Michael Moore and his bullshit (Bowling for Columbine)

Started by Thecowgoooesmooo, December 03, 2003, 01:52:58 AM

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Quoteso this thread is started by some insecure and admittingly generic young republican to make him feel better about the shit he reads in the national review aka the new republic for grownups. I say arguing with this kid is useless because he's just going to quote more sources to fuel his own insecurity.

Well Pete, Great post, but let me point out a couple of errors in there, and then I will go on to point out the errors in your earlier posts, to help support the fact that you are not very bright.

Quoteso this thread is started by some insecure and

Insecure? Nope. Are you P's friend?

Quoteadmittingly generic young republican to make him feel better about the shit he reads in the national review aka the new republic for grownups.

Well, Ive never read the national review, or the new republic. Jesus christ man... Was your abusive father a republican or somthin?

QuoteI say arguing with this kid is useless because he's just going to quote more sources to fuel his own insecurity.

Argueing with me is not useless, its actually pretty easy. Im just a normal human being. I quote sources to help back up my arguement. You must have learned in High School that quoting sources was VERY VERY bad!! And once again, not insecure. Are you sure your not P's friend?

QuoteIt's all just a phase anyways, he's gonna change as soon as he makes friends with a black person, that is, IF he ever gets past the "they're just pitying themselves for something that ended 200 years ago" type of thinking.

Once again, your only defense is a weak attempt at stereotyping someone over the internet who you don't know. Entertain me some more!

Now that is done. I'll look at your earlier post. I'll educate you Pete. Once your done reading these next few sentences Pete, you will no longer have to attend the Sylvan Learning Center.

Quoteyeah the weird thing is how exactly does one present the facts objectively in a film? you can't that's how.
if by research you mean "looking a word up in a dictionary" then all the professional researchers in this country are getting paid to do shit.

Now that is done. I'll look at your earlier post. I'll educate you Pete. Once your done reading these next few sentences Pete, you will no longer have to attend the Sylvan Learning Center.

Quoteyeah the weird thing is how exactly does one present the facts objectively in a film? you can't that's how.

Well actually Pete, you can present the facts objectively in a film. Objectively presenting a documentary for example, would be presenting a documentary that is fair and uninfluenced by emotions. It's done all the time, Pete why don't you ride your Huffy bike to your local video store and pick up the documentary titled, "Goin to Chicago". I just saw it, its a great example of a documentary presenting information that is uninfluenced by emotions or personal interests unlike Moore.

Quoteif by research you mean "looking a word up in a dictionary" then all the professional researchers in this country are getting paid to do shit.

Well Pete, you got me here, this statement is so stupid, that I can't even possibly understand it. Thank you for making me dumber.



hey! some individuality :-D

you're right though...it's unnecessary....

QuoteWell, Ive never read the national review




Quote from: peteso this thread is started by some insecure and admittingly generic young republican to make him feel better about the shit he reads in the national review aka the new republic for grownups.  I say arguing with this kid is useless because he's just going to quote more sources to fuel his own insecurity.  It's all just a phase anyways, he's gonna change as soon as he makes friends with a black person, that is, IF he ever gets past the "they're just pitying themselves for something that ended 200 years ago" type of thinking.

:roll:  I believe it was Churchill who said "if you're young, and not a liberal, you're heartless. If you're old, and not a conservative, you're brainless". Smart man, that fellow.

Anyway, just because I don't like/trust Michael Moore doesn't mean I discount his movie because it isn't "pure facts". It's ridiculous to believe that any documentary would be anything but subjective (as most have pointed out), simply because editing is involved. What I find a little odd is that some seem to want to take BFC as the gospel truth and the key to stopping violence. I find that attitude to be a somewhat "young" and "insecure" way of approaching it.
Those who say that the totalitarian state of the Soviet Union was not "real" Marxism also cannot admit that one simple feature of Marxism makes totalitarianism necessary:  the rejection of civil society. Since civil society is the sphere of private activity, its abolition and replacement by political society means that nothing private remains. That is already the essence of totalitarianism; and the moralistic practice of the trendy Left, which regards everything as political and sometimes reveals its hostility to free speech, does nothing to contradict this implication.

