marvel movies

Started by underdog, January 30, 2003, 11:26:40 AM

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Marvel's Arad exits to form own company

Fresh off his successful turn as producer of "X-Men: The Last Stand," which enjoyed one of the biggest opening weekends in boxoffice history, Avi Arad has stepped down as head of Marvel Entertainment's film studio to run his own production company.

Arad resigned as chairman and CEO of Marvel Studios and chief creative officer of parent company Marvel Entertainment and created Avi Arad Prods., he said Wednesday.

His new company has been charged with producing "Hulk" and "Iron Man," which are the first two films under Marvel's $525 million debt facility arranged eight months ago through Merrill Lynch and Pierce, Fenner & Smith.

Marvel set up the loan so that it could produce its own movies rather than simply license the rights to its lucrative superhero characters to others, though now Marvel has instead contracted production duties to Arad's new shingle for at least two of the 10 or so films planned under the debt arrangement.
Paramount Pictures is marketing and distributing films Marvel and Avi Arad Productions are making via the $525 million loan and Arad, as producer of "Iron Man" and "Hulk," will get a percentage of the boxoffice.

The first movie unrelated to Marvel that Avi Arad Prods. will make is "Bratz," set for a 2008 release.

"I felt like it was the right time for me to move away from the day to day corporate responsibilities in order to focus on what I love best -- creating and producing," Arad said.

Taking over for Arad at Marvel Studios is Michael Halfant, who was tapped as chief operations officer there in Novemeber after he had held the same title at Beacon Pictures, and Kevin Feige, president of production at Marvel Studios.

Arad said he will remain a creative adviser to Marvel Studios for the rest of the year.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on May 31, 2006, 04:43:12 PM
Marvel's Arad exits to form own company

Avi Arad has stepped down as head of Marvel Entertainment's film studio to run his own production company, Avi Arad Productions.  Their first film will be "The Adventures of Avi Arad", starring Avi Arad and directed by Avi Arad, from a script by Avi Arad.  Said Arad: "I'm Avi Arad."

Quote from: MacGuffin in six months
Avi Arad penniless, dead
My house, my rules, my coffee


According to Newsarama there was an interesting statement made by Marvel scribe J. Michael Straczynski during a Marvel panel at Charlotte's Heroes Convention 2006 this weekend. Straczynski stated that David Goyer (BATMAN BEGINS, BLADE trilogy) is writing a treatment for Marvel Studios' THOR movie.

The previously attached screenwriter was Mark Protosevich (POSEIDON, THE CELL). It is unclear if Goyer is rewriting Protosevich's script or starting from scratch.

THOR is part of Marvel's independent production slate of movies expected to be financed with Marvel's $525 million revolving film financing facility and distributed under the company's overall distribution arrangement with Paramount Pictures.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Comic-Con 2006: Marvel Announces Three
Two Avengers and a SHIELD operative get their own movies.

At the very first Marvel Studios panel ever today at Comic-Con 2006, the new film powerhouse announced plans to bring three new films to the silver screen. Each will showcase recognizable Marvel heroes, and talent is already associated with each project. No dates were mentioned, but these projects will undoubtedly follow the three projects Marvel has already committed to: Ant-Man, The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man.

The first new movies announced at the panel was Captain America, which has already seen one film adaptation.

After that, Marvel Studios announced plans to make a Nicky Fury movie. Andrew Marlowe is set to pen the tale of the cigar-chomping leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marlowe's previous credits include End of Days and Air Force One.

The third project announced is Thor, based on the Nordic Avenger.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Mostow lands 'Sub-Mariner'
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Jonathan Mostow has come aboard to write and direct "Sub-Mariner," an adaptation of one of Marvel Comics' oldest superheroes, for Universal Pictures. Kevin Misher is producing with Marvel Studios.

In the comic, the Sub-Mariner's real name is Prince Namor, a half-man/half-amphibian from the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. An anti-hero, he frequently finds himself helping the human race as much as he fights it when humans pollute the waters.
The Sub-Mariner first appeared in "Marvel Comics" #1 in 1939, when Marvel Comics was known as Timely Comics. He made his first modern appearance in the pages of "Fantastic Four" in the early 1960s.

The movie's take will see a young man discovering he actually is a prince from Atlantis, with him turning out to be the key man in a brewing war between the underwater world and the modern surface world.

David Self did an earlier draft of the screenplay, and Chris Columbus was on board to direct and produce the film in 2004.

Marvel and Misher had long been interested in Mostow, but he was never available. When Mostow's schedule opened up, he called to check whether the character was up for grabs. When he was, Mostow developed a take that found the core of the character, something that had eluded the producers.

"We want to show our first hero, and still most unique hero, in a world that the audience has never seen before," said Kevin Feige, who will oversee the project for Marvel. "But that spectacle will be tempered with character. Our hero is caught between two worlds. That is the heart of the story, and it is that dichotomy that makes him so interesting."

Peter Cramer is overseeing for Universal.

