21 Grams

Started by NEON MERCURY, May 09, 2003, 06:41:31 PM

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Just got back from it and I really liked it alot. I'll have to seek out Love's a Bitch now.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: billybrownThe film was about emotional extremes fragmented off into different scenes and not hitting every emotional note in every scene to show a wider range acting ability. The three principals in this film were denied a cathartic release of the emotional pendulum sometimes experienced, and that was precisely the point- taking various snapshots of life, all different and varied, the highs and lows, but all of which are infinitely tied together to examine the human condition.

The problem wasn't that the actors were denied this release, but that with each scene of a fragmented emotion, I sometimes thought they weren't carrying their character over. These charges mainly lie with Naomi Watts though. I thought her performance of happy family going mom was just that, a cliche in which the mom always laughs at the little things her children does, the perfect household and situation as typified by bad movies. I saw a different character in the drug bing scene, a different character when she was planning the murder, a different character when she was isolated and alone. Now, Watts did have to deal with a script that realistically, to detail emotional impact, should have left out most of the bad things in this movie, but I got the feeling she approached each scene generally, maybe thinking, "OK, I'm now going to drug binge scene, how do i play the drug seductress?" I realize I'm breaking hearts here so remember its just an opinion. People compare this movie to Magnolia and in my mind, as with all things happening in that emotional roller coaster ride, the characters at least felt to me organically whole through out the entire film.

Quote from: billybrownf anything, the Emma Thompson scene you identify is far less organic and far more "Oscar Acting 101."

Disagree with the performance, fine, but a better description exists than 'Oscar Acting 101'. Those guys make it a habit to honor Renee Zelwegger. Thompson's acting would be labeled as more theatrical.


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetI realize I'm breaking hearts here
you're winning mine.  :kiss:
under the paving stones.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.....much better..excpet for the "An extroadinary story......."...thats stupid...to put that there.....

***a note to marketers.....loose the cheesy "tagline".....

....BTW...del toro does have the most "film-like" eyes.......

Jeremy Blackman

Good cover, but there's a spoiler in the middle.


Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanGood cover, but there's a spoiler in the middle.

But wasn't that the opening shot of the film?
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Jeremy Blackman

Chest Rockwell

Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanGood cover, but there's a spoiler in the middle.

But wasn't that the opening shot of the film?

I was thinking the exact same thing, Macguffin.

Jeremy Blackman

That's why it's a spoiler!  :cry:


for some reason, that looks really Christmasy to me.


Of all the important film people whose year-end picks Film Comment saw fit to share with us, only Paul Schrader mentioned 21 Grams. Hooray for Paul, shame on the rest of them. A great many mentioned Mystic River, which I find more unbearably overestimated each time I read yet another effusion about it. It's solid, nothing special. You'd think people had never seen a well-crafted, straightforward, good little movie before. I was hardly blown away; in fact, because of the expectation built up for the damn thing, I was very underwhelmed and had to talk myself into accepting that it's a good movie, however far it falls short of the disproportionate praise.

GT, I couldn't disagree with you more about Naomi Watts in this film. "Organic" and "restrained" are not synonymous, and the idea that "organic" is automatically the highest achievement in any creative endeavor seems extremely suspicious to me.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: godardianGT, I couldn't disagree with you more about Naomi Watts in this film. "Organic" and "restrained" are not synonymous, and the idea that "organic" is automatically the highest achievement in any creative endeavor seems extremely suspicious to me.

I never said organic is the highest achievement for anything. I'm just dealing with my points in relation to just this performance. Watts was emotional, tragic and believable as a woman in turmoil, but I think the script and her performance just failed to capture higher vision. It was too fragmented for me.


Basically what I said before.

The movie was good, it just failed to take off, it never managed to become transcendent. That's the pitfall of this type of style, I think. There's never any restraint, so it's hard to have that shining moment at the end. However, that was the beauty of the windblower shot, it was such a different presentation than the rest of the film, that's what helped make it the high point.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: SoNowThenBasically what I said before.

The movie was good, it just failed to take off, it never managed to become transcendent. That's the pitfall of this type of style, I think. There's never any restraint, so it's hard to have that shining moment at the end. However, that was the beauty of the windblower shot, it was such a different presentation than the rest of the film, that's what helped make it the high point.

I'm not even sure I'd fault the style though. Like I said, I thought the film didn't edit that well when it could have. Half the cuts seemed warranted on connecting emotional strands, half didn't. I also think the story lingered too long on emotional outburst than it should have. Limiting that may have made the them even more powerful and shocking. Also, too many different avenues of extremes searched out in the movie where it seemed like just an exercise on how far the film could go. I wouldn't say I had anything against the style on basis, but this movie didn't amaze me.