X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Started by MacGuffin, July 03, 2006, 12:14:28 PM

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Fox studio plans "Wolverine" spinoff of "X-Men"

Twentieth Century Fox plans to keep the mutants coming with a spinoff of its popular "X-Men" film franchise starring Australian-born actor Hugh Jackman in the title role of "Wolverine."

A studio spokesman confirmed on Wednesday that the film is in development with a script currently in the works but no director yet on board.

Although initial reports from the international industry conference Cine Expo in Amsterdam suggested the film was slated for a 2007 release, the Fox spokesman said it was doubtful the picture would be ready before 2008, in part because Jackman is expected to do another movie first for director Baz Luhrmann.

But that didn't stop Jackman himself from making a videotaped appearance touting the "Wolverine" project for conventioneers in Amsterdam earlier this week.

Jackman already has appeared in three big-screen "X-Men" adventures as Logan, the mutant superhero also known as "Wolverine" for the three-pronged claws he wields in each fist and his power to instantly regenerate his own injured body tissue.

The latest installment in the franchise, "X-Men: The Last Stand," is one of this year's biggest box-office hits, grossing nearly $225 million in domestic ticket sales alone.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


WOLVERINE script leaked
Source: Cinescape

The script for the upcoming film WOLVERINE has apparently been leaked as a review popped up at Latino Review (who rated it a B+).

They had the following to say about the script (Slight plot spoilers):

"What mutants or who else is in this you might ask?

Logan's buddy from back in his military days JOHN WRAITH, FRED J. DUKES a.k.a. THE BLOB, BARBARUS a brutally muscled mutant with four arms, all sleeved in tattoos.

What else? The whole Weapon X experiment has a much larger role in this script and in Stryker's overall plan, we get to see Logan in berserker mode, the origin of his name, the eventual rematch with Creed, and of course his eventual memory loss, which is handled here and quite nicely I might add."

You can read the full script review here with much more detail.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Jackman Says Wolverine Script is Ready

ComingSoon.net/Superhero Hype! caught up with The Prestige star Hugh Jackman, who gave us an update on his upcoming "X-Men" spinoff, Wolverine.

"We've now signed off on the script. If you know about the history of 'X-Men' movies, that's a revolution for us. We're a year away from shooting the film and we have the script," Jackman said. "And, by the way, it is unbelievable. It's a David Benioff script. He's probably the hottest writer going around town, and he was beating down our door to write this movie. It was the most amazing thing. So, we have this fantastic script. I've got a couple of movies coming out in the next month, and I might be able to tell you who the director is by then. We're seriously into talking about it now."

He added that Wolverine will definitely be a prequel but will not follow the Japanese storyline that comic books have addressed.

"At present, no. That is still something we really want to do. What we need to do is establish who he is and find out how he became Wolverine," he explained.

Jackman said he is also interested in making a sequel to Wolverine. "I'm not ruling it out," he smiled.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on October 15, 2006, 09:09:49 PM
Jackman said he is also interested in making a sequel to Wolverine. "I'm not ruling it out," he smiled.
has he ever ruled ANYTHING out?

his accountant says.. no.
under the paving stones.


Wolverine Machine
Hugh Jackman gets the X-Men spinoff in gear.

Slowly but surely, Wolverine is coming together. According to star and producer Hugh Jackman, if all goes to plan, fans can look forward to seeing Wolvie in his first solo, big screen adventure in late spring of 2008.

"That's kind of what we're looking at right now," Jackman tells IGN. "A summer release would be great though. Perhaps that's possible. But some things still need to fall into place."

The first element that needs to fall into place is the screenplay. And the word from Jackman is screenwriter David Benioff "has delivered, big time. We now have the final script, the final draft, which I absolutely love. For me, it's the most superior of them all. I know the fans are going to go crazy for it."

Jackman and his producing partners inquired with a few screenwriters and considered story proposals. Inevitably, they were sold by Benihoff's knowledge of X-Men lore and enthusiasm for the Wolverine movie.

"Here's a guy who's this amazing writer, probably one of the hottest writers going in town; Spielberg and everyone are after him," says Jackman. "But he was beating down our door to make this movie because he's the most passionate Wolverine fan. He's followed all of the books since he was 9-years-old. For us, it's one of those rare combinations where you have a writer who has all these Oscar-winning directors wanting to work with and he's like, 'I want to do Wolverine!'"

