What Did You Think Of Matrix Revolutions?

Started by Cathartic Cleansing, October 15, 2003, 01:11:30 PM

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Even if they release a box set before Christmas, we all need to keep in mind that Mr. Silver said a sweet box set (with a new edition of The Matrix) was planned for next fall...

Since I need to buy the first film again, I'll be holding out for a definitive box set of all 3 films.  In my opinion, it was a great ride, and I'm glad they made Reloaded and Revolutions.

I think we'll be able to judge whether or not the Wachowski Bros. knew what they were doing with these films based on the merits their next project... if they even have one... and if anyone even cares any more.


Quote from: Bankyyeah i think that these are just speculations and rumours.  I think releasing in a month would be a slap in the face to the Wachowskis.  Give the movie some time.  It will continue to make money.  Put some more marketing behind it and ride it out.  As much as i want to see a dvd soon, i dont want this to happen.  And you know it would be a bare bones edition with no care towards the dvd.  Hasnt reloaded alone put the matrix franchise well into profit?

yeah but that's not good enough for producers anymore.


Quote from: ©bradyeah but that's not good enough for producers anymore.

Higher than that.  We're talking AOL Time Warner executives, possibly board directors.  They're really banking on this franchise.  

This is one hell of an investment, but you gotta think it's a better investment than getting back in the stock market.  So, I don't see what the complaints are either.


Althought not a fan, I had an interesting 20 minute long debate about Matrix Revolutions.  He, also a film student, thought it was great.  It was a fun and interesting debate.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


i didn't get it.  is neo dead or what?  i dunno, coulda been worse, but overall...ummm, i dunno.


Box Office this past week:
""The Matrix Revolutions" sold $16.3 million in tickets, losing a stunning 66 percent of its opening audience. Its total stands at $114.2 million after 12 days."
Guess the general public didn't think too much of this one, huh..


I still don't get the logic behind why reporters are so obsessed w/ the drop-off percentage of big movies the week after they open.  I mean, if you open on over 3000 screens, everyone has a chance to see it the first weekend, there's oodles of places to go.  Of course there's a drop off week 2, b/c EVERYONE got to see it right away.


Of course, but as the third film of the Matrix franchise, and based on the buildup and the expectations from the first two, this is a very big dip, you must admit.



i wouldn't lose any sleep over it though, cuz they banked pretty hardcore w/ reloaded.


Quote from: ©bassi wouldn't lose any sleep over it though, cuz they banked pretty hardcore w/ reloaded.

I won't lose sleep over it because none of it is my money.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: ©bassi wouldn't lose any sleep over it though, cuz they banked pretty hardcore w/ reloaded.

I won't lose sleep over it because none of it is my money.

yeah, that too.

let's see-

i've purchased:

matrix theater ticket: $14 (saw it twice)
matrix dvd: $17.99 (if i remember correctly)
matrix reloaded theater tickets: $14 (saw it twice)
matrix reloaded dvd: $15.99 (thank u best buy)
matrix revolutions: $14 (again, saw it twice)
matrix revolutions dvd that i will buy when it comes out: $15.99 (i would assume it would be the same price as reloaded

subtotal: $91.97- this is how much i've personally invested in this franchise. and every fan boy of the series would probably have spent that as well, if not more.

point being, i've done my part.


MAtrix Rental- $4
Matrix Purchase-$20
Matrix reloaded tickets-$23 (twice regular and once imax)
Enter The Matrix Game- $50
Matrix Reloaded DVD- $16
Matrix Revolutions tickets-$13(twice so far)


So yeah they made some bank from thier fans

I dont care about the money loss for WB but i just dont want to think the general public decides not to see Revolutions because its low box office.  But fuck WB.  There was almost no hype or build up for this.  The average person dosent even know its out.  With proper build up and timing it could have done a lot better.  Its a shame to because i think Revolutions is a lot better than Reloaded.  But when you think about it isnt that sad when you think "QT's 4th FILM" made a shit load less and isnt he "THE MOST INFLUENCIAL DIRECTOR OF OUR GENERATION?"


My geek-shame-list is even longer:
Matrix in theatre - $9
Matrix/Revisited 2 pack - $20
Reloaded in theatre (5 times, +1 IMAX) - $50ish
Reloaded dvd - $15
Revolutions in theatre (3 times) - $20ish
Animatrix/cd - $20
Soundtrack cds (4) - $60
Art of the Matrix book - $35
Matrix Comic Collection (w/shipping) - $25
Enter the Matrix - $50


Would have been more if I wasn't able to score free posters and t-shirts.

Ugh, and you can easily add another 100 with the Rev. dvd and the eventual boxset.  Thank god I don't have a good computer/broadband, b/c I'd surely nerd out for 'The Matrix Online' game.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: BankyThere was almost no hype or build up for this.  The average person dosent even know its out.  With proper build up and timing it could have done a lot better.

I agree it got no build up at all. Two weeks before this movie came out, someone had to tell me when it was actually was coming. I knew sometime in November, but had no clue it was so soon. Only like 2 days before it dropped, did I see any real promotion. WB went into this cocky as ever and thinking it would be a smash film. Hah!

Quote from: BankyIts a shame to because i think Revolutions is a lot better than Reloaded.  But when you think about it isnt that sad when you think "QT's 4th FILM" made a shit load less and isnt he "THE MOST INFLUENCIAL DIRECTOR OF OUR GENERATION?"

I saw Kill Bill advertised to death. Even though it is doing business, it really has to be a dissapointment considering how commercial this was for QT and how much money Miramax threw at it. I just think they were expecting a better pay day.

Qt is the most influential director of our generation, but Star Wars is the most influential film of the last 30 years. And for me, nothing could be worse than that.