21 Grams

Started by NEON MERCURY, May 09, 2003, 06:41:31 PM

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Quote from: Ghostboy
Whatever the case, the performances are...well, everyone's already said what needs to be said -- no disagreements there. And Rodrigo Prieto is quickly becoming my favorite DP. There's that shot during the sex scene of Naomi Watt's torso arching into the sunlight that is just amazing.

mine too.


This may or may not have already been posted, but I'm too lazy to go through this whole thread... does anyone know the name of the track (instrumental) that plays throughout the film at various points, and in the trailer for 21 grams? I absolutely love it, and it reminds me a lot of Cliff Martinez, though I know it's not him.

Thanks in advance.


Quote from: billybrownThis may or may not have already been posted, but I'm too lazy to go through this whole thread... does anyone know the name of the track (instrumental) that plays throughout the film at various points, and in the trailer for 21 grams? I absolutely love it, and it reminds me a lot of Cliff Martinez, though I know it's not him.

Thanks in advance.

is it the Kronos>>>>>........????????



i didnt like the way it was edited (non linear) it just gave everything away


..well..after 7 months later i finally saw this and it was good......


AND billybrown...that song(the instrumental)...i don't know the name of it but if you do a web search it is the first song on the soundtrack.....


Quote from: NEON MERCURY..well..after 7 months later i finally saw this and it was good......


AND billybrown...that song(the instrumental)...i don't know the name of it but if you do a web search it is the first song on the soundtrack.....

I think it's called 'Do We Lose 21 Grams?' I'm gonna try and sample the soundtrack soon enough.

And, yes, it is a really phucking good movie. It's a great film in terms of inspiring the creative juices for any aspiring artists out there, such as myself.  I love films that have qualities like that. So much energy and emotion. Great stuff. It's a toss up for me between this movie and Lost In Translation as my fave of the year. Elephant runs a modest third.

I've heard a few people mention how they're not sure if the fractured, back and forth structure actually did anything for the film, and my only real comments to that are that there are many different ways to tell a story. More often than that, linear is the accepted method, so why not do it the opposite way, even if it just may be for the sake of breaking the same old mold. I don't really feel the film lost any of it's emotional resonance in this non-linear fashion as it kept the energy level up and was just a great way to introduce characters/situations and work your way around to how things got to where they were. It's kind of mysterious and disorienting at first, and I enjoy that in films. From a character POV, all the majors in the theme of the film, never really get the grand epiphany or moment of sheer emotional release or catharsis during the film, and this fractured narrative I feel taps into their psyches far better than just a straightforward story, with a beginning to end, told chronologically.

Definitely an immediate DVD purchase when it comes out.


Quote from: billybrown
I've heard a few people mention how they're not sure if the fractured, back and forth structure actually did anything for the film, and my only real comments to that are that there are many different ways to tell a story. More often than that, linear is the accepted method, so why not do it the opposite way, even if it just may be for the sake of breaking the same old mold. I don't really feel the film lost any of it's emotional resonance in this non-linear fashion as it kept the energy level up and was just a great way to introduce characters/situations and work your way around to how things got to where they were. It's kind of mysterious and disorienting at first, and I enjoy that in films. From a character POV, all the majors in the theme of the film, never really get the grand epiphany or moment of sheer emotional release or catharsis during the film, and this fractured narrative I feel taps into their psyches far better than just a straightforward story, with a beginning to end, told chronologically.

Definitely an immediate DVD purchase when it comes out.

.....i agree.....perfect post.


another thing about AIG's films.....they both are harsh, agressive, fast, etc..but he unnnderlines the ffilm with grace and beauty....its cool sh*t......


Quote from: NEON MERCURYanother thing about AIG's films.....they both are harsh, agressive, fast, etc..but he unnnderlines the ffilm with grace and beauty....its cool sh*t......

I echo those sentiments exactly.  21 Grams and Amores Perros have a great great energy and vitality to them, yet they are grounded by a soulful grace and delicate, assured hand. BTW,  thanks for the song info Neon.  Cheers. :)


Absolutely MUST Go see This. Even if it doesnt live up to my expectations it should still be Great!


On the whole, I loved the film. The performances were all fucking incredable. The cineamtography was perfect, just perfect. The story itsself was nearly flawless. Simple but spot on dialogue, great, great music...

But I'm one of those people who just isn't sure the structure was helpfull in any way. I think Amorres Perros' structure worked perfectly, because we got to know each character one at a time, which allowed each story to break our hearts. I think they would've been better served sticking to a simmilar structure with this film. I can't even say it feels gimmicky because I'm just not sure what the radical non-linear thing was about. It seems almost like watching a dvd with the chapters set on random mode.

Some of it was for suprise, and set up & pay off which is fine. I think they could have been more linear without being completely linear.

This is my only compliant but it's a semi big one.
"Sex relieves stress, love causes it."
-Woddy Allen


ooooooooooooooooooh man.

i hate how i'm always the last one to see everything, but this one was tooooo much.

if i were to make a top ten, it would be on it, high-like.


Finally saw this, I have to say, this is one intense movie. Physically and emotionally draining. I pretty much agree with all the praise everyone's given it... I specially felt for Penn's character.

At first I was a bit annoyed at the editing, but I got into about 30 min into the movie, and really enjoyed how they tied it all together.

I was pretty annoyed at both Jack and Pauls' wives... biatches!


Quote from: ProgWRX

I was pretty annoyed at both Jack and Pauls' wives... biatches!

All the boys on this board always seem so annoyed with women going through rough times who behave a little unsympathetically... even Roller Girl is made out to be some kind of monstrous entity, which is NUTS!

Clearly, these (21 Grams) women had every reason in the world to do the things they did, whether they were right or wrong (and in this movie, everyone, but everyone, is a little bit of both). That hardly qualifies them as bitches... hmmmph.

I agree that it was a great movie, though.
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"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

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Actually, Jack's wife was one of my favorite characters. Charlotte Gainsbourg gave a very nuanced performance there that's been completely overlooked (understandably, considering the rest of the performances). I didn't even realize it was her at first.