
Started by MacGuffin, January 21, 2006, 03:23:18 PM

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Quote from: Ravi on February 09, 2010, 03:32:27 PM
You do?  Have you been to the internet lately?

I mean from that 1% that sticks out.


Are you talking about the internet's penis?


no, we're talking about the Avatar joke genre, and how people are fucking it up all over the internet with their misspelled OLD jokes!

it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


Just saw this. FUCKING LOVED IT. I really did. 27 pages, fuck.


I liked that facebook joke.  P don't get so mad.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


James Cameron Writing 'Avatar' Prequel -- But Not For The Big Screen
Director plans to write debut novel that tells the film's backstories, producer Jon Landau reveals.
Source: MTV

It's the highest-grossing film of all time, possesses the most Oscar nominations of any film heading into next month's ceremony and is the word on everyone's lips: "Avatar." Now, James Cameron is beginning work on a prequel — but it won't be coming soon to a theater near you.

"Jim is going to write a novel himself," the film's producer, Jon Landau, told us when he stopped by the MTV News studios recently. "Not a novelization — and there is a distinction. A novelization basically retells the story of the movie. Jim wants to write a novel that is a big, epic story that fills in a lot of things."

Ever since "Avatar" mania engulfed Hollywood, rumors and small details have leaked out about possible prequels, sequels, comic books and novelizations. But Landau's comments appear to indicate the first definitive plan to provide more from the "Avatar" world to the seemingly endless appetite of its fans.

"[We] won't have time to do [these stories] in the movie, or maybe in sequels," Landau explained of what Cameron will be writing about. "[So the novel will] give a foundation for the world.

"It would be something that would lead up to telling the story of the movie, but it would go into much more depth about all the stories that we didn't have time to deal with — like the schoolhouse and Sigourney [Weaver's character] teaching at the schoolhouse; Jake on Earth and his backstory and how he came here; [the death of] Tommy, Jake's brother; and Colonel Quaritch, how he ended up there and all that," Landau explained.

Although Cameron has extensive writing credentials, including the screenplays for everything from the first two "Terminator" films to "Titanic," the "Avatar" prequel would mark his debut as a novelist.

"I don't think Jim has ever written a novel before, but his first step of writing a script is often in a novella format," Landau said. "So this is just expanding that, and I think that he'll be very adept at it."

If the "Avatar" prequel novel is a success, Cameron and Landau could potentially follow in the footsteps of George Lucas, opening up their sci-fi universe to other authors for interpretation. "We certainly have stories that are set before the movie opens and after," he explained. "I think that what we want to do is find out what mediums those stories are best told in. There might be opportunities in publishing to tell some of the backstory, tell some of the Earth war stories, what went on in Jake's life before the movie. And we'd have that lead up to the sequel that might take place on Pandora several years after our movie closed."

As for when "Avatar" fans can look forward to experiencing Cameron's novel, Landau had some encouraging news: "I'm hoping by the end of this year."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

The Perineum Falcon

We often went to the cinema, the screen would light up and we would tremble, but also, increasingly often, Madeleine and I were disappointed. The images had dated, they jittered, and Marilyn Monroe had gotten terribly old. We were sad, this wasn't the film we had dreamed of, this wasn't the total film that we all carried around inside us, this film that we would have wanted to make, or, more secretly, no doubt, that we would have wanted to live.


James Cameron on the Coming DVD Release of 'Avatar'
Source: Wall Street Journal

In a wide-ranging interview today, director James Cameron said that his blockbuster movie "Avatar" will have a 3-D Blu-ray release later this year.

The Oscar-winning filmmaker, who is nominated for best director at the coming Oscars, said that with a wave of companies set to release 3-D compatible TVs, the time was right to issue his film in 3-D for the home viewer.

"It's all right on schedule," said Cameron. "We'll do the Blu-ray and the standard def DVD April 22nd, that's our plan as of right now, and that'll be pretty much bare bones. And then we'll do a value-added DVD and a 3-D Blu-ray in I think November sometime."

Fox Home Entertainment couldn't confirm the release dates.

[UPDATE: A spokesman for Fox Home Entertainment said on Thursday night that the "3-D is in the conceptual stage and 'Avatar' will not be out on 3-D Blu-ray in November."]

Cameron said he hopes to do a sequel to "Avatar" but he wants to do it "cheaper and faster." He said the sequel will be "a continuation of the same characters. We're going to widen the universe in quotes, meaning the envelope of the setting of the story."

