Mad Men

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 21, 2008, 12:51:38 AM

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Hah me too. Skinny Betty is back! She has an understanding of Don no other woman on the show has. The way she out-Don'd Don and was able to compartmentalize their tryst as just sex, and how she seems genuinely happy in her marriage to Henry shows how much she's evolved emotionally since the first season. In her own weird way she's finally grown up. She hasn't been the most likable of characters on the show but I've always found her interesting, now especially.

This episode was one of my favorites of the season, outside of the Roger C-plot which seemed contrived and tacked on (oh really, he wants to be a father now?) I loved the scene with Betty and Don singing that song with Bobby, who's actually a character now! There was a great meta line when he said "I'm Bobby #5" that made me chuckle, given he's the 5th actor to play that role. It's nice to see Don actually smile and not act like such a sad loser. That final shot with the "Always Something There to Remind Me" cover might be one of my favorite closing songs of the series.


Thanks to AV Club and Reddit:

Megan Draper and Sharon Tate

Here are the facts: Sharon Tate was an up-and-coming actress in the 1960s. She started out with small television roles, and worked her way up to a Golden Globe for Valley of the Dolls in 1967. She was also a model married to film director Roman Polanski. On August 9, 1969, an eight-and-a-half month pregnant Sharon Tate was murdered in her home by followers of Charles Manson.

Now, while that doesn't exactly jibe with Mad Men's Megan Draper, there are certainly some similarities (Megan is an up-and-coming actress, who recently suffered a miscarriage and may or may not be trying for another child). And just in case you were wondering if Mathew Weiner wants us to draw those comparisons, check out the image above of Sharon Tate alongside Megan Draper. Now let's dig deeper.

The theory was developed over on Reddit, I believe in response to a tweet from the daughter of the photographer of the above Sharon Tate photograph and Janie Bryant, the designer on Mad Men.

It's "no coincidence." Now, as I was following along with this theory, I dismissed any notion that Matthew Weiner had planned on inserting a character into history and/or rewriting Sharon Tate's murder. Megan Draper is not Sharon Tate, and Weiner is not going to f**k with history. However, the point at which I became convinced that it was a narrative choice instead of a fashion choice was someone pointing out the this season's promo poster.

Not only does that poster allude to the "better halves" and the Dick Whitman/Don Draper stuff that's been going on all season, but the police presence does suggest something more sinister on the horizon. Before the season started, many of us jokingly suggested that this season would contain a murder based on the poster, but now it's not so much a joke. Combine that with the break-in in Don's apartment in last week's episode, plus Abe's stabbing, and it all seems to SCREAM an oncoming homicide. This is the period in NYC where crime began to rise precipitously. The sirens during Megan's scene on the balcony in this week's episode were loud enough to mean something (they weren't just faint background noises), and it's worth noting this: Sharon Tate's murder was one of mistaken identity.

You could spin a lot of theories about what seems like the impending murder of Megan Draper, from it being another break-in (foreshadowed by Grandma Ida), to a case of mistaken identity (foreshadowed by Peggy's stabbing of Abe), to Don being the murderer (there is a Draper walking to and from the crime scene in the poster), to BOB BENSON because OF COURSE BOB BENSON. Or maybe it's Dr. Rosen, who finds out about Draper's affair with Sylvia, who kills Megan after mistaking her for Draper.

That's gotta be it, right? Dr. Rosen?

Interestingly, it's not the first Draper/Tate comparison, as Tom and Lorenzo spotted such a comparison with the promo photos ahead of the season, writing of the picture below: "Megan's going a more California-inspired, Sharon Tate kind of route, which fits her character."

If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


I kept on thinking Megan was a goner last night because of A) the Tate parallels mixed with B) the fact that once Don and Roger got back to New York, Don hadn't dropped by his apartment yet. Seemed a little "Dexter Season 4-y" to me.
Otherwise, last night's episode was fun to watch, although all over the place. Still enjoyed



K. Let's talk about that guy. Apparently there has been some discussion on the interwebs about the mysterious Bob Benson that I wasn't aware of until now. And I can see why. Why is he so nice? Why is he always around? (A question I found to be hilariously brought up by Jim Cutler during his Ginsberg showdown: "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DOWN HERE?! GO BACK UPSTAIRS!!)

People are thinking some crazy shit. Possible FBI agent investigating Don Draper, Don's bastard child from the prostitute (pffft) or even a serial killer. And while I don't necessarily buy the last two, FBI might not be such a stretch. In any case, I have been wondering who the fuck that guy is. Something's up with this season. Shit is brewing. There is as much unrest in these characters as there is in the streets. I find myself saying "this is my favorite season" every year now. Someone's gonna diiiiiieeeee (maybe).

OK, also, for some reason I was watching Hot Tub Time Machine the other day on satellite, and Jessica Pare (Megan Draper) shares a jacuzzi scene with Craig Robinson and she's topless. I don't know if that has been brought to the attention of this thread. But there you go.


I almost think sunday night showrunners knew GoT was airing that balls-out, penultimate episode and figured there was no way to compete so they just low-balled it.

I didn't love this episode. How many drug-induced epiphanies can these characters have? I know it's the late 60s but it feels dramatically forced. The California trip was pointless. Roger's verbal spatdown of Danny seemed unnecessarily cruel and also pretty pointless. The silent scenes of Don and Megan watching the democratic national convention almost put them to sleep. I'm excited to see where everything lands in the last 3 episodes but overall this season hasn't been nearly as gripping as 4 or 5.


I have decided to wait to watch all the game of throne episodes until the season is done so I can binge watch it. I was thinking how incredibly easy it's been to stay away from GOT spoilers. It hadn't been all that difficult either. That was until yesterday morning when everything exploded and now it's everywhere including in the Mad Men thread. I know what people have been calling it online but have been able to stay away from details.  One more week!!

The three previous episodes have been great so it's understandable they couldn't keep that up. The California trip did feel pointless.

What I really noticed this episode was the difference between the two companies. You can't imagine Shaw doing the same kinds of things Don and Sterling get away with. How has Sterling Cooper been able to survive with these two in control?

In the previous episode, Joan made the comment that Pete is the only one at the company that has never broken a promise to her. He promises not to cut her out and she in returns cuts him out.

Have we seen the straw that has broke Pete? Pete has to be one of the most committed and hardest working people in that office. He's had nothing but failures this season.He's always been able to see things before they happen and I think he's right about they're gonna be pushed out. With that awesome ending, Pete just might turn on, tune in, drop out.

While the Megan and Sharon Tate thing is fun, it's being overblown. There is a lot of civil disrest and crime happening in the season but it doesn't point to a Sharon Tate like violent moment like the last season did. The Megan and Sharon Tate thing would have been much more scarier last season. There was a lot of references to murders and mass murders. You had the group of nurses being murdered and then the guy with the last name of Whitman shooting people in Texas. It all led up to that terrifying episode of Don leaving Megan at the restaurant then unable to find her once he went back.  Maybe the reference will make sense at the end of the season but I don't expect Don to come home find a dead Megan.

If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


if it takes drugs to make an episode of this show incredibly awesome and smooth, then i'm ok with that.
obvs thats whats happening: i mean this last one and the speed one have been easily the best of the season, dare i say series. it doesnt even have anything to do with the characters being on drugs, its more that coincidentally these seem to be the most solid, perfectly paced episodes. i dont know.


- the shot of don walking through the party was beautiful
- pete at the end definitely means somethings about to snap in him or already has. you're right brando, his luck has been glaringly bad this whole season. im ready for him to freak out and do something crazy.


Does anybody watch What the Flick?
I started following for movie reviews - Ben from TCM and Christy Lemire the AP film critic that was on the last TV version of Ebert's show are 2 of the people. They also do TV episode reviews now with some other people.
I am Torgo. I take care of the place while the Master is away.


Great episode. Don is a baby! The show bookends with him in the fetal position and he plays the baby in the commercial. I think the reason Don did what he did was that he's unhappy and doesn't want anyone else to be happy. The secretary said it herself when she saw how Peggy and Shaw were acting. When Shaw confronts him, Don tells him to go ask the secretary. I have to agree with Don too. Those two were completely annoying.

I loved the final scene with Betty and Sally. Betty spent the entire episode trying to figure out what's wrong with Sally and why she would want to go to boarding school. Then Sally says "My father's never given me anything." I'm sure this is the first time Sally has ever spoke ill of Don to Betty. The previous episode, Sally and Betty were fighting. Sally screams at her asking why Betty couldn't support her like Don. Betty replies sarcastically about Don being perfect. Don's infidelity has brought these two together.

I laughed out load when Pete told his mom to tell her "lover" that he threw her down the stairs.

