The Incredible Hulk

Started by MacGuffin, April 30, 2006, 09:58:28 AM

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Gold Trumpet

Haha, I never noticed his posts outside the NBA thread.


Sometimes I think that Kal is really just a fake username and it's someone's inside joke.

GT, Billy and the Clonesaurus is an adaptation of Seymore Skinner's novel of the same name... it was panned by the critic A. Nahasapeemapetilon, but you might really like it... especially if they get Bruce Willis to play Billy.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: RegularKarate on June 11, 2006, 03:00:44 PM
GT, Billy and the Clonesaurus is an adaptation of Seymore Skinner's novel of the same name... it was panned by the critic A. Nahasapeemapetilon, but you might really like it... especially if they get Bruce Willis to play Billy.

Many thanks. I'll research it.


Quote from: RegularKarate on June 10, 2006, 06:09:13 PM
Quote from: sheshothim on June 10, 2006, 05:57:59 PM
So wait.....Ang Lee-Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee-Hulk. ? ??? I just didn't know that. Sorry, I just didn't know. And it's funny to me.

Seriously... what was it like coming out from under that rock after all those years?

Well you know, I got kinda sick of living somewhere so cramped. I have long legs and all. It was just uncomfortable anymore.
Logical answer. Not being a smartass, I SWEAR.
"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."


HULK remake casting news and film's name
Source: Cinescape

Loyal scooper Lizard wrote in with an update on the remake of HULK.

He said, "Well, here's what I found out : Universal isn't really doing it. It's going to be done through Marvel (independently, or close too) and it's called "Incredible Hulk". Bana is definitely not doing it - his contract was with Universal, and so on - so they're going to get a new Hulk. They're not going to be auditioning, but merely 'going out' to names. Should've guessed. Apparently the following guys could be either in consideration or in talks for the role : Dominic Purcell, Brendan Fraser, Adam Garcia. Typical bunch of names, if you ask me."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Penn's plans for Hulk sequel
Source: Moviehole

Zak Penn, writer of the upcoming Hulk sequel/redo/remake/reimagining/restart, told fans of theXverse website about his plans for the green guy's exultant return to cinemas. Fans will be glad to hear what's in store.

Firstly, Penn ("X-Men : The Last Stand") mentioned what he didn't like about the original "Hulk" film, stating that although he "loved the action sequences", he "hated super poodles and the idea that Bruce was "born" mutated, rather than the classic, repressed, monster inside of him Banner that I grew up on. Dad story was bad. Fight with tanks good. CG good, but should have been combined with animatronics in my opinion. Split screens were a nice idea but distracting".

Some of the ideas for the new film will be lifted from a draft of the "Hulk" that Penn did in 1996.

"It's not like we're just going back to it. Just keeping some ideas and sequences and the James Cameron inspired tone that I was shooting for", he explains. "I thought the tone of the TV series was perfect, and something the first movie could have used. I really wanted to see Bruce on the run, keeping his secret from people, constantly afraid of transforming. You will see all that in Hulk 2, and no poodles".

Fortunately, they won't be cost-cutting and having a man-in-a-suit play The Hulk, either.

"There's no way he can be a man in a suit. That said, a combination of prosthetics, animatronics, and cg would be the best way to go, in my opinion. Check out how they did the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park; even though the tech is fifteen years old, the fact that sometimes there actually was something physical in front of the actors made a huge difference.

"Keep in mind, also, that sometimes they put a guy in a suit for certain shots: long shots, overcranked stunts, places where a human figure will make it look real. Incidentally, this will NOT be straight to DVD, or even a cheap movie. Marvel is dropping a lot of money on this and I think it has a chance to be better than the first or I wouldn't be involved."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


He had me at "should have been combined with animatronics", then lost me at "split screens were distracting".
My house, my rules, my coffee


since when do the screenwriters get to decide HOW special effects will be done?  is that standard practice now?  plus, he wouldnt be involved if it couldnt be better, uhh yeah, like x3?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Arad on the next Hulk movie
Source: Moviehole

According to a scooper on the Superhero Hype Boards, Marvel magnate Avi Arad talked to SFX Magazine about his plans for the new "The Hulk" movie.

Arad confirms in the interview that the sequel/remake/restart will be bringing back a couple of original characters from the first film, and that he's still going to have a chat to Eric Bana about reprising his role as the green guy.

"...there will be a lot more of the relationship between Bruce and the Hulk. By now Bruce has more knowledge and we want to accentuate the love story", Arad says of the script. "...This will still be a movie driven by relationships.... But because we don't have to get into what brings about the Hulk, we can get right into a story and his relationship with Betty and General Ross. And Abomination."

Asked about whether Bana is returning – especially interesting considering the rumours flittering about at the moment – Arad said "Maybe. We'll talk".

Though Arad has been suggesting this is a bit of a "do over", signalling a possible remake and complete casting overhaul, this new information suggests it might be more of a continuation or sequel [to the first film], than at first thought.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Rudie Obias

Quote from: Pubrick on June 11, 2006, 12:11:31 AM
Quote from: sheshothim on June 10, 2006, 05:57:59 PM
So wait.....Ang Lee-Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee-Hulk. ? ??? I just didn't know that. Sorry, I just didn't know. And it's funny to me.
ang lee is renowned for his multi-genre filmography. in fact, doing a 180 from project to project is the one thing you can rely on him to do.

sense and sensibility --> the ice storm ---> crouching tiger ---> ride with the devil (western) ---> HULK ---> brokeback ---> billy and the cloneasaurus

you just don't know the most basic thing about ang lee. and that's invalidating to me.

from film to film, ang lee does seem to do 180s but the interesting thing about lee is ALL of his films have the same basic theme.  this theme is just retold through different genres.  that's what i like about his style.  that's what makes him brilliant!
\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


Quote from: sheshothim on June 11, 2006, 04:36:09 PM
Well you know, I got kinda sick of living somewhere so cramped. I have long legs and all. It was just uncomfortable anymore.
Logical answer. Not being a smartass, I SWEAR.

she's a girl
she likes star wars
she has long legs
she's logical.

this is like, the dreamgirl for every nerd.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Leterrier on 'Hulk' duty for Marvel
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Action director Louis Leterrier has signed on to helm "The Incredible Hulk" for Marvel Studios. Avi Arad, Kevin Feige and Gale Anne Hurd will produce the movie, which will return the monstrous superhero to his comic book roots.

Arad and Feige first met with Leterrier two years ago and were struck by his passion for the Marvel Comics universe. It was that passion that shone through recently when -- after approached to gauge his interest in directing a new Hulk movie -- Paris-based Leterrier went back to his studio and, with the help of an artist, storyboarded two action sequences and developed a take on the monster.

The script is being penned by Zak Penn, whose credits include Marvel's "X2: X-Men United" and "X-Men: The Last Stand."

Ari Arad and Michael Helfant are exec producing the movie, which Universal Pictures will distribute domestically and in international territories.

Casting will begin shortly.

Leterrier established his action credentials with the Jason Statham flicks "The Transporter" and its sequel, "Transporter 2," which opened at the top of the boxoffice last year. He also directed the Jet Li movie "Unleashed."

"His movies have humor and character depth set against fantastic action, and these aspects will be explored to the fullest extent in 'Hulk,' " said Feige, Marvel Studios' president of production.

Leterrier, repped by ICM, will be formally introduced Saturday during a Marvel Studios panel at Comic-Con International in San Diego.

Hulk, created in 1962, remains one of the biggest characters in Marvel's stable and rivals Spider-Man in terms of pop culture iconography and mainstream appeal.

"People want to see the green guy again," Feige said.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on July 05, 2006, 01:50:55 AM
Dad story was bad. Fight with tanks good. CG good,
Got a flash of Phil hartman as frankenstein when I first read that. Oh, phil, how much I miss thee.

Anyway, this movie sounds very promising, and from The Hulk is one of my fav. superhero's. Him and the flash. Definitely going to see what they are going to do this time around. The hulk that Ang Lee did was decent but knock your socks off, great.
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Abomination Officially The Incredible Hulk Villain
Source: Superhero Hype!

Even though former Marvel Studios chief executive Avi Arad let the cat out of the bag earlier this year, The Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier made it official today at the San Diego Comic-Con that Abomination will indeed be the villain for the follow-up.

"He's capable of amazing feats," Arad said previously, describing the former Yugoslav spy who has mutated into a 980-pound freak of terrifying strength and unpleasant demeanor.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Comic-Con 2006: The Incredible Hulk Panel
New director Louis Leterrier lays the smash down on the green one's sequel.

Hulk 2 (actually titled The Incredible Hulk) is not going straight to DVD. David Duchovny will not star now that Eric Bana has left the project. Neither will Brendan Fraser. The franchise will, however, have a new director. Mere days ago Louis Leterrier, most recently responsible for The Transporter 2 was tapped to direct the big green one's latest screen adventure.

Speaking about the wooing process, the French director said, "We've been turning around each other like dogs in love." Ultimately, he was selected, and President of Production Kevin Feige said, "What he has planned in terms of the fun aspects of the Hulk, Hulk as hero, you guys will really be excited."

Members of the panel seemed dedicated to distancing themselves from Hulk. Louis Leterrier said, "The idea... is to make the Hulk action adventure movie everyone wanted to see."

In addition to being an action/adventure movie, Leterrier stated, "It's Marvel's horror movie... It's Frankenstein, it's Jekyll and Hyde and a little Edward Scissorhands." The script is going to hearken back to the television show, focusing on Banner's journey and his difficulty dealing with the monster. "The good thing abour number twos is that you don't waste your time on the origin," said Leterrier.

Every superhero movie needs a villain, and since this installment is focusing on Hulk's more heroic qualities, it's only right that he gets a gnarly enemy. That ultra-bad-ass is going to be Abomination. "I think we needed an anti-Hulk this time," said Leterrier. "Abomination is mega-bad Hulk."

Warming the hearts of many Con-goers, Leterrier delivered one last piece of good news about the sequel: "No poodles. Promise."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks