freddy vs jason

Started by underdog, May 16, 2003, 06:24:01 PM

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wow.. i love all the freddy and jason movie. and i think this movie is going to be good.  it comes out aug 13
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take the kids, and I'll see you in a week"

Sigur Rós

Quote from: underdogand i think this movie is going to be good.

I don't....



Quote from: Sigur Rós
Quote from: underdogand i think this movie is going to be good.

I don't....


Maybe "so bad it's good"? That's the only way I could see. Playing on a double bill with Swept Away five years from now Saturday midnights at a revival house somewhere.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

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Sigur Rós

Quote from: godardianMaybe "so bad it's good"?

Yeah, your rite! This is one of those movies your gonna rent in about ten years, and just laugh about how bad it is!

Making bad movies is a dirty job, but someones gotta do it!


I thought the trailer was quite good.

I can't see it being that bad. Ronny Yu is in charge, the dude who made 'Bride of Chucky' actually work. Anyone who can make something like 'Bride of Chucky' a slick (and watchable) flick should easily be able to make 'Freddy vs Jason' tolerable (ANYTHING would be better than the atrocity that was 'Jason X').

Having said that, I wouldn't exactly be 'stunned' if the film ends up being godawful..........
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


No good can come from FVJ, especially sinced Ronny Yu directed it! UGH!


Is it just me or is when Freddy popped out of camp crystal lake the coolest thing ever


I really liked Jason X.  It is a horrible movie but it is so much fun to watch.  I think it is the best since the Original...because they realize that this is the 10th film of the franchise and .... used a lot of tongue and cheek humor.

The virtual 80s scene is classic.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


I actually really dug Jason X.  It had some really cool deaths and all the perks of a cheesy horror flick.  The virtual 80's scene was the shit and i really liked the death where he freezes the girls face and then smashes it on the table.  I thought the ending was good and it was an all around plus for the franchise.  Anyone know why Kane Hodder did not play Jason in the new flick?  Although I am most fond of the Micheal Myers franchise and i wish the good put a descent script together for the next one.  And please STOP HIRING RAP ARTISTS TO BATTLE MICHEAL MYERS!!!!!


Quote from: BankyIs it just me or is when Freddy popped out of camp crystal lake the coolest thing ever
its not just you.  i just saw freddy vs jason tonite in wash dc, and i have to say i liked it a lot.  once again, this is not going to convince any non-believers, but if you are interested in this movie from the premise or the trailer, it delivers on any reasonable expectations.  

its not too often you get to see a horror movie of these proportions.  it was, admittedly the first of either series i'd seen in the theatre.  being a bigger freddy fan than jason and the last one coming out when i was 12 or 13 years old, i grew up watching most of these with friends on video countless times.  

what was one of the most intesresting aspeects was just watching these two going from villians/slashers to really, horror movie monster icons.  just like any of the old movies like frankenstein meets the wolf man or house of frankenstein or house of dracula, it was just so great, no matter how implausible to see these two horror icons together onscreen.  hell,  even having them in the same movie was great.  even before the end battle just knowing that these kids could be hacked up by jason at any moment or if they fall asleep by freddy was enough to keep a fanboy smile on my face throughout most of the movie.

more possibly later...
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Gold Trumpet

This movie is easily going to be regulated to late night USA viewings and cult status at best, so my complaint is how typical the horror looks in relation to all the other horror films being dished out. At least go for some great strangeness in story, filmmaking and gore. Its chances of success for its crowd will likely be higher considering the weight of the idea of the film to them.



i cant wait. is it very gory?


Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash?
Source: Creature Corner

On the eve of the release of New Line's "Freddy Vs. Jason," it should come as no surprise to discover that the grinding wheels of development are already hard at work on concepts for the next film in the inevitable "Freddy & Jason" franchise.

Reliable sources have revealed that one of the current ideas being tossed around includes a scenario where Freddy and Jason would team-up against a common enemy: Bruce Campbell as Ash from the "Evil Dead" films. As crazy as it might sound, this concept has apparently been met with a great deal of enthusiasm in the upper-echelons of New Line Cinema. (Not to mention the degrees of separation: "FvsJ" producer Sean S. Cunningham directed Campbell in last years "Terminal Invasion" for the SciFi Channel.)

While it's impossible to predict what sort of "unknowns" might prevent this concept from seeing the light of day (like, say, the rights holders of the "Evil Dead" series or Campbell himself saying no) it's interesting to know that New Line is at least considering what could turn out to be many a fanboy's dream team-up "plus one" for the not-to-distant future...

...stranger things have happened.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


I hope there is nudity in this film.  That is one of the the pillars these franchises are both set on.


I doubt there'll be nudity. I hope there's not fakeout nudity though, that's the worst. Every see Halloween 4? A couple is making out by the fire, the girl takes off her bra, and the camera pans up right before you see anything! I don't see why they do that, it's gonna be R anyway, it's a horror movie! Killing and nudity is what makes horror movies great.

But the reason I doubt there's going to be no nudity is beause Bride Of Chucky didn't have nudity. That's my only reason...  :?