As Jackman was working on The Prestige and other projects, he stayed in periodic contact with Beinhoff as he wrote the script.

"With someone like David, you mostly let him do his thing and he comes back with the script," he says. "He'd deliver a draft, we'd sit down together and talk about it. And I'd let him know what I think. If I think so, I'll say 'It's fantastic.' Or, 'We may have to go in this direction.' Or, 'What about this?' He's very collaborative."

Having played Wolverine for three films, Jackman says he was able to bring his unique perspective to the script.

"For better or worse, I've played the role for three movies so it's a character that I know. I feel like I know what I want to achieve with the film, but David has been very collaborative, and I'm not shy in telling him what I think. He'll say I disagree with you or whatever. But it's been a really terrific process so far."

What Jackman wants for Wolverine is this: "I don't want the film to appear at all like X-Men 4 in disguise. I want it to feel like a very fresh, whole new character piece. I want it to be a character movie. And by the end of the movie, I want it to be that you definitely knew who this guy was. Cool action, great characters, but ultimately that you totally know who Wolverine is. Like Mad Max and Dirty Harry. Characters I loved. He's a good guy, but he's not a nice guy. He's just the guy you want on your side. [David] really got that. He's one of the best character writers in Hollywood. He totally got it."

The next essential element is working Wolverine into Jackman's schedule. As the star and producer, he knows it will be a huge time commitment - probably three to four months of photography, some of which may take place in Australia, then considerable post-production.

"I'm shooting a movie with Baz Luhrmann and Nicole Kidman next year in Australia, and then we plan to do Wolverine after that."

And let's not forget about a director. "That's our next goal," says Jackman. "Now we have to find a director, which we're looking for now. If I see you guys maybe in about a month, I might be able to let you know who the director is. We're close."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks




Keep waiting by that phone, Brett Ratner.
My house, my rules, my coffee


British Newspaper Says Brett Ratner Directing 'Wolverine'
Source: Cinematical

You can call it an accidental slip-up by a writer who wasn't aware of the fact that Brett Ratner wasn't officially signed on to Wolverine yet, or we could be looking at some actual news here. Either way, I'm not very excited. While spitting out a number of comic-related films currently in development, a writer for the Telegraph noted that the much-anticipated Wolverine spin-off flick will indeed be directed by Brett Ratner. Only problem is we had no idea he was attached to the project. Sure, there's been speculation ever since Ratner helmed X-Men: The Last Stand -- but so far the pic has not showed up on his future film slate; right now, he's wrapping up Rush Hour 3 (due in theaters later this summer) and in pre-production on an untitled comedy featuring Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock.

With filming apparently set to begin this fall (we think?), chances are Ratner will make Wolverine his next pic ... regardless of whether fans think the dude is a craptastic director and, like, totally not worthy. Last we heard on the Wolverine front, Hugh Jackman was officially locked in to star, and a script (penned by David Benioff) was all but complete. A few characters rumored to appear in the film include William Stryker (Brian Cox) and Kenuichio Harada/Silver Samurai (Ken Watanabe?). Other than that, everyone involved has been keeping real quiet. Of course, when things are quiet, fans immediately question whether the project is still moving forward. Is Ratner stalling? Are they looking for a new director? Has Bryan Singer kidnapped Jackman? If you had the power to make decisions -- and keep in mind there's no way Singer will be able to fit this film into his schedule if he still intends on making that Superman sequel -- who would you choose to direct Wolverine?
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


that would be stupid.

ratner is the perfect choice. he already ruined the series, now he can ruin the most loved character. too bad it'll be huge. :yabbse-sad:.
under the paving stones.


Fucking hell.. *sigh*

I don't get it. Do they not realize X-Men 3 made a bunch of money because of Singer's work on the first two? I donno. Honestly, do 95% of moviegoers even know who directs the stuff they go and watch? Really, how many directors work is widely known to the public before a movie ever comes out? Spielberg? Scorsese? The list goes downhill pretty fucking fast after those two names. What a shame. Wolverine has the potential for some really great films like the Spiderman series has been so far. Ratner will ruin this.


A Director for Wolverine?       
Source: IESB

Fox is moving on with the production of Wolverine. We're hearing that there are two names on the short list of directors the studio has in mind. 

It appears there is action on the Fox lot surrounding the X-Men spin-off movie, Wolverine.

Fox has been working on finding a director to helm the first of two possible franchise spin-offs from the X-Men franchise that Fox apparently put to rest, the other being Magneto.

