The Incredible Hulk

Started by MacGuffin, April 30, 2006, 09:58:28 AM

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Hulk Villain Talk
Scripter says Abomination won't be called Abomination.

Writer-director Zak Penn is at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York this week to promote his new movie The Grand, but during his visit the man who helped write such films as X2 and X3 also proved willing to talk a bit about his various upcoming superhero movies. First off, he acknowledged today that rumors placing the Abomination as the villain in the next Hulk film are true... sort of.

"On The Hulk, one of the big discussions has been -- God, I hope I don't get in trouble for this -- the villain is going to be this character from the comics, the Abomination, who will not be called the Abomination out loud in the film because it's a silly, silly name," laughs Penn, who wrote the film. "It just is; it's so hard to work in. 'Hey, what should we call that guy?' 'He's an abomination!'"

In classic Marvel Comics continuity, the character was an Eastern Bloc spy who, like the Hulk, was transformed into a green-skinned, ultra-strong monster after getting a blast of radiation. Penn is fairly tightlipped about details regarding the film version of the character, but he does reveal a bit about the film's technical approach to him.

"It's definitely not all CGI," he says of the character. "Marvel will release casting when it happens. I don't even actually know right now. I'm sure it will come out soon. ... But one of the things we talked about with the effects people, who had done X3 as well, is that when this guy transforms, he's not used to having these properties. Like he's much heavier, and we talked about how when he walks down the sidewalk, his weight destroys the sidewalk and he's tripping. [It's all about] the humanization of these kinds of superhero characters, showing the effects physics may actually have on [them]."

Penn says that he just finished his third draft of the script a couple of weeks ago for director Louis Leterrier (The Transporter) and star Edward Norton and that the production end of things is more or less "off and running." And as for comparisons to Ang Lee's Hulk film from 2003? Penn seems fairly frank on that matter.

"I think that Ang Lee is a fantastic director and there's incredible, incredible stuff in the first movie, but I don't think that it captured the things that are interesting about the Hulk," says Penn. "One of the things that appealed to me as kid about reading The Hulk is in no way is the Hulk a superhero story. It is simply not. Spider-Man is a superhero. He puts on a costume and he fights crime. The Hulk is a Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein horror comic. That's what it is, period. He's a man cursed with turning into his repressed id, that's it. And to me, that's a very powerful idea. Cronenberg's The Fly is one of my favorite movies ever made, literally I think it's a fantastic film. And to me, that [Hulk] film was not made -- the first Hulk was not that film. It was not about the torment of being a person who cannot afford to feel anxiety in modern culture, which is to me the strength and power of The Hulk movie. Other things were done, they did some cool s--t, whatever, great in its own way. But we didn't make that movie and Marvel wanted to make that movie and they still want to make that movie and now we are."

The casting of Norton as Banner has Penn as excited as many fans, apparently.

"Ed Norton playing that role," laughs Penn. "Fight Club is kind of about a guy who's a lot like Bruce Banner. So I think that's the goal, to go back and make that Hulk movie that didn't get made. And as to why now as opposed to later ... it has more to do with Marvel as a company and the fact that they started their own studio, etc., etc. I think if they had made that movie and failed, we wouldn't be making the sequel."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on May 03, 2007, 11:22:26 PM
"[the first Hulk] was not about the torment of being a person who cannot afford to feel anxiety in modern culture
Marvel wanted to make that movie and they still want to make that movie and now we are."

yeah i'm sure that's exactly what marvel wanted. this guy reminds me of mickey rooney talking about Radioactive Man..

Rooney: Well, I hope you're all satisfied. You bankrupted a bunch of naive movie folks
-- folks from a Hollywood where values are.. different. They weren't thinking about
the money. They just wanted to tell a story, a story about a radioactive man,

and you slick small-towners took 'em for all they were worth.
under the paving stones.


Green light for Tyler as 'Hulk' flame
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Liv Tyler will star opposite Ed Norton in Marvel Studios' "The Incredible Hulk," signing on to play Betty Ross, the longtime love interest of Dr. Bruce Banner/the Hulk. Louis Leterrier is directing the movie, which is being produced by Avi Arad, Gale Anne Hurd and Kevin Feige.

