Criterion News and Discussion

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 16, 2003, 06:18:19 PM

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Quote from: ono.Good news about Au Hasard Balthasar.  Been wanting to see it for a while.  Anything on Last Year at Marienbad?  It's been out of print for a while, or something, it seems.  Netflix, at least, lists the (re-)release date as being unknown.  Saw something in this thread about it earlier, so I was just curious.

Balthazar is a more important film than Marienbad, but both are eminently worthy of the Criterion treatment. They were right to do Hiroshima first when it came to Resnais, though. And they should really think about Muriel (a Resnais box set really wouldn't have been out of order, especially since they did one for Cassavetes).
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Gold Trumpet

Well, this may be the greatest or most absurd offering ever......but Amazon is giving you the first chance to own (well, not really) the entire Criterion Collection set, 208 discs and all. But, by December Criterion will be hitting spine #266 and even if you counted by individual spines, some releases have more than one disc and so who really fucking knows how complete this set is. Prolly not very, but let this be a notice to every new cinephile with rich parents that you can be one of the likely 3 people actually buying this. The ridiculousness can be found here:


Quote from: The Gold TrumpetWell, this may be the greatest or most absurd offering ever......but Amazon is giving you the first chance to own (well, not really) the entire Criterion Collection set, 208 discs and all. But, by December Criterion will be hitting spine #266 and even if you counted by individual spines, some releases have more than one disc and so who really fucking knows how complete this set is. Prolly not very, but let this be a notice to every new cinephile with rich parents that you can be one of the likely 3 people actually buying this. The ridiculousness can be found here:

That link just takes me to the King of Kings page at Criterion... no info about buying the complete set at Amazon. I'm curious to know whether that will include Sid and Nancy or Salo...?? Where can I see more info about this entire-collection offer?
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: godardian
Quote from: The Gold TrumpetWell, this may be the greatest or most absurd offering ever......but Amazon is giving you the first chance to own (well, not really) the entire Criterion Collection set, 208 discs and all. But, by December Criterion will be hitting spine #266 and even if you counted by individual spines, some releases have more than one disc and so who really fucking knows how complete this set is. Prolly not very, but let this be a notice to every new cinephile with rich parents that you can be one of the likely 3 people actually buying this. The ridiculousness can be found here:

That link just takes me to the King of Kings page at Criterion... no info about buying the complete set at Amazon. I'm curious to know whether that will include Sid and Nancy or Salo...?? Where can I see more info about this entire-collection offer? apologies. I think that is my mistake. As of now, though, no details on what discs it will include. Doubtful an official retailer will dig out out of print discs. Here it is:


i got king of kings when i clicked

EDIT - but it's fixed now.


...your excuses are your own...


Holy crap.  Is there anyone out there who likes every single movie Criterion has released on DVD?  Or is this just for jerks who want to be able to brag about owning every Criterion DVD?


The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Quote from: RaviIs there anyone out there who likes every single movie Criterion has released on DVD?  Or is this just for jerks who want to be able to brag about owning every Criterion DVD?
The world's largest film snobs.

Gold Trumpet

I did this last year when all the film titles that were going to be released for the year were announced and now I am doing this again this year with the official list of what films to expect in the future, from the "gurantees" to the "distinct possibilities" and even to the "remastered", it's all here. (And yes, I know some of this list may be out of date)

1.) Certainties: (Titles that Criterion have indicated are under way for DVD issue)

UGETSU (1954, Mizoguchi) (Lee Kline mentioned he's about to start work on it at HTF chat (Feb 2004))

F FOR FAKE (1973, Welles) (Lee Kline mentioned they're going to release it in 2004 at HTF chat (Feb 2004)) - looks like CONFIDENTIAL REPORT will be joining it too (Criterion logo at American Cinematheque).

PANDORA'S BOX (1929, G. W. Pabst) "In the program for a screening with Gillian Anderson's score in 2003 - it said Criterion would be releasing a freshly restored version with the Anderson score in 2004". Confirmed by Lee Kline at HTF chat (Feb 2004))

some John Ford

PLAYTIME (Tati, 1967) new version

JOUR DE FETE (Tati, 1949)

more Yasujiro Ozu (as of Nov 2003 they are planning to release 12 Ozu DVDs, Donald Richie has mentioned that THE ONLY SON is coming soon; EQUINOX FLOWER and AN AUTUMN AFTERNOON have been mooted too.)

EISENSTEIN SILENT YEARS boxset (looking like 2005) (probably containing STRIKE, BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN, OCTOBER and others?)

