Started by modage, June 20, 2003, 02:34:09 AM

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ughhhhh.....I hate that poster.
It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


That dvd cover is like a crappier version of the theatrical poster. Looks like the cover for an animated series or some shit. But I'm still looking forward to it....
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


Closeups were waaaaay overused.  Almost every shot in a conversation scene was a closeup or an extreme closeup.  I'm sure this is how comic books are illustrated, but I didn't like the use of them in this film.

Aside from that, I enjoyed The Hulk.  Sam Elliott should be in every movie.


"It looks like both Region 2 and 4 will be getting a limited edition Hulk DVD box set (, but not us folks in Region 1"

petition linky


Lee saddles up for Focus' 'Brokeback'

To follow up on his Universal Pictures summer special effects extravaganza "The Hulk," Ang Lee is circling a big-screen adaptation of the epic love story "Brokeback Mountain" for Focus Features.

The project is based on a short story by E. Annie Proulx and is being adapted by Proulx and "Lonesome Dove" author Larry McMurtry.

The project is an epic love story set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas and centering on two young men -- a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy -- who meet in the summer of 1961. Unexpectedly, the two forge a lifelong connection, with complications, joys and tragedies that provide a testament to the endurance and power of love.

"Brokeback" was at one time being eyed by Gus Van Sant for Columbia Pictures to distribute but ended up under development at Good Machine when Sony's option expired. Former Good Machine partners David Linde and James Schamus now co-head Focus.

"Brokeback" would keep Lee in the Universal fold as Focus is Universal's specialty arm. It also would mark the first project for the helmer that hasn't been penned by Schamus since 1995's "Sense and Sensibility."

Because Lee had no project in place once he completed "Hulk," speculation swirled as to which project the eclectic director would take on next. The helmer's palette has always been vast, ranging from the suburban family drama "The Ice Storm" to the Civil War-set "Ride With the Devil" to the martial arts epic "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

A big-screen adaptation of Proulx's novel "The Shipping News" was released in 2001 by Miramax Films and directed by Lasse Hallstrom from a screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffinThe project is an epic love story set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas and centering on two young men -- a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy -- ...a testament to the endurance and power of love.
aka. steers and queers.
under the paving stones.


There's band out there called Beers, Steers and Queers.

Anyway, I really hated this movie and I found it to be almost unwatchable.
Typical US Mother: "Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, Deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words."


Hulk 2 Developments
"A little more fun, a little more action," says Marvel.

January 23, 2004 - Marvel Studios exec Kevin Feige recently chatted with The Comics Continuum about the possibility of Hulk 2. Although the original film has been widely deemed a commercial disappointment, there has been talk of a Hulk sequel since last June.

"I think The Hulk is extremely important to Marvel, obviously, one of the biggest and most well-known characters and I think he'll have a future on the screen," said Feige. "And I think most likely that future will be a sequel at Universal."

Feige advised the Continuum that Marvel Studios will have "a meeting in the next week or two with a very talented writer who's come up with a version that is interesting. We're anxious about it, and think there are amazing stories to come with Bruce Banner."

The filmmakers reportedly "want to continue to take it very seriously and continue to follow (Banner's) inner psyche, but at the same time allow us in the audience to have a little more fun, a little more action, a little more of the 'Hulk smash.'"

For more on Hulk 2, check out The Continuum.
context, context, context.


I just saw Hulk, and can't say anything else but GREAT. For a long time i haven't seen that type of film made so well.


Quote from: jihemI went to see The Hulk this afternoon. I mean, it's the only place with airco ;-)

well, to me, even if the film has flaws and downs, it's pure genius at work. Lee takes a story which could be seen as usual comics's style and makes it so special and so wild in many aspects that Lee killed any chances of a sequel here ;-)) only for that we can be grateful to him ! ahahah

lee took his time to get us into the movie, it is ever so sloooow and the main character is slipping down with us. But it's been shot with a love for the grain in the picture, with so much passion in having colors playing with each other, with a real eye for the odd details, and all these split screens (which leave me cold most of the time) were interesting placed... And, without getting into a polemic, some of Nick Nolte phrases against the power of the military can be seen as quite controversial imho...

to me, Lee has succeeded in doing a great, difficult movie and making feel the audience things/experiments  that usually are reserved to  the "cinema d'auteur".

it's a cross over. the dream of every artist.
woah how did i miss this ekzellent review.

let us sit and contemplate this dude's contribution to HULK-appreciation.