Ross, a classic "Hulk" character from the comic book's beginning in 1962, is Banner's fellow scientist and an ally in his quest to rid him of his lurking monster deep inside. The movie will unfold with Ross estranged from Banner (Norton), but with the pursuit of the Hulk heating up and Banner on the run trying to cure his condition, Ross finds herself swept back into his life.

Jennifer Connelly played the character in the 2003 movie "Hulk," directed by Ang Lee.

Filming on the new "Hulk" is slated to begin in the summer in Toronto. Universal Pictures is distributing.

The film is being executive produced by Jim Van Wyck, David Maisel, Arad and Stan Lee.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Wow.  Remember when that musical came out that was based on "8 1/2", and the Marcello Mastroianni character was being played by John Stamos?  This is like that.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Roth cast as 'Hulk' villain
Actor to play Abomination
Source: Variety

"The Incredible Hulk" will be matched against the oversized adversary Abomination, and Tim Roth will play the villain's alter ego, Emil Blonsky.

Roth joins Edward Norton and Liv Tyler in the Louis Leterrier-directed drama, which is being financed by Marvel Studios and distributed by Universal Pictures on June 13, 2008.

While Roth's deal is still being negotiated, he becomes the latest piece in a reinvention of a franchise, following the self-serious Ang Lee-directed "Hulk."

Blonsky is a KGB agent who deliberately exposes himself to the gamma rays that caused Bruce Banner to morph into the Hulk. Blonsky has upped the dosage, making him larger and stronger than the Hulk, but unable to change back to human form. He blames Banner for his problem, and makes his best efforts to destroy the Hulk.

"The Incredible Hulk" is being produced by Avi Arad, Gale Anne Hurd and Marvel's Feige. Jim Van Wyck, David Maisel, Ari Arad and Stan Lee are exec producing. Zak Penn wrote the script.

Roth stars this fall in "Youth Without Youth," the Francis Ford Coppola-directed drama for Sony Pictures Classics. He also stars with Naomi Watts in "Funny Games" for Warner Independent Pictures.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Bana talks The Incredible Hulk
Source: Moviehole

Now that he's come out and said it himself, I can tell you Eric Bana was against doing a "Hulk" sequel from day one. He liked the experience of doing the first film, but didn't really feel there was anywhere to go for the character if they'd done a direct sequel to Ang Lee's film.

The big guy talked to Australia's Herald-Sun newspaper about the upcoming redo/remake/sequel "The Incredible Hulk" today; noting that he was never keen on playing Bruce Banner again, whilst giving new Hulk, Edward Norton, the thumbs up.

Bana, back in town for the premiere of his new Aussie film "Romulus, My Father", ssays "If it came up in the right amount of time I might have [done it] but, you know, in an ideal world it has not been a bad thing for me. I think it's even better that they've got a new guy and better again that they've got someone of the calibre of Edward Norton.

"You know, I can't wait to see it. And I suppose if they had've come back in the right amount of time I wouldn't have been doing films like Munich".

Bana says he only ever really wanted to do the first one.

"I never went into the first one thinking I was going to do three films. I don't think the word franchise, or the word sequel. To me it always appeared as a one-off opportunity".
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Univesal Pictures has released a synopsis for The Incredible Hulk, the Marvel Studios film it will distribute next year.
Source: ComicBookMovie

Here's how the film is described:

"The explosive, action-packed adventure in one of the all-time most popular superhero sagas unfolds with a cure in reach for the world's most primal force of fury: The Incredible Hulk. We find scientist Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) living in shadows, scouring the planet for an antidote. But the warmongers who dream of abusing his powers won't leave him alone, nor will his need to be with the only woman he has ever loved, Betty Ross (Liv Tyler).

"Upon returning to civilization, our brilliant doctor is ruthlessly pursued by The Abomination (Tim Roth) -- a nightmarish beast of pure adrenaline and aggression whose powers match The Hulk's own. A fight of comic-book proportions ensues as Banner must call upon the hero within to rescue New York City from total destruction. And on June 13, 2008, one scientist must make an agonizing final choice -- accept a peaceful life as Bruce Banner or the creature he could permanently become: The Incredible Hulk."

