What Did You Think Of Matrix Revolutions?

Started by Cathartic Cleansing, October 15, 2003, 01:11:30 PM

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Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: GhostboyYou know, I never, in any of the movies, felt an iota of chemistry between Neo and Trinity. I just accepted it and suspended my disbelief, since so much of the movies is actually riding on the love story.

Thank you. I feel exactly the same way. Her dark dominatrix thing worked well in Matrix 1, and Reloaded completely screwed that up.


is this a record-breaker?  does this take From Justin To Kelly?

Warner Home Video yesterday confirmed to a number of retailers that the upcoming region one release of The Matrix Revolutions will be arriving in shops from the 6th January next year. I'm afraid we have no other details on this super fast turn-around yet, although the disc is expected to retail at around $29.95.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


thats really terrible

but good for me cause I'm gettin it :)



thats less than 2 months from the day of release.  is that humiliating or what?  have a little self-respect matrix.  atleast pretend that there is a zillion rabid fans for this film and make them wait the pre-requisite 6 months.  you know?
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


i dont really see the hurry of the releasing doing anything except hurt the franchise. If anything the demand for the product would be higher in 6 months.  This is a shame and really sucks ass.  the movie still made money its not like fucking gili or something.


If WB's delusions of major failure get the dvd in my impatient mitts faster, I can't complain.  I just hope there's a nice box set for next XMAS.


So The Matrix Comics finally landed on my doorstep today.  Super-cool stuff.  Worth checking out if WB and the W's haven't cleaned you out already.


good/bad news...

It's official... Matrix Revolutions will NOT be released in January has had been rumored. I've just heard from a representative of Warner Home Video, who explained that the DVD will, in fact, be released later in 2004. Expect an official announcement in January, but no disc.

perhaps once warner got word that it was about to break the From Justin To Kelly record, they came to their senses and went "what the hell were we thinking?!?!  thanks xixax!"
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


great news... but I'm actually dissapointed now as I wanted to have the DVD already  :roll:


Only yesterday have I seen The Matrix Revolutions. I wanted all the hype to go away. Didn't read reviews, didn't read posts in the site, didn't give a fuck about world premieres.

I really liked The Matrix, and unlike most people I liked The Matrix Reloaded better. I liked all the doubts Reloaded brought up, and I thought the Special Fx were hugely improved from the first film. Loved Neo Vs. all the agents. Loved the highway chase at the end. I really enjoyed what I saw. However, I think the story in Reloaded was constructed so we'd get the answers in Revolutions and that did not happen. Revolutions was all about the war and none about what we saw in The Matrix Reloaded. I mean, I may have missed something, but it felt short to my expectations. Plus, the fight scenes didn't really excell like the ones in Reloaded.

I wanted much more, and I think I got very little. But all in all, I think it will be a film to re-watch (along with the other two) and rethink.


I waited for all the hype etc to die down for 'Revolutions' before I saw it and was still dissapointed. It's a shame. When I think of it now I think 'That's it?!'. I found the ending to be frustratingly (and stupidly) unsatisfying, "The war's overrrrrrr!!!!!"-END. Cutting away from Morpheus and the gang to a bit with Oracle & Architect didn't cut it for me at all. END OF FILM. END OF TRILOGY. ZERO CLOSURE. What happens to the characters we've come to love? Yeah Trinity bit it what about Morpheus etc? Give us SOME sort of idea what happened to Neo. Everything was left so open, unexplained and unfinished (at least to me).
Dont get me wrong, there was some of that super-coolness from the first two: The final showdown between Neo & Smith being my fave (but I still like Reloaded's fight better). Didn't care much for the never-ending squid-war. It looked great but sooo much of the film was just that.
Overall I found the film to be too bleak. Not enough Smith and Morpheus. O I'll stop whinging. I just find it a hard film to judge. I think I want to like it more than I did. It's just a shame to see a possibly incredible trilogy fail.
'Welcome the Thunderdome, bitch'


the matrix joins the ranks of Indiana Jones, The Godfather, Terminator, and Scream.. as a 2 out 3 trilogy.

i can live with that.
under the paving stones.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: PIndiana Jones

Which one are you speaking of? Temple of Doom?


Quote from: Jeremy BlackmanWhich one are you speaking of? Temple of Doom?
that is correct.
under the paving stones.