When those who hated capital and consumption (and Jews) in the 20th century murdered some hundred million people, and the poster children for the struggle against international capitalism and America are now fanatical Islamic terrorists, this puts recent enthusiasts in an awkward position. Most of them are too dense and shameless to appreciate it, and far too many are taken in by the moralistic and paternalistic rhetoric of the Left.

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: Thecowgoooesmooohttp://www.nationalreview.com/kopel/kopel040403.asp

How you can trust something from the National Review is beyond me. Most of this "information" was concocted by an NRA lawyer... but we've covered that before.

Quote from: Thecowgoooesmooo2. Presenting facts objectivey

Give me one example of a documentary... ONE... that is purely objective. Art is never purely objective.

Also, how much objectivity lies in your method of personally attacking people when your argument is failing?

And just as a warning, when it goes beyond that and becomes harassment, it's not something that's tolerated here.

Quote from: aclockworkjji have never even seen bowling for columbine.  never will.  damn those liberals and their funny backwards ways...grrr.  :wink:


1. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof.

2. Presumption; arrogance.


Quote from: Thecowgoooesmooo
I've messed with the wrong person to mess with mang? Damn... You must be much more intelligence then me, seeing that you can somehow use short cuts such as: cos, ur, hav, ect.

Also, you are much to intelligent for me to go against, because you have created a word called: mang

I really have picked the wrong person to mess with here.


urghhh... ur back.

if i had to guess i'd say u lived in midtown atlanta, yes? what, did backstreet close and u have nothing else to do on friday nights but to spit out nonsense about good movies and ppl u don't know? can't u just go back to ur usually one meaningless post a month routine? i liked that a lot better.


Quote from: SoNowThen
Quote from: peteso this thread is started by some insecure and admittingly generic young republican to make him feel better about the shit he reads in the national review aka the new republic for grownups.  I say arguing with this kid is useless because he's just going to quote more sources to fuel his own insecurity.  It's all just a phase anyways, he's gonna change as soon as he makes friends with a black person, that is, IF he ever gets past the "they're just pitying themselves for something that ended 200 years ago" type of thinking.

:roll:  I believe it was Churchill who said "if you're young, and not a liberal, you're heartless. If you're old, and not a conservative, you're brainless". Smart man, that fellow.

Anyway, just because I don't like/trust Michael Moore doesn't mean I discount his movie because it isn't "pure facts". It's ridiculous to believe that any documentary would be anything but subjective (as most have pointed out), simply because editing is involved. What I find a little odd is that some seem to want to take BFC as the gospel truth and the key to stopping violence. I find that attitude to be a somewhat "young" and "insecure" way of approaching it.

That seems reasonable enough.

I don't share your admiration of Winston Churchill, though. "Smart," maybe, but... well:

""I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place." - Winston Churchill, 1937, on the Palestenians.

Churchill may have been a bit more reserved than the Nazis, but shared to a shocking degree their views on race supremacy. Just because he was the "friend" of the US or the wartime enemy of Hitler doesn't mean he wasn't a bigot imperialist.
""Money doesn't come into it. It never has. I do what I do because it's all that I am." - Morrissey

"Lacan stressed more and more in his work the power and organizing principle of the symbolic, understood as the networks, social, cultural, and linguistic, into which a child is born. These precede the birth of a child, which is why Lacan can say that language is there from before the actual moment of birth. It is there in the social structures which are at play in the family and, of course, in the ideals, goals, and histories of the parents. This world of language can hardly be grasped by the newborn and yet it will act on the whole of the child's existence."

Stay informed on protecting your freedom of speech and civil rights.


HA!  This is all very amusing... some kid that thinks he's "intelligent" reads some bullshit everyone read a year ago and gets a wild hair up his ass thinking he's just discovered who really killed Kennedy... funny shit... really.

Jeremy Blackman

Great quote, Godardian. It inspires me to learn more about [the very quotable] Churchill.

And yes... I have actually been told that young/old quote before. Here's proof that it's not true.


whoa whoa whoa Chris, easy on the insecurity there buddy, you're gonna hurt yourself.

