Mad Men

Started by Gold Trumpet, January 21, 2008, 12:51:38 AM

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Quote from: Brando on May 28, 2014, 12:24:01 AM
I haven't heard about these NPR spoilers. I have the terrible luck of just happening upon spoilers.

Quote from: Drenk on May 27, 2014, 08:06:10 AM
I'm curious about the NPR spoilers. The show is very careful about spoilers (it's even an obsession, Weiner doesn't want people to know when a season start exactly.) How did they "find" this spoiler?

well since i started this and it keeps getting brought up, the way it was presented was super vague, and still it fucked shit up for me, so i'm going to do an even more diluted version:

'something forgotten from one of the first seasons comes full circle, and its a huge crazy deal' is my best watered down re-iteration of what this dumb bitch said blatantly on air. she didn't even preface it with 'as all of us long time viewers know...' or anything.


Quote from: Brando on May 28, 2014, 12:24:01 AM

I had issues with Wiener's direction with last season's finale. I didn't have any with this finale. The only issue I could think of would be Megan's reaction to Don's idea of moving to Cali. I understand the need for the awkward silence but felt it was staged weird.

Weiner said in an interview that the scene wasn't supposed to be this long. Paré didn't want to leave us I suppose.


Something forgotten...They fired Sal and never acknowledged his existence, but it wouldn't be a huge deal (it would be for me, though, and I hope he works at McCann). I just hope that Peggy's child won't magically appear from nowhere, it would be stupid.


I don't think Peggy's child would be considered a forgotten thing. It's constantly floating in the show's ether. The hug Peggy and Julio share being the most recent example.


you're all wrong!

super duper fucking spoilers regarding npr super spoiler, direct quote:
"the second part of the series finale addresses don revealing his past to everyone and the legal consequences that follow"
there, you guys happy?


Quote from: BB on May 28, 2014, 04:10:31 PM
I don't think Peggy's child would be considered a forgotten thing. It's constantly floating in the show's ether. The hug Peggy and Julio share being the most recent example.

Yes, of course. Or when she holds Joan's child in the premiere of Season 5. (Where EVERYONE holds Joan's child and, everytime, it means something else.)

I read the NPR spoiler. I don't know what I think about it. We don't even know if it's true. What I know is that one year is a long time. If you think about it, everything is resolved...I don't know what next year will be about. Weiner talked about the immaterial world. This spoiler seems pretty material to me.


thanks wilder but...ten minutes in and BEE hasn't shut up yet, literally, Weiner hasn't said a word...

ok, I took one for the team, Weiner starts talking at 11.38


Yes, I yelled: "Shut up" at my computer. He's till doing his long intros.

I'm listening to it! As always, great interview!


It's back April 5th.  The end is nigh.


those are some good lookin folks right there bo


Indeed. The spot itself is kind of cheesy though, no? Certainly not on par with teasers from previous seasons.

I still think this split-season nonsense for Mad Men was a huge mistake. I doubt they'll see any notable rise in ratings, certainly nowhere near the surge Breaking Bad experienced.


What do we think so far? Honestly, I'm a little nervous. Was spending an entire episode with Megan's family necessary? This Diana storyline is dreadfully boring and feels like wasted screen time. No offense to the actress playing her, but there's nothing remotely interesting about this character. And holy heavy handed imagery batman. Could that final shot be anymore obvious?

We have 5 episodes left after being cockteased for two years with this split-season nonsense. Get it together Weiner.


I loved the last two episodes. Loved them.

I'm not a big Megan fan, but it was the conclusion to five years of Don and Megan's life. I loved how crazy Megan's family is; I felt pity for her, I could imagine her young years.

Diana is a great and fascinating way to confront Don to himself, in a way. And it was the first time that I saw genuine love in his eyes. I think it's the end of their relationship, though.

I love the mood of these episodes. I can't really explain.

And there is a masterclass with Weiner in Paris this Sunday, and I'm going. And another with Weiner about french cinema Monday I'm going, too. If something interesting and new is said, I'll remember.


That's great! Weiner is a great interview. I'm sure both talks will be inspired.

Megan's anger towards Don seems completely unfounded. Last we left her she was telling Don that he didn't owe her anything. Now she's some entitled brat demanding all this money? And how exactly did Don ruin her life? She seemed to be enjoying her bohemian existence in Los Angeles. And this is coming from someone who actually liked Megan. They've turned her into this spoiled harpy ex-wife a la Jane.

I fail to see how Diana is in anyway fascinating. Maybe I'm just grumpy and want more screen time with the characters we've actually invested in for 7 years, especially since the click is ticking.


It isn't difficult for me to imagine that money can create conflict between people, and Megan feels a lot of resentment because she realized Don was a mistake. And he was. When she decided to be an actress, they had nothing in common anymore. She wasn't working with him; their dynamic was dead.
I remember when she felt jealous of Stephanie in 7A because she said she knew all of Don's secrets. She's angry about the life she lived. And she isn't successful at her job. She regrets the life she had. She wonders what she could have been without Don. Something better, maybe, she hopes. That's how I imagine her thoughts!

She is asking for money at the beginning of the episode because she's a struggling actress, she asks a lot, of course, but Don has millions. Don gave her a million because he felt guilty. She didn't ask for a million dollar! She took the money's a million dollar!

There's an anger that I understand. Their peaceful breakup in Waterloo felt weird to me.