Lost (spoilers)

Started by MacGuffin, October 07, 2004, 01:10:26 AM

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(talk about episode 2...)

Kurtz was the best ref. i liked that episode way more than the premiere. the LOST universe keeps expanding! i also loved how out of nowhere Locke asked about the monster. and the briefing. and the finding of the plane. and the whole mysterious dynamic right now etc etc..


This is good.

I'm actually a excited about the new characters. A pretty good accomplishment, especially this far into the series.

If I had any gripe, and it's a real minor one... it's that the show has a way of attempting a balancing act with it's subtlety, only to come crashing down every once and a while...


Last episode with Jack's, "I think flash-forward Jack, but not entirely super-flash-forward Jack is totally gonna grow a beard. And, by that, I mean whatever you've seen before, as an audience, where I had a beard... TOTALLY HASN'T HAPPENED YET!"

This episode, with Locke's "I got shot right here... where my kidney was! See! I don't have a kidney anymore! Ergo, where I was shot, the bullet went clear through my body.... on account of my having no kidney! Right here! Where my kidney was!"

But, you know, that's minor... and compared to most of the shows on network television that I don't watch... I'm sure Lost is a shining example of subtlety.

Compared to most movies, even.

Maybe every day is Saturday morning.


i agree about the beard but the kidney reference was just clever. that is a clever plot point. it deserves to be trodded out and shown off. if it was mentioned before, i'd forgotten.


THIS was the season premiere. its clear why this episode couldn't come first, they just had to deal with a few other things before this would make sense..

i thought this was a continuation of the great informative episodes we were getting at the end of last year. there wasn't any real tense drama here, but the episode did all the right things and made me really optimistic for the (half) season.


Quote from: polkablues on February 01, 2008, 12:44:16 AM
I'm sure he loved it.  It won't be until at least the second episode before he convinces himself that the show has lost its way.   :yabbse-wink:
hahahah.  yeah, whats up episode 2?!  i think this was an hour of what should have been 10 minutes.  we saw jeremy davies arrive last episode and this episode, what has happened?  the other 3 landed too and they found the helicopter.  streeeeetched pretty thin.  i liked that they flashbacked the new characters right away to break with formula of letting everyone be mysterious forever and then explaining what the deal is.  even though we still don't know much about them, it was cool. 
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


yeah i thought it was pretty awesome. the opening scene in the submarine when they find the plane gave me chills! and i agree i love how they introduced the new characters. besides the obvious question (why are these people here and what do they want from ben) i'm also a bit confused as to what exactly each of their roles are on this trip. obviously the pilot is there to fly the helicopter (he was supposed to fly oceanic 815!!) and maybe the asian dude is there to communicate with jacob? (btw he is the one new character i already can't stand and i only pray someone drowns his ass or maybe runs him over w/ the bus). what about jeremy davies tho. he's just kind of a big pussy that doesn't really seem to possess any unique skill or anything...

i need to watch it again b/c like last week i made the mistake of watching it w/ a bunch of drunk fuckwads who wouldn't shut up.

Chest Rockwell

What was cool about this episode was that it wasn't all about bullshitting. It's like they wanted to make an honest episode for once, so there weren't many ostensible layers of secrets added. The one new thing to think about is who this man is and what/where this boat is. This might just be a crazy theory but could it be Michael having to work for Ben? I still don't think we've seen the last of him.


I'm still adapting to the show's new dynamics, but am enjoying the hell out of this. The opnening was great, and I think Jeremy Davies is going to end up being the most important character of them all, maybe because we don't really know who or why he's there (he saw the news, he cried... why is he really there). Also a great moment when Jack said his friends were around there with guns pointed at them and Miles (and us) goes "how stupid do you think I am?"... BANG BANG... Jack turns to Miles (and us): "I dunno. What do you think?". It was a great moment, just like Locke asking about the smoke monster as if he was a crazy Lost fan :lol: (reminded me when Juliet told Sawyer about the aliens).

What about Zoe Bell being credited but only using her voice? That's kind of ironic for a stunt woman ("What did you do today, Zoe? Car chase? Explosions?" "I talked to a microphone for a whole 10 seconds"). Hope we see more from her in future episodes, because I became a fan since "Death Proof".

When does next week come?


Quote from: Chest Rockwell on February 08, 2008, 06:20:50 PMI still don't think we've seen the last of him.

I'm sure we haven't.


Spoiler for eps not yet aired at all:The producers have already said that it was always planned for Michael to be absent from the whole of season 3, it was meant to be that way, but that he will return in S4. I'm anticipating one episode will be given over to just Michael and Walt and what they've been up to since they left the island.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


WGA: Carlton back to work on Monday.
by Santa, Lostpedia staff

WGA show-runners will report back to work Monday, according to Patric Verrone, WGA West chief, at a special press conference held today at WGA West headquarters in LA. This action is in advance of a 48-hour special membership vote to be conducted Monday and Tuesday to end the strike action. That vote is itself in advance of a 10-hour membership vote to ratify the new writers contract. But the bottom line for Lost fans, WGA negotiating board member and Lost show-runner Carlton Cuse will likely be among the show-runners returning to work tomorrow. So we'll await word from ABC's building 23 at the Disney lot tomorrow, as we assume he'll begin work reassembling the film crew and cast in Hawaii, and the post-production and writing teams with him in Los Angeles.

Chest Rockwell

Is there a chance we could even transition smoothly (i.e. no gaps after the already finished 8 episodes)?


ignoring the schedules of everyone involved and getting back into the swing of things, the strike lasted for.. three months? we have a month and a half of eps left. so no.


I also read somewhere that there may only be 13 episodes this season instead of the promised 16. Anyone know any specifics on this?
My assholeness knows no bounds.



Of all the LOST theories floating around out there, this one is probably my favorite: http://www.timelooptheory.com/index.htm

It's comprehensive, well thought out, and in certain aspects makes an awful lot of sense....  He also updates it with each new episode to include the new information that we learn.  Is it correct?  Maybe, maybe not, maybe in bits and pieces.  Either way, it's a fun read, and it opens up some good discussion points.
My house, my rules, my coffee