21 Grams

Started by NEON MERCURY, May 09, 2003, 06:41:31 PM

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we need big fat fucking spoiler warnings all over the place here,....FUCKqasdjfasdpupq9wero
especially on that fucking billy brown post..


Quote from: Pedro the WombatGOD...FUCKING...DAMNIT

we need big fat fucking spoiler warnings all over the place here,....FUCKqasdjfasdpupq9wero
especially on that fucking billy brown post..

Sorry Sir Pedro, but there's been plenty of spoilers on this subject way before that post. The movie's been out at least a good month and a half already, so hurry up and go see it, or, better yet, if there are films you want to go see, DO NOT read up about them, but just go in fresh. Little spoilers are always going to slip when you are on a message board discussing a film.  :?

Apologies again...


Quote from: billybrownyou can more or less discern what happened to Penn before the grand reveal, so to speak,
No you can't.  Sure you see that he got shot, but you don't see how, and there's NO WAY to guess right unless you're psychic.  And since the evidence is setting up some sort of conflict with Del Toro's character, that's what's expected.  Some variation of that.

Quoteso I don't quite see how that would qualify as a knock against the film.
What is disappointing about that is how it happens.  Because I can see both sides of the story.  The side where Jack would just want to end his misery, and the side that wants to live.  I don't see him just blowing himself away right there, considering all that's happened.  And the twist element on top of all the other trickery in the film left a bad taste for me.  But like I said, I do see the other argument, where he's in pain, and wants it all to end.


Universal Studios Home Video has just announced the release 21 Grams on March 16th. The film, starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts, will come with a 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer, along with Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS Surround tracks. Bonus materials are still TBA. Retail is $26.98.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: themodernage02Universal Studios Home Video has just announced the release 21 Grams on March 16th. The film, starring Sean Penn and Naomi Watts, will come with a 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer, along with Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS Surround tracks. Bonus materials are still TBA. Retail is $26.98.

reading that was like finding 100 buckaroos on the last day of school while you're on your way to a party.
context, context, context.


Further Details
Universal have also provided us with details on 21 Grams which stars the highly talented Sean Penn, Naomi Watts and Benicio Del Toro. The disc will be available to own from the 16th March this year, and should retail at around $26.98. The film itself will receive a 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen transfer and both English Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS tracks. Extras will include a 21 Grams: In Fragments featurette as well as a Making of 21 Grams featurette.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

classical gas

I just got back from this film and I think it's easily the best movie I've seen this year.  Not since seeing Magnolia in the theaters have I been so emotionally attached to a film.  It was so incredible moving, with the help of amazing, amazing performances.  The non-linear style made it seem like a bit of a puzzle, but it didn't take away, at least it made me think a little more about the movie.  It had me second guessing quite a few times.  And it seemed like a whole lot of confusion, with that particular style, and it presented unressolved issues thoughout the film, which helped the mood of the story and the characters, in my opinion.  So it was good in that it kept you second guessing and thinking during the movie and that it never let you forget just what these people were going through or had gone through, etc.  
So I feel like I just missed out on the huge discussion, but that's my two cents.  Also, I'd like to ask a question, but it contains such a huge SPOILER....I'll type it in white a few lines down.

Just in case it doesn't show up in white.... SPOILER'S BELOW, DO NOT CONTINUE READING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS FILM....

I argued with my friends that NW's character got pregnant from SP's character, but they thought that there wasn't enough time from when they were sleeping together to when they knew she was pregnant, so the doctor wouldn't be able to tell she was pregnant....but you're not exactly sure how much time has past since they slept together and when she found out.  They thought it was her dead husband's baby, but it seems like she would have had signs of her pregnancy, because we know at least a couple months has passed since he died ("I haven't spoken to anyone in months...") probably longer.  So what do you guys think?

classical gas

Damn, I'm really sorry, I chose for that text to be white...but i'm seeing it in black...


Quote from: classical gasI just got back from this film and I think it's easily the best movie I've seen this year.  Not since seeing Magnolia in the theaters have I been so emotionally attached to a film.  It was so incredible moving, with the help of amazing, amazing performances.

Now, that's the proper response to this film! Glad you loved it as much (and in much the same way) as I did, cg.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.


i thought it was SP's, and it was there to give her a reason to live again and make her unable to be selfish.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Damn this was one powerhouse of a film! It packed quite a punch to the senses. Outstanding performances by all, but I kinda wished that Del Toro won his Oscar for this, or hopefully will another one. I wasn't as blown away with it as I was with "Amores Perros" but Inarritu is one director to follow. I liked the non-linear editing and structure, but at times I found myself thinking, "okay, now we need a scene of how he tells her who he is" or something along those lines, rather than "how will he tell her who he is". But for every one of those, there were scenes that resonated better with the broken structure - seeing Watts receive the fateful phone call and then later seeing how the incident happen; it was a great reminder of what she lost.

I saw three walkouts, maybe because of the was the story was told, but I found it to keep a viewer on his/her toes and pay attention and invest one's self in the story and characters.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Chest Rockwell

I'm gald to see all the positive responses for this film. I truly loved it, and I can honestly say it's my second favorite of the year. Favorite drama, certainly. I thought it was very powerful, and I thought the non-linear quality was a nice touch, despite Ebert's crazy ramblings. What's with that guy, anyway? He always goes paranoid whenever a non-linear story comes up.


Quote from: Chest Rockwell, despite Ebert's crazy ramblings. What's with that guy, anyway?

......he's  doesn't know when a film is a masterpiece..(i.e. Blue Velvet).....

....remember this is the guy who thinks Dark City was brilliant.... :roll:

and if anyone else likes this it is only b/c ebert gave it raves and by a "repectable" film critic giving the film props you feell validated to like it also..when in actuallity dark city is  B-movie material.....


Quote from: NEON MERCURY
Quote from: Chest Rockwell, despite Ebert's crazy ramblings. What's with that guy, anyway?

......he's  doesn't know when a film is a masterpiece..(i.e. Blue Velvet).....

....remember this is the guy who thinks Dark City was brilliant.... :roll:

and if anyone else likes this it is only b/c ebert gave it raves and by a "repectable" film critic giving the film props you feell validated to like it also..when in actuallity dark city is  B-movie material.....

I agree that 21 Grams was brilliant and that that large slob of a movie critic does at times makes you wonder if he's over-buttered his popcorn before reviewing a film, but while not brilliant, Dark City is a far better than mere B-movie material.


Quote from: billybrownwhile not brilliant, Dark City is a far better than mere B-movie material.

.true ...but the fact that he could call this film a masterpeice and not blue Velvet....he looses some credibility...whouldn't one  think?