
Started by MacGuffin, November 10, 2009, 09:24:09 PM

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Wow that editor is a dummy.

I don't know why the box office was so low after all the hype. It totally lives up to it, for me at least. I hadn't watched any trailers except the one I saw on TV, so maybe that helped. Anyway, loved it and I'll be seeing it again tonight.

What was generic about it, it's pretty wild I thought.


Quote from: ©brad on April 27, 2010, 10:10:23 AM
Really? So the Nic Cage doing Adam West thing worked?

ha yeah i wouldn't say it worked exactly cos i'm not even sure if there was a purpose to his sometimes weird speech pattern. cage gives a standard cage-level hammy performance that is really nothing different to what he's been doing throughout his career, especially the last decade. yes that editor is a dummy, if the wicker man didn't get cage laughed out of hollywood then nothing will. his role in Kick Ass is not central in terms of screen time and his purpose, along with most of the other adults in the film, is to provide motivation for the young kids to do their thing. he hams it up MASSIVELY but that's fine cos there's a lot in the film that hits the same note and feels right.

Quote from: Pas Rap on April 27, 2010, 10:16:42 AM
I don't know why the box office was so low after all the hype.

to answer this you just hav to see what socketlevel said. he went into it thinking it was a kids movie. and if you hadn't seen the redband trailers you definitely would not have any clue that it wasn't. added to that, in terms of word of mouth, the only time this is getting spoken about at the box office is in direct competition with How To Train Your Dragon --- it should be a completely different audience.

i normally hate gratuitous swearing and violence in films these days (blame tarantino) but this didn't bother me at all. i couldn't pay it a higher compliment than that,. i think it has its heart in the right place. in terms of hitting all the right notes, it misses a few, especially the very last shot which might not work, but at that point it's already given you 2 or 3 good endings and heaps of amazing action sequences, this year's biggest cutey patootey (little miss who?), and overall just a really fun film the whole grown-up family can enjoy (i took my dad to this and he loved it).
under the paving stones.


The rumor (based on Kick-Ass underperforming and How to Train Your Dragon having inexplicable lasting power) is that all the under-17s are buying tickets for Dragon and then going and seeing Kick-Ass. I'd like to think that explains it, but it's also just as likely that people are dumb and have bad taste.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: P on April 27, 2010, 12:40:47 AM
anyway, what the HELL is nic cage screaming? (at the part where: spoiler: he's fire)

Someone had stated on another site that he was helping Hit-Girl with where the bad guys were standing. Giving her assistance. I, too, couldn't understand a single word he said. It only made me think of his "not the bees!" scream from Wicker Man.


Quote from: polkablues on April 27, 2010, 01:48:27 PM
The rumor (based on Kick-Ass underperforming and How to Train Your Dragon having inexplicable lasting power) is that all the under-17s are buying tickets for Dragon and then going and seeing Kick-Ass. I'd like to think that explains it, but it's also just as likely that people are dumb and have bad taste.

Have you seen Dragon? I was as turned-off as anybody else based on the marketing alone, but after the persistent plugging over at, I decided to give it a try and it's pretty freaking great. Nothing revolutionary as far as story goes, but it's some of the best 3-D I've ever seen and the feeling of flying is much more realistic than anything in Avatar. I haven't seen Kick-Ass yet so I can't compare the two (not that anyone should) but the marketing is why Dragons died and word of mouth is why it is now #1.
My assholeness knows no bounds.


That's good to hear. I actually hadn't been hearing any buzz whatsoever about it after it opened, which was why its performance seemed so suspicious. But if it's actually good, I guess it's off the hook. There's still no excuse for Kick-Ass not being a huge hit, though.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Yeah, this was really fun.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Now that I've seen this a second time, I still really enjoyed it but there's one little thing that could've made it that much better: a better soundtrack.

The songs are alright, but they are really misplaced. Especially ''Bad Reputation'' which should be at the very first time we see Hit-Girl kick some ass, not at the very end where her reputation is not at all in question. But really, when that's the first criticism that comes to mind, you really got a good one in your hands.

Edit: And that Gnarls Barkley bit, too... hum?



It felt like there was something great beneath a lot of the distractions.  I liked the angle of a wannabe superhero being way in over his head when he meets actual vigilantes and criminals, and realizing that the actual implications of fighting crime.  however, I didn't like how cheaply it ended, making it seemed like the only thing the boy had missing was a jetpack.  it seemed like an arbitrary deux ex machina that tied everything neatly together.

however, I'd been thinking about that sequence when hitgirl ran in slow motion with the flashing light for a while now - that shit was cool.

again, guys, watch out for more works by the same stunt coordinator - Brad Allan, who is also doing Scott Pilgrim.  He was a little beast in some of Jackie Chan's latter day efforts.  Good to see him flourish.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


I don't care what none of yall say I LOVED that movie. Its the most fun I've ever had at the movies since I first saw 'the matrix' in New York in 1999.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Quote from: SiliasRuby on April 27, 2010, 09:16:25 PM
I don't care what none of yall say I LOVED that movie. Its the most fun I've ever had at the movies since I first saw 'the matrix' in New York in 1999.

lol dude 80% of us liked it. so you don't care that we agree!? :P

orhowilearnedto you're right it is sloppy, but then again the tone changes were so drastic that the sloppiness was part of the charm imo. the sloppiness of the story added to the ragtag shoestringish style and concept. it actually made me think anything could happen at any moment because a lot of plot conventions or pacing were not upheld from the typical films you'd see in this genre.

in that regard it reminds me of breaking bad, even though totally different in so many other ways, i loved the way that any scene could not only go to places you didn't expect but the overall mood at times would flip on it's ass and pleasantly surprise.
the one last hit that spent you...


I know what you're saying socket, but i didn't find the sloppiness very charming. at least, it didn't feel it was intentional. I think there's probably a much longer cut of this somewhere, which was probably much clearer, but also probably more boring. It's like what you said about the black cop worrying about hit-girl's future, but then not following through with it. They cut it down to keep the broad humour and to hit the basic emotional points. I don't think the filmmakers came prepared to tell the story as effectively as possible, which is why there's all these drastic tone changes. The only one who seemed to know what he was doing was Nic Cage. If the whole film played it up as much as he did, without falling back on juvenile humour and random sex scenes, i probably would've loved this.

or maybe i'm just jealous that nerd got to fuck that hot girl twice and im single right now.  :oops:


Just read on IMDB that Kick-Ass (well, the actor) is 20 years old and his wife/gf is 43 years old and pregnant with his baby lol wtf!


Quote from: Pas Rap on April 29, 2010, 08:38:49 AM
Just read on IMDB that Kick-Ass (well, the actor) is 20 years old and his wife/gf is 43 years old and pregnant with his baby lol wtf!

yeah, she directed him in Nowhere Boy.

he's a mad cunt.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: P on April 29, 2010, 09:31:53 AM
Quote from: Pas Rap on April 29, 2010, 08:38:49 AM
Just read on IMDB that Kick-Ass (well, the actor) is 20 years old and his wife/gf is 43 years old and pregnant with his baby lol wtf!

yeah, she directed him in Nowhere Boy.

he's a mad cunt.

My assholeness knows no bounds.