JULES ET JIM (1962, Truffaut) via Wellspring

MY NIGHT AT MAUD'S (1969, Rohmer) via Wellspring

CLAIRE'S KNEE (1970, Rohmer) via Wellspring


2.) Stalled ex-certainties: (Officially announced titles that have run into some kind of technical hitch and are now in limbo)

DODES'KA-DEN (1970, Kurosawa)

SANSHIRO SUGATA (1943, Kurosawa)

IVANS CHILDHOOD (1962, Tarkovsky)


COUSIN, COUSINE (1975, Tacchella)

TALES OF HOFFMAN (1951, Powell & Pressburger) "postponed indefinitely due to problems with elements. Hope to release in 2003" --- UPDATE-"I would say TALES OF HOFFMAN has been postponed indefinitely. I wouldn't expect it until 2005 at the earliest." - Mulvaney, Oct 2003.

SHANGHAI EXPRESS (1932, von Sternberg) indefinitely postponed. As of Feb 2003 it's looking bleak - Mulvaney says its not on the schedule.


3.) Distinct Possibilities: (Titles that haven't been fully confirmed yet (but have either been mentioned by Criterion or linked to Criterion by other events/companies))

DAMAGE (Malle, 1992) - Image Entertainment are advising enquirers about this film to contact CRITERION.

CRASH (Cronenberg, 1996) - Image Entertainment are advising enquirers about this film to contact CRITERION.

THIS SPORTING LIFE (Lindsay Anderson, 1963) - Spencer Leigh says it's coming here

HOOP DREAMS (Steve James, 1994) - Fine Line/New Line deal, mooted by Ira Deutchman in April 2004 here

NAKED (Mike Leigh, 1993) - Fine Line/New Line deal, mooted by Ira Deutchman in April 2004 here

AN ANGEL AT MY TABLE (Jane Campion, 1990) - Fine Line/New Line deal, mooted by Ira Deutchman in April 2004 here

ASHES AND DIAMONDS (Wajda) - from a CCF post: "I was talking to Annette Insdorf this afternoon, and she's apparently prepping a commentary for a Criterion Ashes and Diamonds." (June 2004)



THE ONLY SON (1936, Ozu) Ozu's first talkie, mentioned in an article by Donald Richie in the Japan Times as being Criterion's next release after EARLY SUMMER.

THE TWO OF US [Le Vieil homme et l'enfant] (Berri, 1967) via Rialto

THE RIVER (Renoir) programmer Mark McElhatten of Anthology Film Archives in NYC mentioned that Criterion was working on "The River" in an introduction to a theatrical screening.

HANDS OVER THE CITY (Rosi, 1963) rumoured to be underway by Criterion (by a friend of a friend).

Richard GORDON boxset containing THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE (Bennet, 1959); THE HAUNTED STRANGLER (Day, 1958); FIRST MAN INTO SPACE (Day, 1959); CORRIDORS OF BLOOD (Day, 1962) (showing up on the Classic Horror DVD website as coming soon)

JIGOKU (Nakagawa, 1960) mentioned in a post in another forum as a rumor that Criterion was eager to purchase entire Shintoho catalog to release this year (sourced from the KineJapan list).

PIERROT LE FOU (Godard, 1965) Rialto intimated that Criterion have the rights.

more Dassin

SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT (Lee, 1986) mentioned by Lee as coming soon.

some Rivette - "We hope to introduce Rivette to the collection in the future, but nothing is certain at this time." - Mulvaney, April 2004.

CONFIDENTIAL REPORT (Welles, 1955) showing at American Cinematheque and Film Forum with Janus logos.

FANFAN LA TULIPE (1952, Christian-Jaque) via Rialto

CLASSE TOUS RISQUES (1960, Sautet) via Rialto

PANIQUE (1946, Duvivier) via Rialto

THE LIFE AQUATIC (2004, Wes Anderson) - "We hope to release Wes Anderson's next feature, but nothing is certain at this time." - Mulvaney, Jan 2004

THE PHANTOM CHARIOT (1921, Victor Sjöström) Currently appearing with Criterion/Janus logos in a Sjöström theatrical retrospective (Jan 2004)

WOMAN IN THE DUNES (1964, Teshigahara) Milestone are saying that Criterion will release it in the next year (Dec 2003)

GODZILLA (Honda, 1954) Rialto are preparing the restored version.

SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE (Erice, 1973) "We'd love to release SPIRIT OF THE BEEHIVE. No plans for this one in 2004, but hopefully someday." - Mulvaney, Oct 2003.

more Seijun Suzuki ("We hope to release more Suzuki in the coming year, but nothing is certain at this time." - Mulvaney, Oct 2003)


SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS (Parajanov, 1964) "We hope to release it in the future." - Mulvaney, Sept 2003.

KAGEMUSHA (1980, Kurosawa) supposedly a done deal with Fox.

LE BONHEUR (1965, Agnès Varda) "We hope to release LE BONHEUR sometime in the future, but nothing is definite at this time." - Mulvaney, Aug 2003


Kenji Mizoguchi ("We hope to release a Mizoguchi title or two in 2003/4, but nothing is definite at the moment." - Mulvaney, April 2003)

THE STORY OF A PROSTITUTE (1965, Seijun Suzuki)

EQUINOX (1970, Jack Woods & Dennis Muren) (mentioned in an HTF chat in 2001, and again by Mulvaney in March 2003 as "upcoming")

L'ECLISSE (1962, Michelangelo Antonioni) "We hope to release L'Eclisse in the future, but nothing is definite at the moment." - Mulvaney, March 2003

SEVEN SAMURAI (1954, Akira Kurosawa) reissue / new transfer (probably 2 x disc set)

THE BAD SLEEP WELL (1946, Akira Kurosawa)

DRUNKEN ANGEL (1948, Akira Kurosawa)

I LIVE IN FEAR (1955, Akira Kurosawa)

THE BURMESE HARP (Harp Of Burma) (1957, Kon Ichikawa) "somewhere down the line" - Mulvaney, Feb 2003.

FIRES ON THE PLAIN (Nobi) (1965, Kon Ichikawa) "somewhere down the line" - Mulvaney, Feb 2003.

MASCULIN, FÉMININ (1966, Jean-Luc Godard) via Rialto

PICKPOCKET (1959, Bresson) - Paul Schrader's working on it.

AU HASARD BALTHAZAR (1966, Robert Bresson) via Rialto

MOUCHETTE * (1967, Robert Bresson) via Rialto

TWO OR THREE THINGS I KNOW ABOUT HER (2 ou 3 choses que je sais d'elle) (1967, Jean-Luc Godard) via Rialto

more Renoir (LA BETE HUMAINE?)

Dreyer (Mulvaney, Oct 2002 - "We have no plans for VAMPYR or MASTER OF THE HOUSE at this time.")

Tarkovsky (NOSTALGHIA via Wellspring?)

THREEPENNY OPERA (1931, G. W. Pabst)

GRAY'S ANATOMY (1996, Soderbergh) via Wellspring

THE LAST METRO (1982, Truffaut) via Wellspring

SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER (1960, Truffaut) via Wellspring

ARMY OF SHADOWS (1969, Melville) via Rialto

GOLD OF NAPLES (1954, De Sica) via Rialto

LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD (1961, Resnais) via Rialto

LE DOULOS (1961, Melville) via Rialto

LÉON MORIN, PRÊTRE (1961, Melville) via Rialto

MAFIOSO (1962, Lattuada) via Rialto

THE MILKY WAY (1969, Buñuel) via Rialto

THE PHANTOM OF LIBERTY (1974, Buñuel) via Rialto

TOUCHEZ PAS AU GRISBI (1953, Becker) via Rialto


4.) Remasters (Titles that have been released in the CC but are/maybe being reissued because new, better materials have come to light in the years since release.):

PLAYTIME (1967, Tati) - announced, this is definitely going to happen soon, probably a 2 x disc set.

SEVEN SAMURAI (1953, Kurosawa) - not announced, but new subtitles have been done, and new, better materials are available.

M (1931, Lang) - officially announced for Dec 2004

CHARADE (1963, Donen) The 3rd CC remaster - ALREADY AVAILABLE

THE 400 BLOWS (1959, Truffaut) The 2nd CC remaster - ALREADY AVAILABLE

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (1946, Cocteau) The 1st CC remaster - ALREADY AVAILABLE


CLAIRE'S KNEE (1970, Rohmer) via Wellspring



Just Withnail

Xixax should have a field trip to

Man it just hurts knowing not half of all the great titles on that list will be released next year. Too little time.


Well, I don't see no "Good Burger."  What the hell?

Chest Rockwell

I'd really like to get some of those.Sadly most of the ones I was excited about were in the "distinct possiblities", meaning chances are they wont get released, probably.