"Avatar" was released by Twentieth Century Fox, a division of News Corp., which also owns The Wall Street Journal.

The director has said he wants to try to shine a light on environmental issues by playing up the green aspects of "Avatar." "We're not going to bequeath to our children a world that's a sustainable world at the rate that we're going," he said. "It's gonna take a fundamental reboot of the way we view our relationship with the natural world and each other and with business and with the economy...that indefinite growth is not a good thing."

April 22, the date Cameron said is set for the release of the initial DVD and Blu-ray of "Avatar," is also Earth Day.

Cameron has been promoting his Oscar candidacy this week in New York, but he said he's also pulling for the success of his ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow, who is nominated for best director for "The Hurt Locker." She could become the first woman to win in the category–but she'd have to beat Cameron. "Honestly, it blunts my desire to go after it quite so aggressively, because I'd love to see her feted and anointed as the first female director [to win an Oscar]," says Cameron.

Cameron also fondly recalled directing Bigelow in a 1980s music video called "Reach" that was shot for Bill Paxton's band Martini Ranch. The clip has recently gotten attention on the Web.

"The whole thing was made for some ridiculously small amount of money, everyone did it for free," says Cameron of the music video. "And I had met Kathryn recently, she had just cast Bill in 'Near Dark'...we talked her into playing the Clint Eastwood character and of course she was great. I think that's the only acting I ever heard of her doing."

[Note: an earlier headline to this story made a reference to the "Avatar" 3-D Blu-ray release date. The headline was changed after Fox Home Entertainment said that the 3-D Blu-ray would not be released in November.]
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks



Almost as unfunny as the last thing few things i posted in this thread.
it's not the wrench, it's the plumber.


Fox mulling 'Avatar' summer re-release
Fox, Cameron in discussions; additional scenes being eyed
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Get ready for "Avatar"-plus. 

James Cameron and Fox are in discussions about rereleasing "Avatar," primarily in 3D theaters, in late summer -- and, tantalizingly, with additional scenes that had been left on the cutting-room floor in the rush to ready the epic for its Dec. 18 release.

The impetus for a rerelease is the feeling that, even though "Avatar" is the highest-grossing movie of all time, producers could have raked in even more money had they been able to hold on to the digital and Imax 3D screens that were lost when Disney opened "Alice in Wonderland" in 3D on March 5.

As for how much additional footage Cameron might add to "Avatar," the guessing began early Thursday when Imax CEO Richard Gelfond said during a Gabelli & Co. investor conference in New York that Cameron had about 40 minutes of additional material that didn't make the theatrical cut. He also predicted a rerelease, which he said probably would occur in the fall.

Cameron had said that he had 10-12 minutes of extra scenes that he cut and could quickly put through postproduction and have ready to add to a director's cut for a theatrical reissue or as an extra on the DVD release. One scene has to do with Jake Sully's avatar proving himself to the Na'vi people; the other involves a native festival during which tribe member Tsu'tey gets drunk.

The maximum length a movie can be released in analog Imax theaters is 170 minutes -- a number Cameron was aware of when he made his original edit -- so he could add about 10 minutes to the 160-minute current run time and still be in all Imax locations. That seems more likely than trying to add as much as 40 minutes.

The week before "Alice" arrived, Fox's movie still was minting millions in 4,215 North American theaters, including 179 Imax sites. This week, it dropped to a theater count of 667, including eight Imax 3D locations, resulting in a 41% week-over-week drop in grosses.

Through March 4, "Avatar" had grossed $127.1 million of its $712.5 million domestic haul in Imax theaters; this week's giant-screen take was $175,884.

"Avatar" has done more than 80% of its domestic business in 3D theaters, which represented fewer than half of its runs.

The film also has grossed $1.9 billion outside North America for a total of about $2.6 billion. It has helped expand 3D globally and broken records worldwide.

When "Avatar" was forced off Imax screens -- after the longest and most lucrative run in Imax history -- to accommodate "Alice," Fox saw increased grosses on nearby digital 3D screens, an indication that demand remains.

How much did the film leave behind? Cameron was in New York this week for a demonstration of 3D TV and told USA Today, "The word we're getting back from exhibitors is we probably left a couple hundred million dollars on the table as a result."

The summer rerelease would follow a home video premiere in 2D form, which will happen as soon as next month and no later than May.

Cameron told USA Today there might be a Blu-ray Disc release of the 3D version for home use as early as the fall, but Fox studio sources indicate that is unlikely. They believe there won't be enough of an installed base of 3D TV sets to make that worthwhile and said it is more likely to come next year.

Cameron and Fox also are in discussions about one or two sequels to "Avatar" that would use many of the digital "assets" that were created for the original. There is no script or deal in place, but the filmmaker and studio have indicated that it is something they would like to do. 
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


'Avatar' DVD, Blu-ray release date set
3D version expected to be released next year
Source: Hollywood Reporter

LAS VEGAS -- With 3D phenom "Avatar" all the rage at the ShoWest convention of movie theater operators here this week, Fox Home Entertainment said Tuesday the blockbuster will hit DVD and Blu-ray Disc in 2D versions on April 22.

"Avatar" discs also will be simultaneously released in most global markets. An April release had been expected, but the studio hadn't set a specific street date until now.

A 3D version of the pic is expected to be released for home-entertainment sometime next year. "Avatar" has rung up $2.6 billion in worldwide boxoffice since its theatrical release on Dec. 18.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


James Cameron & Glenn Beck Start War Of Words

James Cameron knows one FOX host who doesn't think he's king of the world - Glenn Beck.

After the "Avatar" director had some choice words for the outspoken TV talker at a junket appearance on Tuesday, Beck took to his "The Glenn Beck Program" to respond, admitting that he had referred to the director as the "anti-Christ" on his CNN show in 2007.

"This guy has carried this joke around with him for three long years," Beck said. "The guy's making $1 billion on a Smurf-murdering movie and he's stewing about a joke that nobody heard on a network nobody watched."

After donning 3-D glasses for a moment to spoof Cameron's film (which has grossed over $2 billion worldwide), the host also attacked the director's stance on global warming.

Playing a clip from Cameron that found the director stating, "I want to call those [global warming] deniers into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads," Beck said, "Since he took my anti-Christ joke so seriously, I guess I have to ask James, stop threatening to shoot people in the street... 79 percent of the Americans who aren't convinced greenhouse gases are the most important factor in the planet's warming. Why must you kill all of them? Why must you kill all of them?"

On Tuesday, Cameron - who is releasing the DVD of "Avatar" in conjunction with Earth Day - laid into the controversial FOX host.

"Glenn Beck is a f***ing a******. I've met him. He called me the anti-Christ, and not about 'Avatar,'" Cameron said, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "He hadn't even seen 'Avatar' yet. I don't know if he has seen it."

Considering his words, the director then stepped back a bit.

"I think, you know what, he may or may not be an a******, but he certainly is dangerous, and I'd love to have a dialogue with him," Cameron said. "His ideas are poisonous... anybody that is a global-warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their a** I'm not sure they could hear me."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


lol at these two assholes.

Still, Cameron would beat the shit out of Beck. It'd be awesome.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


GOD.  There is no end to Glenn Beck's moronic moronity.  I'm not gonna bother to defend Cameron, but here is further proof that Beck's tactics and (lack of) reasoning abilities make him the Joe McCarthy of today, with "progressivism" standing in for "communism."  How the fuck, Glenn, do you jump from what Cameron said to "Why do you want to kill 79 percent of Americans?"  (It's also total bullshit that 79% of Americans don't think greenhouse gases are the main cause of global warming.)  I've seen his show and he says these things SERIOUSLY.  He doesn't move from that dramatic example onto another point, but rather, that IS his final point!  His final point is: There is something wrong with someone who wants to kill 79 percent of Americans, therefore James Cameron is wrong about everything.  That's his grand fucking conclusion.  The logic that he uses on his show is no better.

South Park nailed it when they had Eric Cartman as Glenn Beck.  They're the same breed of asshole.

children with angels

Quote from: MacGuffin on March 25, 2010, 05:32:22 PM
"Why must you kill all of them? Why must you kill all of them?"

Hahaha. The repetition nails it - this guy is a genius of inanity. I find him hilarious, veering into terrifying; if I was from the States I might be leaning more towards the latter, but at the moment I'm happy to just sit back an enjoy his circus of stupid. Even if it IS a circus that simultaneously makes the blood run cold.
"Should I bring my own chains?"
"We always do..."
