longer so he can donate the clippings to the Jimmy Olsen wig.

Capone: Good idea. Okay, will the Fortress of Solitude be opened by a giant yellow key?

B.S.: No. Where did that come from?

Capone: It's an old comic book image, this giant oversized key that only Superman could lift.

B.S.: Don't tell Harry I didn't know what that meant. I think everyone will get a kick out of it. The Fortress will be in the film. Everything is. Some people say it's dated, but I'm very much a fan of the 1978 Donner film. That film, particularly it's first act, was a complete, day-to-day inspiration to the first X-MEN film for all of us. It's very exciting to do it. As for Dick, I'm a huge fan of his, to be able to try to protect some semblance of this character and not mess around with it. One reason I thought the Caviezel rumors were interesting is because I do believe that Superman is the Jesus of superheros.

Capone: Amen.