I'm Still Here

Started by MacGuffin, July 14, 2010, 11:18:40 PM

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"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


So these goddamn things are pretty much everywhere right now:

My house, my rules, my coffee


My house, my rules, my coffee


Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


this was my very first TIFF movie. :yabbse-grin:

it's easily the most elaborate and committed in-joke between two friends ever. the unfortunate thing about elaborate in-jokes is they're never as funny to the people on the outside. another difficult hurdle is that the overall idea is pretty much an extended riff on the part in being john malkovich where he does essentially the same thing (except he's good at his alternate career), and being john malkovich did it better. if this were a short film, or a web series, it might have been a lot more effective. there are a lot of scenes that only really belabour the point that jp is losing his shit, which, if you didn't already get that idea from life, you certainly understand 20 minutes in. however i did laugh heartily at more than a few moments, and it is kind of amazing as a picture of the ultimate act of commitment from an actor, discarding his entire life for an idea. the final moment is perfect too.

i was SHOCKED that people in the audience were still questioning whether this was a hoax or not after the movie finished.

ps. ratner actually has a miniscule cameo.


Trying to figure out if this is a sequel to this or negates the existence of this
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


It's like watching my iPhone GPS struggle to locate me.


Quote from: picolas on September 11, 2010, 06:12:57 PM
i was SHOCKED that people in the audience were still questioning whether this was a hoax or not after the movie finished.


Affleck Says Phoenix Documentary Wasn't Real

Published: September 16, 2010

CASEY AFFLECK wants to come clean.

His new movie, "I'm Still Here," was performance. Almost every bit of it. Including Joaquin Phoenix's disturbing appearance on David Letterman's late-night show in 2009, Mr. Affleck said in a candid interview at a cafe here on Thursday morning.

"It's a terrific performance, it's the performance of his career," Mr. Affleck said. He was speaking of Mr. Phoenix's two-year portrayal of himself — on screen and off — as a bearded, drug-addled aspiring rap star, who, as Mr. Affleck tells it, put his professional life on the line to star in a bit of "gonzo filmmaking" modeled on the reality-bending journalism of Hunter S. Thompson.

"I'm Still Here" was released last week by Magnolia Pictures to scathing reviews by a number of critics, including Roger Ebert, who wrote that the film was "a sad and painful documentary that serves little useful purpose other than to pound another nail into the coffin."

"The reviews were so angry," said Mr. Affleck, who attributed much of the hostility to his own long silence about a film that left more than a few viewers wondering what was real — The drugs? The hookers? The childhood home-movie sequences in the beginning? — and what was not.

Virtually none of it was real. Not even the opening shots, supposedly of Mr. Phoenix and his siblings swimming in a water hole in Panama. That, Mr. Affleck said, was actually shot in Hawaii with actors, then run back and forth on top of an old videocassette recording of "Paris, Texas" to degrade the images.

"I never intended to trick anybody," said Mr. Affleck, an intense 35-year-old who spoke over a meat-free, cheese-free vegetable sandwich on Thursday. "The idea of a quote, hoax, unquote, never entered my mind."

Still, he acknowledged that Mr. Letterman was not in on the joke when Mr. Phoenix, on Feb. 11, 2009, seemed to implode his own career by showing up in character as a mumbling, aimless star gone wrong.

That was just three years after he had received an Oscar nomination for his spot-on performance as Johnny Cash in "Walk the Line," and memories of the film were fresh enough to induce shock in the millions who watched him on the show and in later Internet replays.

Mr. Letterman summed up the interview: "Joaquin, I'm sorry you couldn't be here tonight."

Asked whether Mr. Phoenix would be in character for his return to Mr. Letterman's program on Wednesday, Mr. Affleck said, "No, no, no." And Mr. Letterman has not talked with Mr. Phoenix about the coming appearance, he added. Most mockumentaries, in the way of "This Is Spinal Tap," wear their foolishness on their sleeves, leaving no doubt about their character as fiction. But Mr. Affleck, who is married to Mr. Phoenix's sister and has been his friend for almost 20 years, said he wanted audiences to experience the film's narrative, about the disintegration of celebrity, without the clutter of preconceived notions.