Quote from: Thecowgoooesmooo

my name is chris and I'm insecure as shit, oh yeah, I also read


sonowthen- I'm not even a fan of bowling for columbine, and I'm not here to defend Michael Moore really, just unhappy when someone decides to go on a self-righteous rant, picking on an easy target and attempting to make himself feel better by talking down to the rest.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Quote from: ©brad
if i had to guess i'd say u lived in midtown atlanta, yes? what, did backstreet close and u have nothing else to do on friday nights but to spit out nonsense about good movies and ppl u don't know?

Hehe...at least I get this joke/reference!


Quote from: ©brad
if i had to guess i'd say u lived in midtown atlanta, yes? what, did backstreet close and u have nothing else to do on friday nights but to spit out nonsense about good movies and ppl u don't know?

Yeah, the backstreets have been closed for a while, thus he was born.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


QuoteHow you can trust something from the National Review is beyond me. Most of this "information" was concocted by an NRA lawyer... but we've covered that before.

Ok Jeremy Blackman, do you ignore the facts for fun? If you don't believe this guy from the National Review.Check out these. Try finding out the facts, before making skeptical statements that hold no truth. Check out these.














This is just a few of the research sites on this Blackie. But you know, they are probly all wrong.  And probly must of this was just concocted by a clever NRA lawyer and maybe Heston's master mind midget sidekick.

QuoteGive me one example of a documentary... ONE... that is purely objective. Art is never purely objective.

Actually there is thousands of documentarys that are purely objective. In fact, if you put down that tv dinner down in your hands, and turn on the A & E channel tonight, you might see a couple. Blackie maybe you can understand the concept like this, Imagine your in a room, with all white walls, and there you front of you, is a TV. Now imagine your watching a Documentary on SEA ALGAE. Yep, SEA ALGAE. Now, if the producers or director decided to throw in false statistics about how sea algae kills babys and small rodents, then this documentary would not be presented objectively. Or if the producers decided to add fictional material to the SEA ALGAE film, then this would not be presented objectively. So now you should understand that documentary's are objective all the fucking time! Oh, and heres an example for you, try New York: A documentary Film... Its an objective documentary, so yes, art can be objective. Or check out, Woody Guthrie (It's great).

QuoteAnd just as a warning, when it goes beyond that and becomes harassment, it's not something that's tolerated here.

What are you talking about? Harrassment? If you call this harrassment.

My signature was-- "Don't judge someone by their post count. Just look at P.

Now if any of you think this is harassment, buy some Zoloft. And considering the number of Private Messages from P...

And I quote from one of the many PM's this cool guy has sent me..

Quotei'm gonna hav to go to that thread and start talking there.

cos u seriously are pissing me off.

It looks like somebodys going to be getting a prescription soon.

Quoteurghhh... ur back.

if i had to guess i'd say u lived in midtown atlanta, yes? what, did backstreet close and u have nothing else to do on friday nights but to spit out nonsense about good movies and ppl u don't know? can't u just go back to ur usually one meaningless post a month routine? i liked that a lot better.

cBrad I think I remember getting in an intense matrix arguement with you, awhile back. That's sad, you still have such hard feelings for me. Or maybe its not that. Terrible stereotype, but nice try. Also this may sound extreme, but I think you should stop posting on here, and instead, pleasure yourself to Keanue Reeves.

Quotewhoa whoa whoa Chris, easy on the insecurity there buddy, you're gonna hurt yourself.

Pete argueing with you, is like sniffing glue. I think you can vouch for that.



personally, I'd like you to prove that you never have read the national review as you said earlier.  i call in blackman to kick your ass here.

the whatever-dude.com article name calls more than bill o'reilly


may i please remind everyone that if you are going to get into a debate regarding personal opinons, try to voice them without assumptions as well as/and or threats.  

Btw...i read somewhere that m. moore and bruce vilanch were caught sucking off charlton hestin...just the facts jack.


haha... and he goes and quotes a hundred people with the same information.

You should also get a clue about objectivity.  It IS not possible to make a truly objective documentary unless you just set up completely random cameras EVERYWHERE and didn't edit anything... and then it would just be boring.

anyway, don't come here just to be a shit... seriously