R.I.P. jihem
June 20, 2003 - July 10, 2003
"He really liked HULK"
under the paving stones.


Why No One Want Make Hulk 2?

By The Hulk

X2 come out last year. Spider-Man 2 come out last month. Both great sequels to great movies about Hulk friends. Hulk love great action movies about friends! People buy tickets. Make money for theaters, make money for movie company. Movie company make more movies with money. Already, they working on X-Men 3. Hulk movie come out last year. It success. It big popcorn movie with heart. So why no one want make Hulk 2? It make Hulk mad!

Hulk know what people say. Original movie no good, people say. Hulk movie Hulk-sized bomb, people say. That not true! Hulk more successful than people think. Make $132 million in U.S. alone, only cost $120 million. That not small potatoes. Add international box-office receipts and DVD sales and it add up to big money. Big! Oh, and did Hulk forget merchandising tie-ins? First Hulk movie really forge Hulk brand identity. Make people aware of Hulk. Hulk now poised to build on success of first Hulk movie. Hulk 2 smash box-office records!

First Hulk movie flawed but underrated. Oscar-winner Jennifer Connelly give sublime performance as Hulk romantic interest Betty Ross. She pretty. Australian hunk Eric Bana good in breakthrough American role as puny human Bruce Banner. Film even give tip of hat to TV Hulk and Stan "The Man" Lee. Sure, conflict with father stray from original story, but it provide new twist on classic legend. Necessary to increase dramatic tension. Make Hulk seem more human so audience can identify with puny human Banner.

Why no one appreciate daring vision of Ang Lee? Aaargh! Ang Lee genius! Maybe panels on screen gimmicky, but him try something new. When last time you try something new?! Ang Lee willing to work in unfamiliar genres. Him brave like Hulk. Hulk wish for him to work on Hulk 2, if he willing, but Hulk understand if he not want to. Ang Lee like Hulk: He not stay in one place for too long. Him working on gay western right now. That prove Hulk's point. If him not do it, maybe Darren Aronofsky or David Gordon Green. Someone with unique vision that not so stuck on action clichés. First studio exec to suggest Joel Schumacher get smashed!

Hulk 2 give chance to increase merchandising profile, as well. Hulk have ideas for new Hulk products. Hulk Foam Hands surprise hit in toy stores. Hulk Foam Hands big and soft and make Hulk smashing noises when you hit things. If Hulk Hands big hit, Hulk Feet even bigger hit! Make smashing and stomping noises. Imagine puny human child walking around with Hulk Feet! Make big noise like Hulk. Imagine... ho, ho, ho... excuse Hulk, Hulk laughing. That funny! But Hulk not just limit branding to toys. Make Hulk Shampoo and Hulk Shampoo For Kids, in special no-tears formula. It sound like bad idea, but it good idea! You squirt it right in eye, and it not make you mad! Hulk very concerned with hygiene and comfort. Know how hard it is to make puny human child take bath. Hulk Shampoo make bath-time fun!

Many unanswered questions from last Hulk movie. What happen to puny human Banner in rainforest? Is there cure for Hulk? Will General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross leave Hulk alone? Is there future with Betty Ross? Where villains that make comic so great, like Abomination, Wendigo, and Leader? Hulk hate Leader and Leader's big head. What happen to Grey Hulk? And where Hulk's friend Rick Jones? He only one that understand Hulk. Rick? Rick!? Raaaaahhhh! Sometimes Hulk so sad and alone.