So he said little in interviews. "We wanted to create a space," he said. "You believe what's happening is real."

As the film progresses, Mr. Affleck explained, subtle cues were supposed to provide hints of his real intention. Camera techniques, extremely raw at the beginning, become more sophisticated as the film goes on, for instance.

"There were multiple takes, these are performances," Mr. Affleck said of unsettling sequences in which Mr. Phoenix appears to snort drugs, consort with hookers, and hunt to the ground an assistant who has betrayed him to the press — again, mostly actors.

But the movie never quite showed its hand. "There was no wink," Mr. Affleck said.

One of the trickier elements was to win the cooperation of Mr. Phoenix's agent, Patrick Whitesell, of William Morris Endeavor Entertainment. On telling Mr. Whitesell that he planned to make everybody believe that a prized client "has lost his mind and make him as unattractive as possible, you would think he would have me killed immediately," Mr. Affleck said.

But Mr. Whitesell, instead, took a part in the film.

Mr. Phoenix's unconventional background may have helped convince some that the film was true. Now 35, he was one of five children in a free-spirited family that bounced from life in a religious cult through a time when the siblings worked as street performers. Mr. Phoenix's brother River, also an actor, died of a drug overdose in 1993. His sister Summer eventually married Mr. Affleck.

In the film Mr. Phoenix is often called "J. P.," both an attempt at a rap stage name and the inevitable shorthand of a star's inner world. At one point in the film Mr. Phoenix howls at his crew in exasperation: "J. P. is all of us."

As Mr. Affleck now makes clear, he is actually none of us — which is something of a relief.

But Mr. Phoenix may now have his work cut out for him when it comes to repairing an image that was marred by what Mr. Affleck portrays as his best performance. The Los Angeles Times reported this week that Mr. Phoenix, who makes much of abandoning his screen career in the film, is fielding offers for new roles.

Mr. Affleck, for his part, will return to acting for a while, probably in a film for Andrew Dominik, who directed "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford," for which Mr. Affleck received an Oscar nomination.

At least one element in the film was genuine, Mr. Affleck said. That was a snippet of a home movie that showed Mr. Phoenix and his very young siblings performing, Jackson Five style, on the streets of Los Angeles.

The rest, Mr. Affleck said, clearly requires a bit more understanding than he has allowed the viewers to date. "It is a hard movie to watch," he said.


He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


They should start including that last bit in the promotional material.

"IT'S A HARD MOVIE TO WATCH!" - The Director
My house, my rules, my coffee


I gotta say, I didn't really want to watch it before, but now I do, and I can't really say why.  I think I was tired of the "is it real or fake?" business, because on that level it's not really that interesting.  Now I feel like I can go in and see if the movie's interesting on its own terms.  Also now I feel like I can go in and laugh at it, which is what I really want to do.


i can't believe anyone ever thought that was real
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


'Never Underestimate The Stupidity of America'-Bill Maher
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Quote from: ddiggler on September 17, 2010, 12:10:36 AM
i can't believe anyone ever thought that was real

Same here.

I'm also glad it's out in the open though.  The debate was driving me crazy.
I just can't wait for the people claiming they're lying and saying it's fake to protect Phoenix.

I still haven't seen it, but this changes nothing for me.  I was 100% sure it was fake.


I thought it had to be at least somewhat real because, if it were staged, I'd have expected it to be a LITTLE bit more compelling. It's really a rather dour viewing experience. Joaquin just comes off as a boring douchebag. If it's a performance, it's a pretty one-note and solipsistic one. The subtle change in cinematic quality that he mentions in the interview isn't really noticeable - it stays pretty shitty throughout. The audio in particular is so bad at points that its hard to watch.

Knowing that it's fake might make it more interesting, just because you get to read intent into the whole thing. But it's still not a good movie.