
Started by MacGuffin, July 23, 2004, 03:00:02 PM

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private witt

When are you clowns gonna stop wasting your money on shitty hollywood adaptations of graphic novels and comic books?  Face it, THEY ALL FUCKING SUCK.  Dark Knight was good, but only the parts with Heath Ledger.  The rest was boring as watching Lost and 24 at the same fucking time.
"If you work in marketing or advertising, kill yourself.  You contribute nothing of value to the human race, just do us all a favor and end your fucking life."  ~Bill Hicks


Man shoots himself during "Watchmen" movie 
Eugene (KMTR) – A man shot himself to death in a Eugene movie theater just after midnight Monday morning.

Police say about 10 patrons were in an auditorium at Regal Cinemas watching the movie "Watchmen."  About midway through the film some of the moviegoers told the manager they heard a "popping" noise like a gunshot.  A 24-year-old man was found in the rear of the auditorium with a gunshot wound to the head.

Police say the man shot himself and was dead when they arrived.

The patron closest to the man was sitting two rows away.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


R.I.P. Alan Moore.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Yeah, that was perfect Stefan.


well that is one movie I would've loved as a teenager.

that sex scene was pretty funny with Leonard Cohen playing in the background. Also WTF Sound of Silence during the Comedian's funeral ???? weird soundtrack.

Too bad they chose Snyder, the fight scenes sucked it looked as though the heroes had super-powers.

Dr Manhattan was really cool though, lots of good lines. Especially the termite line near the end, good stuff.

I'm probably gonna watch the director's cut when it comes out, just to say how much further to the right this one can go ! It's gonna be funny to see college kids who fancy themselves as leftists/liberals claim they love this and 300, really far right movies.


Quote from: Pas Rap on April 09, 2009, 11:12:00 PM
I'm probably gonna watch the director's cut when it comes out, just to say how much further to the right this one can go !
could you elaborate? that sounds terrible.

i can't say i'm surprised. the V for Vendetta movie was a shameful misrepresentation of anarchism and From Hell's philosophical content was practically excluded outright to convert the book into a whodunit mystery movie.

a while back, before he went off to explore the universe, cronopio posed this question..

Quote from: cron on July 26, 2008, 04:04:48 AM
how do you guys feel about the fact that this stuff will be super mainstream now?

recently i saw the latest issue of Maxim: "WATCHMEN'S SEXIEST SUPERHERO UNMASKED" - with a free poster inside!

a few weeks back, i went into Hot Topic to search for the ultimate piece of Watchmen merchandise. i looked at the action figures on the stands.. the t-shirts and the posters.. i thought "wow, Zach Snyder is the Ozymandias to Alan Moore's Rorschach" and then, hanging on the wall by the Greenday and AFI shirts, i spotted this:

My Chemical Romance's Desolation Row, on vinyl.


i still kinda want that rorshach figure.


Oh golly, i hate it when things go 'mainstream'
or even worse "super mainstream"

what a travesty...poor poor over sensitive fan boys, that can't let anything go...

I am so so sorry,

i would love to post how i feel about this film, but unfortunatly it doesn't belong here...
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2009, 12:02:31 PMi would love to post how i feel about this film, but unfortunatly it doesn't belong here...
you do realize that's an incredibly, undeniably shitty attitude, right? what an obvious pile of shit.


Quote from: picolas on May 12, 2009, 12:46:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2009, 12:02:31 PMi would love to post how i feel about this film, but unfortunately it doesn't belong here...
you do realize that's an incredibly, undeniably shitty attitude, right? what an obvious pile of shit.

you got me.

and undeniably inspired me to change my life attitude attitude and my life.