Production of the film -- written by Zak Penn and directed by Louis Leterrier -- is expected to start next month in Toronto.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Sounds like fun... but why the fuck everyone wants to destroy NY? Leave NY alone, it has been dealing with some REAL destruction attempts. Lets focus on destroying other places with lots of people.


Hurt hurtling to 'Hulk' cast
Source: Hollywood Reporter

William Hurt has joined the all-star cast of Marvel Studios' "The Incredible Hulk."

The movie, which Louis Leterrier is directing, sees Bruce Banner/Hulk on the run, trying to avoid capture long enough to cure the condition that turns him into a monster. Hurt will play Gen. Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, the man who has dedicated his life to capturing the Hulk -- and who also is the father of Banner's love interest, Betty Ross.

"Hulk" is shaping up to having one of the stronger comic book movie casts in quite a while as Hurt joins two-time Oscar nominee Edward Norton, who is playing Banner, Liv Tyler as Betty and Tim Roth as villain Emil Blonsky/the Abomination.

Zak Penn wrote the latest big-screen adventure of the green goliath, which Universal Pictures is distributing.

The film is being produced by Avi Arad, Gale Anne Hurd and Kevin Feige, while Jim Van Wyck, David Maisel, Ari Arad and Stan Lee executive produce. Shooting is slated to begin this summer in Toronto.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


under the paving stones.

Just Withnail

A don't-show-Hulk campaign? He can't look that different from the first film. Then again I'm having a hard time imagining a Norton Hulk.


Universal's 'Incredible Hulk' bulking up with Nelson
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Tim Blake Nelson has joined the cast of Marvel Studios' "The Incredible Hulk."

The movie, which Louis Leterrier is directing, sees Bruce Banner/Hulk on the run, trying to avoid capture long enough to cure the condition that turns him into a monster.

Nelson will play a scientist named Samuel Sterns. In Hulk lore, Sterns, aka "The Leader," is one of the Hulk's major antagonists, a menial worker in a chemical research plant who is bombarded with gamma radiation. He emerges from his accident not only green-skinned but also superintelligent, with an oversized brain.

Nelson joins a strong comic book movie cast that includes two-time Oscar nominee Edward Norton (Banner), Liv Tyler (Betty Ross), Tim Roth (villain Emil Blonsky/the Abomination) and William Hurt (General Ross, Betty's father).

Zak Penn wrote the latest big-screen adventure of the green goliath, which Universal Pictures is distributing domestically June 13, 2008.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: Pubrick on June 21, 2007, 04:45:23 PM
the incredible goomba

i almost forgot about that movie... damnit.

i cant imagine norton as hulk and i hope that the hulk changes a little from the first... it looked like scooby doo cgi


Comic-Con: 'Hulk' Smashes At Marvel Panel
Source: MTV

Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee may be fond of breaking out his catchphrase "'nuff said," but when it came to the first-ever Marvel Studios panel, there was plenty of big news to talk about.

First up was "The Incredible Hulk," Marvel's relaunching of one of their most popular — if theatrically flawed — characters. Director Louis Leterrier, Marvel honchos Avi Arad and Kevin Feige, producer Gale Anne Hurd and actors Edward Norton and Liv Tyler greeted the crowd of 6,500.

"We are not going to have a Hulk who is three different sizes in this movie," Hurd remarked, referencing the recent Ang Lee flick. "This is a part one," Feige added. "This is the start of a whole new saga."

"I came into this and rewrote the screenplay," revealed Norton. "I was a Marvel kid. I had subscriptions to a lot of the comics...I loved the early incarnation of The Hulk, and then the television show as a kid."

"I was also a huge fan of the show," grinned Tyler, who burst out laughing when a woman dressed as her "Lord of the Rings" character asked a question. "I used to watch it with my mother all the time."

Ultimately, though, the stars said the film will be quite different than the Bill Bixby show — and a first-ever photo of the newer, darker, more furious-looking Hulk seemed to agree. "A lot of people gave me funny looks when I said I was thinking about doing it, Norton said. "It's kind of an honor, and it's kind of hilarious, and it's kind of exciting."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks