Untitled Paul Thomas Anderson (10th feature, TBA)

Started by Montclair, September 21, 2021, 09:35:17 PM

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Find Your Magali

Sci-fi doesn't have to mean Star Wars or Jurassic Park. It can simply mean having elements of the fantastical, while still being firmly rooted in our world, or a slight variation thereof. The Truman Show is clearly sci-fi. The ending of Magnolia isn't necessarily sci-fi, but its fantastical and/or magical realism, and you can argue there are small moments of magical realism in some of PTA's other work, too.

max from fearless

Quote from: wilberfan on January 11, 2024, 09:58:30 PM
Quote from: Find Your Magali on January 11, 2024, 05:01:46 PMDirector of photography?
Production designer?

Neither one of those were publicly known about SOGGY until the film was released.  I met a young woman at the El Portal one afternoon--who turned out to be the Production Designer, and I--in desperation--once asked a guy from the Camera Dept, "DOES THIS THING OFFICIALLY HAVE A DP?" He nodded in the affirmative with a sly smile.

I anticipate the same tight lid on this one too.

I love the mystery PTA employs during pre-production and production, but for the love of god, I would love to see more making of stuff from the guy and hear him speak on the making of the film, in a non puff-piece, NYT LA Times Guardian kinda way (that 2hr interview on youtube with the screenwriters guild for The Master is dope af)

I guess this is my way of saying: I really miss his commentaries and making ofs and whilst Im so grateful for the incredible shorts that came along with Punch-Drunk Love, The Master and Phantom Thread, cinema really needs a PTA commentary/making of doc thats longer than 5 - 10mins...

PS. The Cigerettes and Vine making of The Master interviews was so damn dope. Much respect to them for that, incredible work!!!

PS.2. The guy could've release the Licorice Pizza script goddammit LOL!!!

PS.3. Loved his work on Phantom Thread, but Elswitt and him, dem boys know how to cook, cook! Also The Master is one of the most "beautiful" films going. Shot for Shot it's a miracle.

Again, super excited for this, whatever it is...



IMDB has Mike Reiber listed as the set painter, who did Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love (and Babylon more recently). 


I'm hoping, with the contemporary setting, that Haim does an original song for the film like Aimee Mann did for Magnolia.


"Get a calendar, I can't stress this enough..."


Quote from: Heisenberg on January 12, 2024, 08:41:19 PMI'm hoping, with the contemporary setting, that Haim does an original song for the film like Aimee Mann did for Magnolia.

I'm the exact opposite. I'm hoping Haim has absolutely nothing to do with this film.


Drill shared a link of a brief comment by Mark Bridges saying that due to the strike last year (and a resulting scheduling conflict) he is unable to work on the BC PROJECT with Paul.  First time in 25 years they won't be collaborating.




I feel like, with the strike delays, we might be seeing him working with an almost entirely different crew this time.

max from fearless

Quote from: wilberfan on January 13, 2024, 10:38:46 PMDrill shared a link of a brief comment by Mark Bridges saying that due to the strike last year (and a resulting scheduling conflict) he is unable to work on the BC PROJECT with Paul.  First time in 25 years they won't be collaborating.



I don't like this, but Paul will find a way to get someone super interesting to partner up with regarding costumes...but I'm especially pissed cos the costume work on the last two joints was INCREDIBLE. Phantom Thread gets better with every watch. I regret not seeing it enough in the cinema...(just saw it's playing on 35mm on Valentines day, godwilling...)

PS1. Scrooby said that PTA would step up (post-Oppenheimer, thank you deeply Scrooby: for your insights and foresights, always appreciated) and with this budget increase, I dunno, it's SUPER exciting to see PTA step up to the plate like this, because I assume that budget means an increase in ambition/scope and his ambition is already A1 regardless of dough (or is that budget increase just to carry Di Caprio's fee? which i imagine is hefty af?)

With this being a potential genre bender (they're all genre benders tbh, right?) potentially a Sci-fi inflected movie, I dunno, it's super exciting! I'm hyped. (I still get gassed by some of the moments in P-DL that are sci-fi inspired, kung fu inspired or was it Chuck Jones inspired?)

PS2. On worldofreel people are losing their shit over PTA getting a 100million budget...its kind of sickening where movie "culture" has gone (along with the world really) I never knew there was such a deep hate for what PTA has been doing...

PS3. I do wish we had a lil more information, but with the clickety-clak-click bait of all these so called movie sites, I can understand why shit has to stay sealed tight tight tight. But going way back to TWBB (I remember being able to get an early draft of the script through back channels, that are now all but closed because of all this clickety-clak-clik bs) Remember all the mad theories about his previous movies, when they were semi announced? LOL This most probably has no sci-fi elements, but right now, I'm just riding the waves of excitement and potentiality...Swing for the MF'ing fences Paul!!!

Find Your Magali

At this point, I'll settle for a couple more cast announcements. I have to figure there will be some "names" beyond the three leads. He has to sneak at least one past collaborator in there, right? I mean, Harriet Sansom Harris has to be close to a mortal lock, lol.

Find Your Magali

DiCaprio did a Q&A screening of "The Wolf of Wall Street" Saturday in LA and the moderator was .... Regina Hall.


I've been thinking about that.  It seems way to specific to be a coincidence. I wonder if it had the WB Publicity Dept fingerprints on it?   :ponder:

Find Your Magali

Quote from: wilberfan on January 15, 2024, 09:53:19 PMI've been thinking about that.  It seems way to specific to be a coincidence. I wonder if it had the WB Publicity Dept fingerprints on it?   :ponder:

Well, PTA was there, too, in the audience, so I'm sure it was intentional


QuoteWell, PTA was there, too, in the audience, so I'm sure it was intentional

Did you hear that from somewhere other than that "Vineland Updates" tweet? That account seems a little dubious.