"Sub-Mariner" will mark Mostow's first film since 2003's "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." His credits include "U-571" and "Breakdown," both of which were for Universal.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Fox sets 'Fantastic' reboot
Akiva Goldsman has been set as producer
Source: Variety

While Disney lays down a $4 billion bet on the future of Marvel's superheroes, 20th Century Fox has already begun overhauling one of its big Marvel franchises, "Fantastic Four," to take the property beyond the two films already made.

Akiva Goldsman has been hired to oversee the reboot as producer. Michael Green, the co-exec producer of TV's "Heroes" who co-wrote "Green Lantern," will write the script for the new "Fantastic Four."

Fox wouldn't comment on its plans, but the moves are evidence that Marvel franchises do have enduring lifespans.

As "Spider-Man 4" moves toward an early 2010 production start, Columbia Pictures recently hired James Vanderbilt to write a fifth and sixth installment with the understanding that one or both of those films would give the franchise a makeover with a new director and cast.

The 2005 "Fantastic Four" and 2007 sequel "Rise of the Silver Surfer" were directed by Tim Story and starred Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis. Since the deals for the reboot are just getting made, it is unclear if any of them will return.

Though Marvel Entertainment owns and finances properties like "Iron Man" and "Thor," Fox controls "Fantastic Four" in perpetuity -- as long as it continues making the films. Fox has the same arrangement on Marvel Comics properties "X-Men," "Daredevil" and "Silver Surfer." Marvel is a producer and financial participant through a licensing agreement.

Though the related Silver Surfer character soared in the "Fantastic Four" sequel, that iconic personality has remained a priority project for his own film at the studio.

Fox has so far done one "X-Men" spinoff in "Wolverine." The studio is working on a sequel to that film and has scripts for "X-Men Origins: First Class," and "X-Men Origins: Magneto." Potential spinoffs for the Gambit and Deadpool characters have also been discussed.

As producer, Goldsman is involved with several DC Comics transfers, including "Jonah Hex," "The Losers" and "Teen Titans." He was also producer of the Will Smith-Charlize Theron superhero film "Hancock," for which a sequel is being developed.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks

Gold Trumpet

It's really unbelievable. I didn't bat an eyelash with the quick Hulk redo because I knew how much Ang Lee's version didn't mesh with action standards, but already redo Fantastic Four? I wonder when all this obvious peddling to the almighty dollar will catch up with these super hero movies. I smell a 1980s hair band backlash coming. It's ridiculous.


James Gunn In Talks to Direct Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel is in talks with Slither/Super James Gunn to direct their superhero intergalactic space opera Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel is confident that Gunn will sign on for the project, but if he doesn't, they have also been talking with Peyton Reed (Bring It On, Yes Man) and the directing duo Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden (Half Nelson).

Heat Vision, who broke the story, claim that Marvel is attracted to Gunn's sensibility and his ability to mix comedy elements with action and horror. The Guardians comic books have always balanced both comedy and more serious sci-fi/dramatic components. Gunn's production style have always leaned more towards low-budget/sometimes-guerrilla filmmaking, making him an odd choice for a big budget science fiction epic — although the heavier visual story moments in Slither impressed those who saw the film.

The movie will reportedly follow a "U.S. pilot who ends up in space in the middle of a universal conflict and goes on the run with futuristic ex-cons who have something everyone wants." As Russ noted, it seems likely that the astronaut in question is Peter Quill, aka the character Star-Lord pictured in the Guardians concept art released at Comic Con. (He's the one in the middle, described recently as "a gun-toting half-human/half-alien inter-galactic vigilante.") And is the "something everyone wants" is probably the Infinity Guantlet, or the gems that go on the gauntlet.

Nicole Perlman, who came up in Marvels' writer's program, scripted and black list screenwriter Chris McCoy is rewriting. Guardians of the Galaxy is set for release on August 1, 2014.

via Slashfilm

im actually stoked about this now!

Gunn's shit is so weird and self-aware, i think he's the closest we have to a Landis or Dante "movie-maker"

..Ive never even heard of this comic, but it's descriptions of space battles and mutant aliens and talking raccoons sounds right in his ballpark and only makes me think we're in for a bizarre sci-fi/action/comedy of the 80's like Howard the Duck or Buckaroo Bonzai or Spaced Invaders or Ninja Turtles...

...not a group movies i'd mention to try and sell a movie, i know, but i loved those, and if i coulda seen them on my own, on the big screen, slightly inebriated, i would have, and now i can, so i will...

so I'll be here, most likely to be proven wrong by this over-stuffed crapfest, but that's ok, ill probably be drunk

...and Badass agrees with me! Cool!
(..agrees that this could be great, not that ill be the drunkass at the crapfest, but im sure they'd agree that that's still a likley possiblity)
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza


Sandler and Carrey being courted for 'Guardians'

In the tune of ...

I want this to be COOL
I want this to BEE coool
I want this to be COOL
I want this to BEE coool

Hey!... i just realized that also a PAC-MAN song too!
Doctor, Always Do the Right Thing.

Yowza Yowza Yowza