According to Mad Men, when one chooses a new identity, have your first and last name begin with the same letter. Also, the first name needs to have a shorter abbreviation with no more than three letters.
If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


Yeah lots of dark, funny stuff, especially from Pete.

Loved everything with Sally and Betty. I'm really into Betty again.

Don is turning into Freddie Runson. The push-in as he drank that screwdriver was sad.

Megan Draper - WAKE THE FUCK UP.

I don't really care about Bob Benson. His character is interesting enough but it's the second to last season and we're focusing on new dweebs like him instead of Roger, Joan, Ken, and Harry.

I haven no idea what's coming next week. My best guess is Don will leave the agency, or be pushed out. Or he'll have a heart attack.


Quote from: ©brad on June 17, 2013, 09:05:47 PM
Loved everything with Sally and Betty. I'm really into Betty again.

Betty is still Betty but love how she has still has been able to evolve. Betty is such a hated character but still has shown growth where Don has shown little.

Quote from: ©brad on June 17, 2013, 09:05:47 PM
Megan Draper - WAKE THE FUCK UP. 

Megan always came off as naive. Her parents have always been horrible so she's used to putting up with shit. She's also focused on her own career to focus on Don.

I noticed this last night but as usual the internet has beaten me to the idea by 9 months. Weiner's son looks like the girl from the skittles commercial.

If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


Quote from: Brando on June 17, 2013, 08:29:24 PM
I loved the final scene with Betty and Sally.

Yeah, this scene also was somewhat reminiscent of the moment last year where Don let Glen drive his car. A moment where the adults connect with the kids by allowing them a sense of adulthood.

I pretty much love the idea that moments/themes are reappearing now in a mirrored context. Pete finds out about Bob like he did Don, but realizes there's no point in taking him down, basically apologizing in the end. This also reflects the moment in season 3 where Don pretty much condemns Salvatore's sexuality, while Pete may put up boundaries to Bob, yet looks past their sexual differences.
Good stuff.


Great final episode although I didn't like how the episode was directed.

Don had it coming but I still felt sad seeing him leaving SC&P. He's burnt so many bridges that no one seemed sad to see him leave. Peggy was already snooping around his office. I enjoyed the moment where she sat in his seat and turned slightly to mimic the show's logo.

Is this the last of Don Draper at SC&P? I could see the agency moving forward without him. Don might not even want to go back.

After spending the entire season talking about Don not changing or growing, he finally shows change. In season 1, he wanted to escape with this girlfriend leaving his children behind. He can now leave to California with Megan but decides to stay with his children.

The episode ends November 1968 and next season will be it's last. Since the show began at the beginning of 1960, You could guess that the show will end at the dawn of the 1970s. Mad Men in the 70s just doesn't seem right.

After last weeks hilarious/cruel comment, Pete gets another with "She always loved the sea."

If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.


spoilers whatever


well, the direction was definitely the biggest problem with this episode, brando, you're right.
i dont know why i got excited seeing that weiner would be directing it, he definitely screwed it up.
this felt similar to the last GOT, which suffered from too much exposition like p said. too much of it felt like a beginning rather than a summing up.

the constant dramatic music and the weird fades were just, well, weird. the change in dons character is definitely interesting but it occurred too late. we've been seeing his downfall for a while, so the whole quitting drinking thing would have been cool to play on for more than ONE episode, come on. i mean the whole breakdown in the hersheys meeting was kind of just sad instead of shocking because hes already done it a few times. i guess it was a necessary for his final nail in the coffin. the sally subpoena would have been nice to see come to a conclusion instead it just kind of vaguely disappeared?  (edit: ok i just realized that its not december yet, so that makes sense, but still! that would have been a fun scene.)

maybe its just me, but i really hated it overall. the people moving around from la to ny and oh wait now im going and bobs staying but now stan wants to but megan is and dons not and this and that. after like the second switch i just didnt even care. the last scene came out of nowhere and maybe it was supposed to be real dramatic but it was flat.

i hope that the final season is kind of in the 70s and they just throw the kitchen sink in there and make it real crazy and go out in an explosion. this show has had too many exciting awesome things in it to be as bland as this ep.


I rewatched it and the direction is just bad. Jon Hamm and Elizabeth Moss have killed in these roles but in their characters biggest moments of this episode they seemed lost. Jon Hamm gave a portion of his Hersey's speech while holding his hand in front of his face. Directing 101: Don't obscure the actor's face especially during a life changing moment.

If you think this is going to have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.