Fox wants to ensure that Wolverine and Magneto can stand on their own after putting the kabosh on the expensive X-Men franchise, which would only continue to bloat its budget as the ensemble cast gets more expensive.

So to put things in the right hands, Fox is in talks with DJ Caruso. Caruso is a hot property after the success of Disturbia and is also being courted by Dreamworks for an unnamed project.

To hedge their bets, Fox may be looking at Len Wiseman as possibly directing if Caruso winds up at Dreamworks.

I'm not sure who Fox would rather have in the directors chair, but Wiseman may leap frog Caruso if Live Free, Die Hard is well received.

The David Benioff script tells the tale of a pre-X-Men Wolverine and the events surrounding his adamantium skeleton and claws.

David Goyer has already signed on to direct Magneto.

Calls have been put into the studios for comment.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Hood takes on Fox 'Wolverine'
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Gavin Hood is suiting up to direct "Wolverine," 20th Century Fox's "X-Men" spinoff that will star Hugh Jackman.

David Benioff wrote the screenplay, which will explore the origins of the lone-wolf superhero, one of the most popular characters in comics. Wolverine has a mutant healing power that allows him to recover from any wound, which led him to survive an experiment in which his skeleton was bonded with an unbreakable metal. The process also installed retractable metal claws.

Lauren Shuler Donner, Jackman and John Palermo are producing the movie, which is eyeing a fall start date.

Marvel Studios is executive producing.

Hood, who won a foreign-language Oscar in 2005 for directing "Tsotsi," recently wrapped "Rendition," New Line Cinema's political thriller starring Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Wizard serves up the full scoop as Hugh Jackman slices and dices his way back to the big screen as Wolverine
Source: WizardUniverse

He's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is star in movies so cool our goose bumps have heart attacks. He's Wolverine, and in case you didn't know, he's clawing his way back to drench the silver screen in bad guy blood.

Following the over $1 billion, worldwide box-office bonanza of three X-Men flicks ("X-Men," "X2: X-Men United" and "X-Men: The Last Stand") over the last seven years, actor Hugh Jackman is officially on board for a solo "Wolverine" spinoff film. What's not so official is basically every other detail associated with the movie. So sit back and spark up a stogie, Canuckleheads—we're tackling the big questions surrounding the next Marvel mutant mega-hit.
You may have heard of him. He's David Benioff, a writer who broke into Hollywood after adapting his own novel, The 25th Hour, into a movie script eventually directed by Spike Lee in 2002. And for those worried about Benioff's juice, Jackman promises the writer's got the snikt-y goods.

"He's probably the hottest writer going around town," gushed Jackman to sources. "He was beating down our door to write this movie because he's the most passionate Wolverine fan. He's followed all of the books since he was 9 years old. For us, it's one of those rare combinations where you have a writer who has all these Oscar-winning directors wanting to work with him and he's like, 'I want to do Wolverine!'"

According to Benioff, that's no exaggeration. "I've been reading Wolverine comics for 23 years," admitted the writer. And while he couldn't discuss specific elements of his script, Benioff did hint at his favorite Wolvie stories. "I went back and reread the Chris Claremont and Frank Miller miniseries, and the Barry Windsor-Smith Weapon X."

As for his non-mutant work, Benioff also wrote director Wolfgang Peterson's "Troy" starring Eric Bana and Brad Pitt as well as the 2005 thriller "Stay" and 2007's Afghanistan drama "The Kite Runner."

Based on info from insiders who say they've read Benioff's script, get ready for all kinds of prequel action as Wolverine's first ties to Weapon X, his first run-in with Victor Creed (aka Sabretooth), his bonding with adamantium and his feral origins are explored. When asked if the film would touch on Wolvie's early-year comic book connections to Japan, Jackman curbed the rumor in favor of others.

"[The Japan connection] is still something we really want to do," admitted the actor-producer. "What we need to do is establish who he is and find out how he became Wolverine. And by the end of the movie, I want it to be that you definitely knew who this guy was, like Mad Max and Dirty Harry. He's a good guy, but he's not a nice guy. He's just the guy you want on your side."
Sources also mentioned scenes featuring Wolverine in Vietnam, a pre-X-Men love interest for the furry mutant and character names familiar to comic fans such as the teleporter John Wraith, who served with Wolverine on special ops missions as part of Team X, along with Fred J. Dukes (aka the Blob).