Awe inspiring

I just like the film, and am reading the graphic novel.
The graphic novel is fucking amazing, probably one of the best things I've ever read(less than 20 pgs to go!!!).
The movie obviously cannot hold a candle to the graphic novel, and maybe some of us are jealous because we wish we could have made the film(hopefully "better"?). However, with one viewing in IMAX, I'm still with ghostboy(maybe?) in the idea that this is the best attempt at the beautiful story hollywood could shit out, but the movie is not the graphic novel, and where this may not a groundbreaking concept, i have no desire to compare the two. To me it seems comparing the two is what is going on here mostly.  That's why it "wouldn't belong" nothing personal, no need to wear your heart on-line here. The novel exists as something untouchable, or separate from this film THAT THE CREATOR LEFT HIS NAME OFF.  sure, they left out a great deal of good story, but that's why the graphic novel came first, it was a real artists idea. I doubt i would have enjoyed regurgitation of dialogue, that entire idea catches hell too, and even though this film is a bit long, and lacks the things mentioned in this thread.  For a "hollywood" film, i personally feel this movie achieved many things that most "popular" films haven't even contemplated.

it doesn't belong anywhere, I'm not collegiate, i cannot be articulate enough with my words, most of you are much sharper with your chops.  That's why it doesn't belong, it may not fit some criteria.  i don't really agree or connect with 85% of the things expressed. i don't dislike them, i consider them informative, just don't feel the same way, which is fine, I'm just not very good at getting my thoughts out yet.

now look what you've done. A bunch of words with no content. you.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


okay good. but eliminating the graphic novel from your mind, the mars argument is still soooo poorly handled, and the ending is still soooo confused, and the fact that these people are seemingly indestructible fighters makes them non-human, no? i think you can separate the talk of the book from the criticism and still have a valid criticism of the film itself.


Quote from: picolas on May 12, 2009, 01:37:44 PM
okay good. but eliminating the graphic novel from your mind, the mars argument is still soooo poorly handled, and the ending is still soooo confused, and the fact that these people are seemingly indestructible fighters makes them non-human, no? i think you can separate the talk of the book from the criticism and still have a valid criticism of the film itself.

i feel like eliminating the graphic novel from my mind allows the mars argument to not exist. and yes.the whole "why would a person with normal human attributes take up crime fighting, and how do they do this" was poorly handled. but the themes other than superheroes' shit were tackled better. i think at least more so.

i completely agree with most of the criticisms with the book and the film, but like previously discussed. the character of silk spector makes Dr Manhattan look like a douche of a human, more so than the so called "non-superhuman" heroes. and that is why the mars scene had to be butchered.not a justification, just a point of, had they made the mars convo up to it's full potential, it would have been melodrama or some thing like that, ya know, you can't bring depth into a situation with a one dimensional piece of eye candy and the genius to top all brilliant minds, does that make sense?

Every statement that is saying the movie lacked something from the novel is 100% accurate,  but we have to understand the complexity that the graphic novel tackles.  and i believe this film can be under serious scrutiny, i mean anyone who can take my chemical romance seriously in a cinematic moment like that one needs fired, or burned at the stake, if i was an exec and someone said MCR IS GOING TO COVER DYLAN (and desolation row no less) i would have told him or her they had five minutes to gather their things before i called security.  I just feel like the majority of the criticism of the film is under the light of the novel, so you're totally right, the film isn't perfect, i personally think it could've been about 3 movies. however.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


Warner has just officially announced the DVD and Blu-ray Disc release of Watchmen for 7/28. Available will be single-disc DVD, 2-disc DVD special edition and 2-disc Blu-ray versions (SRP $28.99, $22.95 and $35.99). The single-disc DVD will include just the theatrical cut of the film. The 2-disc DVD will feature a new cut of the film that's 25-minutes longer, along with The Phenomenon: The Comic That Changed Comics documentary, 11 "making of" webisodes and My Chemical Romance's Desolation Row music video. You'll also get a Digital Copy version of the film. The Blu-ray will include all of the 2-disc material, along with a BonusView Immersive Maximum Movie Mode of the film hosted by director Zack Snyder, as well as BD-Live features that can be shared with friends on Facebook.

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2009, 12:02:31 PM
Oh golly, i hate it when things go 'mainstream'
or even worse "super mainstream"

what a travesty...poor poor over sensitive fan boys, that can't let anything go...

I am so so sorry,

i would love to post how i feel about this film, but unfortunatly it doesn't belong here...
dude. you missed the point of my post. i wasn't even critiquing the film itself. cronopio asked that question before the film was released and i still haven't seen the stupid thing. i was observing contradictions between the ideas expressed in watchmen the book and the ideas exemplified by the film's production/mass marketing. i think you'd have understood this if you read the post more carefully. no need to sell yourself short by saying shit like "it doesn't belong anywhere, I'm not collegiate."