The Da Vinci Code

Started by MacGuffin, May 18, 2005, 12:50:41 PM

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Quote from: matt35mm on May 17, 2006, 04:32:33 PM
I haven't read the book and I'm not interested in the movie.  I've tuned out everything regarding this movie, and I don't care if it makes money or flops, but I have to say that seeing a 00% by The Da Vinci Code at Rotten Tomatoes made my day.


actually i am excited that critics are hating this film...usually the ones they praise are rather cheesy ones...[apollo 13, cinderella man, backdraft, ransom, a beautiful mind] for da vinci code, never read the source material...but the premise sounds fascinating, and the cast is amazing...looking forward to this one...


Quote from: pyramid machine on May 19, 2006, 12:35:35 AM
Quote from: matt35mm on May 17, 2006, 04:32:33 PM
I haven't read the book and I'm not interested in the movie.  I've tuned out everything regarding this movie, and I don't care if it makes money or flops, but I have to say that seeing a 00% by The Da Vinci Code at Rotten Tomatoes made my day.


actually i am excited that critics are hating this film...usually the ones they praise are rather cheesy ones...[apollo 13, cinderella man, backdraft, ransom, a beautiful mind] for da vinci code, never read the source material...but the premise sounds fascinating, and the cast is amazing...looking forward to this one...
Oh, those movies are cheesy?  You mean as opposed to Ron Howard's other films...


Quote from: matt35mm on May 17, 2006, 04:32:33 PM
seeing a 00% by The Da Vinci Code at Rotten Tomatoes made my day.

Its up to 16% now.  Is this movie really that bad or are the critics just tired of Da Vinci Code fever?



I just came back from a packed theater.  The audience grew very bored very quickly.  Tom Hanks reminded me of an early Brendan Frasier.  The film is very boring, much like the majority of little Ronnies films.  Film will tank after this weekend.
"look hard at what pleases you and even harder at what doesn't" ~ carolyn forche

I Don't Believe in Beatles

Quote from: md on May 19, 2006, 09:41:09 PM
I just came back from a packed theater.  The audience grew very bored very quickly.  Tom Hanks reminded me of an early Brendan Frasier.  The film is very boring, much like the majority of little Ronnies films.  Film will tank after this weekend.

Yeah, it's pretty blah.  This movie is pretty much an action film loosely held together by the idea of the "Da Vinci Code."  (I haven't read the book - Is it like this too, a treasure hunt vaguely stitched together by this idea?)  It's not a very exciting film either.  I thought it was pretty unintentionally hilarious.  My favorite moment was where Silas stands behind Audrey Tautou in the background not doing anything for a while, then she turns around and sees him... and he immediately CHARGES AT HER!  Pretty much everyone important to the plot switches sides at some point and the final revelation is visible from a light year away.  I lost interest about forty-five minutes in and spaced out for five minutes or so.  When I started paying attention to the film again I didn't seem to have missed anything. 
"A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later." --Stanley Kubrick


Quote from: Ginger on May 19, 2006, 11:34:53 PM
I thought it was pretty unintentionally hilarious.  My favorite moment was where Silas stands behind Audrey Tautou in the background not doing anything for a while, then she turns around and sees him... and he immediately CHARGES AT HER!
i think i appreciate this kinda crap in movies more than ever nowadays, it almost makes me wanna see it. that sounds obi-wan-entrance-at-epIII's-climax hilarious, chewbacca-speak hilarious, NOOOOOOOOOOOO hilarious.
under the paving stones.


Roger Ebert give it three stars
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche

grand theft sparrow

Classic Ron Howard.  It should have been a no-brainer but he managed to ruin it.  The biggest problem facing ol' "Batman & Robin" Goldsman when writing the script should have been, "How do you condense all those pages and pages of explaining history and theology without having the characters go on and on and on and on about things while still making sure the audience gets it?"  It's been a few years since I read the book but I don't remember so many instances of, after long lectures on something or someone, someone saying, "So what you're saying is [insert dumbed-down version of what was just said]."  Maybe it was in the book but it was so glaringly awful in the movie.

So that script and the pacing were just terrible.  Hanks and his hair didn't bother me as much I expected but for a book that was so compulsively readable, and so seemingly ideal for film adaptation, it was so lifeless.  That said, my two friends who never read the book want to now; they thought the movie wasn't bad.

The perfect director to take this story and make it as great of a film as it could have been unfortunately died in 1980 so...



Split Infinitive

Quote from: hacksparrow on May 20, 2006, 07:56:34 AM
The perfect director to take this story and make it as great of a film as it could have been unfortunately died in 1980 so...
Hiroshi Inagaki?
Please don't correct me. It makes me sick.


don't be silly. hacksparrow's obviously talking about jorge luis borges.
context, context, context.


Thankfully, I think even the maddening crowd is unenthusiatic about this movie. People walking out of the theater I work at just seemed tired and unhappy. We had Catholic protesters too. On the way in from a food run, I just told them, "It's not a very good movie. Don't worry."
Last five films (theater)
-The Da Vinci Code: *
-Thank You For Smoking: ***
-Silent Hill: ***1/2 (high)
-Happy Together: ***1/2
-Slither: **

Last five films (video)
-Solaris: ***1/2
-Cobra Verde: ***1/2
-My Best Fiend: **1/2
-Days of Heaven: ****
-The Thin Red Line: ***