Apparently, the lone X-Man becomes a little more of a loner in this film as no other students or faculty from the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters are set to appear.
Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) said he doesn't think he'll appear in the film since it's set in the past, while Anna Paquin (Rogue) admitted she'd like to come back if they approached her but that no one had as of press time. Rebecca Romijn, who portrayed the villainous shape-shifter Mystique in previous X-films, continued the pattern by saying she's not attached at all. Halle Berry, who won an Oscar for "Monster's Ball" between "X-Men" sequels, also confirmed her absence.

"I think you get to the point where it's time to move on and I'm really interested in playing other kinds of characters," revealed the actress.

When asked about cameos of existing Marvel characters, Jackman responded, "It's a prequel, so there won't be many. There will be other new characters."

Yes, and an Academy Award winner to boot. Recently tapped helmer Gavin Hood's 2005 film "Tsotsi" won the Oscar for Best Foreign-Language Film on the strength of Hood's screenplay and direction. Next up from the acclaimed director is the upcoming politically charged thriller "Rendition," starring Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal. Clearly, the "Wolverine" team has selected a director with chops as sharp as Logan's claws.

Early rumors attached Ken Watanabe ("The Last Samurai") as longtime Wolvie villain Silver Samurai, although he publicly denied them. Brian Cox, though, confirmed his character, William Stryker from "X2: X-Men United," will return to unload untold amounts of crap on Wolvie's life.

"I know my character is in it," revealed the actor. "They've asked me to be in it but that was a while ago now." There's still no confirmation on whether or not he's signed on. Considering the movie is set in the past, digital effects and/or "Mrs. Doubtfire"-amounts of makeup would be needed to de-age the 61-year-old actor like producers did with Professor X and Magneto in "X-Men: The Last Stand."
As for other mutant bad guys, Vinnie Jones, who played Juggernaut in "X-Men: The Last Stand," and Tyler Mane, who appeared as Sabretooth in "X-Men," both reportedly claimed to be in talks for the film. Specifically, Mane says he's discussed starring as Victor Creed, the man who one day becomes Sabretooth. If anything, that rumor fits in tightly with the online prequel gossip. Our bets are on Stryker and Creed.

According to Cox, "it's set 17 years ago." Whether that means 17 years before the events of "X-Men"—which would place it somewhere around the late '80s—or 17 years before 2007—which would place it around 1990 when, in real life, Jackman was attending the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts following his graduation from college. We were busy throwing rocks at buses.

Tom Rothman, the Chairman and CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment, the parent company of 20th Century Fox, pegged the release date as somewhere in 2008. No word yet on a specific month although the past X-Men films were all released within the May-June-July triangle for full summer blockbuster capabilities.

According to Jackman and producer Lauren Shuler Donner, filming is set to start in fall of 2007 or soon after a director announcement. Considering early script reports mention the wilderness as a large part of the first act of the film, the wilds of Canada, where past "X-Men" films were shot, seems like a natural choice. And if the Weapon X compound appears again, as rumors say it will, then expect the Alkali Lake set used in "X2: X-Men United" to return. Scenes for the lake were filmed near Upper and Lower Kananaskis Lake near Calgary. But we're betting your Wolverine T-shirt and wild berry Slurpee won't get you on set.

It appears 20th Century Fox doesn't see much difference between "Wolverine" and the rest of the X-Men franchise when it comes to sequels.
"The next film in the X-Men series will be 'Wolverine,'" said Rothman in an interview. "We fully intend to continue to make more 'X-Men' films with both old and new muties, so fans can rest assured they will have many opportunities in the coming years to see their favorite characters on the big screen."

Ashmore sings a different song. "There are rumors about an 'X-Men 4,' but as far as I've been told, 'X3' was going to be the last big ensemble 'X-Men' movie. I would love if they made another one, but I'm not sure they will."

According to screenwriter Zak Penn ("X2: X-Men United"), he's been approached to write and direct a teenaged X-Men film which, if it were to happen, would go into production in two or three years.

"The original idea was to have me do a young X-Men spin-off," Penn told sources. "But someone came up with a pretty interesting idea which I can't discuss. I was pretty taken by it, as was the studio. He came up with how to do a young X-Men movie, which is not what you'd expect. Put it this way: If you agree to do one of the

X-Men movies, it could end up happening four or five years down the line, which is fine with me. It's just not my focus right now."

Whatever happens, it looks like "Wolverine" will be cutting it up as the next onscreen X-installment for now—but who's complaining?
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks