Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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yep total filler.  what did we learn that we didn't know last week?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Juliet (to Jack): "You don't want to know my story."

Me (to the TV): "You're probably right."
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


um what's the deal w/ the asian dude? he's had that grenade in his mouth for two weeks!

grand theft sparrow

Claire's conversation with Locke about Miles was just awful.

Claire: What about that Asian guy you've got locked up?  Can I talk to him to find out what's going on on that boat?
Locke: Who's the master?
Claire: Sho Nuff!
Locke: No, you can't talk to the Asian guy.
Claire: OK.

Claire goes back to folding laundry.


And do we really believe that Widmore's ONLY reason for finding the island is to turn it into a cross between Lourdes and Jurassic Park?

I read that the episode was written by the Cloverfield guy and, not surprisingly, one of the co-writers of Jack's Shitty Tattoo.  She's got two strikes.  One more dud and she's gotta go.


Quote from: ©bradatouille on March 07, 2008, 10:11:39 AM
um what's the deal w/ the asian dude? he's had that grenade in his mouth for two weeks!

hilarious... i was thinking about that too.

i agree this was not good compared to what we saw the first episodes of the season, especially last one. i'm not sure why they do these things knowing that their audience pays more attention to detail than any other tv show in history. of course we all know michael is coming back, so who is that teaser for? why didnt they keep it a secret then? and everyone remembers that juliet seemed to be pissed of at ben already when the plane crashed, so that was weird.

i liked the ben/locke moments, even if they were not a great in this episode as others.

i enjoy a bad episode of lost more than any other show anyways, but we have so few episodes left that they need to step up.


The thing that really bothered me about that episode was that none of Faraday and Charlotte's actions made any sense, motivation-wise.  At any point in that episode, they could have said to someone, "Hey, there's this station on the island that has poison gas tanks that Ben could use to kill us all later on, and we want to go shut it down so he can't do that," and everyone would have said, "Great, I'll pack the trail mix!"  Seriously, was there ANY good reason for them to keep it a secret?
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on March 08, 2008, 03:38:47 AM
The thing that really bothered me about that episode was that none of Faraday and Charlotte's actions made any sense, motivation-wise.  At any point in that episode, they could have said to someone, "Hey, there's this station on the island that has poison gas tanks that Ben could use to kill us all later on, and we want to go shut it down so he can't do that," and everyone would have said, "Great, I'll pack the trail mix!"  Seriously, was there ANY good reason for them to keep it a secret?

There was no good reason that I can think of. All I can hope is that there is mucho payoff from this episode in the future. It's amazing that an episode this terribly written and directed could get by. You'd think at some point during the creative process someone would say, "hey, this doesn't make any fucking sense."
My assholeness knows no bounds.


Quote from: polkablues on March 08, 2008, 03:38:47 AM
The thing that really bothered me about that episode was that none of Faraday and Charlotte's actions made any sense, motivation-wise.  At any point in that episode, they could have said to someone, "Hey, there's this station on the island that has poison gas tanks that Ben could use to kill us all later on, and we want to go shut it down so he can't do that," and everyone would have said, "Great, I'll pack the trail mix!"  Seriously, was there ANY good reason for them to keep it a secret?

i know what you're saying and this has been my main (and only) problem with the show.  too many times have we seen characters in the know really start to talk about the truth of the island, and we think we're about to get some real answers, but then said character says some cliched line that ends the convo. such as "you don't wanna know the real truth". or whatever.. i always find myself saying "slap him around! make 'em tell you what's really up!!" but it never happens.

i know they're doing it to drag it out and slowly answer questions, but god damn it's annoying... a little realism please.


I didn't love the episode, but what was interesting to me was the fact that (intentionally or not) this was really not about Juliet, but about Ben. I now fear him more than ever, he's even sicker than what I thought before. That was what made it for me. And it's true, a lesser Lost is still quite entertaining anyway, but I have to agree: the writing was kind of lame...


damn, i never noticed before that henry gales balloon was from "widmore labs"

I'm not racist, I'm just slutty


My house, my rules, my coffee


Prediction (which I have attempted to white-out just in case it does turn out to be true and people want to remain completely unspoiled even though this is just pure speculation on my part even though it does make a lot of sense):
...and that we've all all figured it out already. Thursday's episode is where we find out who is Ben's man-on-the-boat. And odds are on Michael. We all know he's going to be back anyway. So yeah, it's him. Although, I will be very impressed with the writers if it turns out NOT to be him. That'll will be a good ride, but realistically, it ain't going to happen. Anywho - judging by the previews for this week's ep it's going to deal with Sun quite a bit too. And this makes sense with the Michael revelation, cos there was always that kinda link between the two of them. And of course, the producers have hinted that we'll find out who the finally member(s) of the Oceanic Six are by the end of this episode too. I had previously discounted Sun since we've basically seen fuck all of her this season, but yeah, the previews --- she's going to be one to the Six. And then the question(s) remains: does that bring the total to 6? Or is there someone else as well? If so, sounds like that'll be wrapped up this ep too. And there, quite honestly I'm at a loss. I would like to think that Jin makes it off the island with Sun, but realistically I don't think so. He'll probably wind up sacrificing himself for the greater good. Maybe Sun pairs up with Michael post-island, but that's not her character. Which leaves me with two less positive theories. 1: That Ben takes Sun under his wing off the island, and that he does in fact pose as a survivor and so is actually one of the Six. Or, 2: Knowing it's his lot to be stuck on the island forever, Michael asks Sun to look after Walt when she leaves the island. To be honest, I don't know if that's likely either, given Walt's "connection" to the island, and to Locke. So basically, I have no idea, but didn't realize it until I wrote it all down, but wasn't that fun kids?

And another thing which I only just remembered from either last week's episode or some interview I've read in the interim - someone mentioned something about the unique properties of the island causing growth spurts after leaving the island which conveniently tidies up the whole Aaron as a freakishly large child, and Walt's unfriendly-to-TV puberty.

He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


i'm curious how they're gonna pull off a michael flashback with walt being as old as he is now.

i'm pretty sure everyone agrees that michael is on the freighter. what would make me respect the writers more though is if michael was on the freighter, but WASN'T ben's man. i think the creators have been tight lipped about aaron being one of the oceanic six to make you believe that jin is in peril, but i think in the end they'll both make it off.(i hope)
I'm not racist, I'm just slutty

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: ddiggler on March 11, 2008, 11:27:57 AM
i think the creators have been tight lipped about aaron being one of the oceanic six to make you believe that jin is in peril, but i think in the end they'll both make it off.(i hope)

I don't think they'll both make it off.  But I do agree that Aaron isn't one of the real Oceanic Six.  He may be in the characters' world but there are still two more people from the flight that officially made it off.  Either Sun or Jin will make it off and I'm guessing Locke will be the last one of the Six, obviously against his will.  I can't imagine a bigger shocker than that.  They did say that episode 8 (the last one before the stirke) would leave us on a muther of a cliffhanger; I think it's going to be Locke in a wheelchair on the mainland. 

Chest Rockwell

Completely random theory, but I was thinking about how obvious it's going to be when Michael's revealed in this week's episode, that I started to think about what if it were a trick from the writers. What if it actually isn't Michael on the boat, or if he is on the boat, isn't the "man" on the boat? If that's the case, I bet it's the lady from the Tailies that mysteriously disappeared. At the very least, we still have yet to see what happened to any of the taken Tailies.

I've been slowly rewatching the entire show on DVD, and I just finished season 2. Crazy how much sense it makes now with the fourth season revealing so much. For instance, Ben gave Michael exact coordinates saying to follow them exactly, and that Michael'd never find the island once he left, and Penny's crew seeing the island pop into existence after the hatch blows up. Maybe the writers had the time hole idea in mind all along...