Back to Hulk movie. Hulk visualize Hulk trilogy like Matrix, but no spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Crazy mumbo-jumbo make Hulk's head hurt! Hulk work out treatment for next movie Hulkself. It have everything in Hulk, only more intense. In this movie, Hulk smash for first 20 minutes. Give fanboys something to hang fanboy hats on. Then have romance, for women ages 24 to 40. Very important demographic if want make movie real summer blockbuster.

Then Leader come, bring Abomination. Him try to wreck everything by capturing Hulk. Then Hulk smash more! Hulk smash Leader and Abomination! Hulk smash tanks, too! That nod to first film. Hulk love scene where Hulk throw tank into horizon. At end of movie, cliffhanger. Put people on edge of seats. Like Hulk say, always leave puny humans wanting more.

Hulk working on pitch right now. Hope to take lunch with Hulk movie screenwriter James Schamus. Him really get what Hulk all about. Also, him open doors in Hollywood. Hope him will share story-by credit with Hulk. Hulk paint in broad strokes. Not good with words. Leave detail work to Schamus.

If you producer, Hulk want know why you sitting around? Does producer hate make money? Hulk need someone line up investors now. Need maybe $100 million. Less than original. Kinks worked out by now. Software engines all designed. Want start filming in New Zealand by December. It summer there when winter here. It much cheaper to film in New Zealand. Hulk budget-conscious. If all go according to plan, Hulk 2 hit theaters by summer 2006. Perfect summer movie!

If that not enough, Hulk write great tag lines. "No make Hulk 2 angry!" Maybe "This time it personal." Or "Green machine back in theaters summer 2006." Maybe teaser poster with Hulk fist punching out of poster. Puny humans see that and they duck! It real attention-grabber. If you still not convinced, Hulk not waste more time with you. Maybe New Line interested. They flush with Lord Of Rings money. Looking for new franchise? Call Hulk when you ready to talk serious.

(Courtesy: The Onion)


Clock Ticking on Bana's Return As The Hulk

Eric Bana remains keen to reprise his role as The Hulk - so long as sequel plans tie into his schedule. The Australian actor played the angry green giant's alter-ego, David Banner, in Ang Lee's 2003 action film and recently suggested he wouldn't be back for a planned sequel. But he tells he's still contracted to play Banner in The Hulk 2 - as long as producers can get the project rolling quickly. He says he has always been committed to the role and will return as the troubled Dr. Banner as long as writers and directors can come up with a script and a cast "in a particular timeframe." Bana tells the website that if they can't meet a certain timeframe, he can contractually reject the offer. The news ends speculation that David Duchovny has been signed to play Banner in a straight-to-DVD sequel.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


If I couldn't get through the first Hulk film (after seeing it for the first time only a few weeks ago), I doubt I'll bother giving a second one a chance. It was horrid, just...horrid. Maybe not just because it wasn't the relentless action flick everyone expected, but because I never particularly liked the Hulk anyway. It's the 'in' thing to show more of super heroes' baggage these days...but it seems like there's no advantage whatsoever to being the Hulk. He just has a severe case of bi-polar disorder. Who cares? I'll take Batman, Superman, and Spiderman movies any day over Hulk.

That said, would anyone mind telling me how it ended anyway? I got to the part where Nick Nolte kills some gaurd. I then stopped watching.


Quote from: Derek237 on April 30, 2006, 01:24:02 PM
That said, would anyone mind telling me how it ended?

My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on April 30, 2006, 05:39:32 PM
Quote from: Derek237 on April 30, 2006, 01:24:02 PM
That said, would anyone mind telling me how it ended?


Oh No You Didn't!

Quote from: MacGuffin on April 30, 2006, 09:58:28 AM
The second Hulk film will attempt to remedy what Marvel insiders see as the major reason for failure in the first: People wanted a popcorn action flick with lots of "Hulk Smash!" and were given a study in anger instead.
i'll give them (and all you haters) a study in anger..

under the paving stones.