The simpsons vrs other cartoons (official simpsons thread)

Started by AlguienEstolamiPantalones, May 18, 2003, 08:07:36 PM

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Quote from: Chest Rockwell on September 23, 2006, 11:48:57 AM
Quote from: Hedwig on September 22, 2006, 10:21:50 PM
the age thing is also not an excuse. i'm younger than walrus and the truth about The Simpsons and family guy has always been obvious to me.
There wasn't one thing you liked as a kid that you later found shallow or unfunny? I find it hard to believe your intelligence and sense of humor has been consistent from pre-pubescence to now. And even if that were the case, I'm pretty sure that's not common, therefore it would be an "excuse" for most people. At that, I don't see why people should be held accountable for what they find funny; it's not like they can just turn on and off what personally gets them laughing.
that's not what i was talking about at all.

we're talking about preferring FG to The Simpsons, and how walrus kept saying "keep in mind i was 12." yeah i saw the show and thought parts of it were funny, i even chuckled at some of the idiotic extended random bullshit, but i never, ever, for one millisecond thought that it was anywhere close to being as great as The Simpsons. using age as an excuse for not being able to see the difference between the subpar humour of Family Guy and the brilliance of prime Simpsons is ridiculous, especially for someone who is 19 or whatever. i never said anything about holding people accountable for what they find funny. i was commenting on the turnaround. maybe it was the word "excuse" that threw you off.


Quote from: polkablues on September 23, 2006, 12:29:16 AM
Quote from: Hedwig on September 22, 2006, 10:21:50 PM
i'm younger than walrus and the truth about The Simpsons and family guy has always been obvious to me.

That the Simpsons used to be great and now sucks, and Family Guy used to be good and still is?

You're lucky you're avatar is cute, polkablues.


Quote from: Ravi on September 23, 2006, 01:38:34 PM
Quote from: polkablues on September 23, 2006, 12:29:16 AM
Quote from: Hedwig on September 22, 2006, 10:21:50 PM
i'm younger than walrus and the truth about The Simpsons and family guy has always been obvious to me.

That the Simpsons used to be great and now sucks, and Family Guy used to be good and still is?

You're lucky you're avatar is cute, polkablues.

I know, espousing unpopular truths is always a dangerous prospect.  But here's the evidence as I see it.  New Family Guy episodes make me laugh.  New Simpsons episodes make me cringe.  Were you to chart a bell curve showing the respective qualities of the shows over the years, Simpsons would look like Mount Everest, while Family Guy would be a straight line through the middle.  So don't blame me.  Blame the math.  Fucking math.
My house, my rules, my coffee


nobody is arguing that the new simps episodes don't suck. that's hardly an "unpopular truth".

have fun arguing with nobody.


Quote from: Hedwig on September 23, 2006, 03:23:02 PM
nobody is arguing that the new simps episodes don't suck. that's hardly an "unpopular truth".

have fun arguing with nobody.

The unpopular truth is that Family Guy is and always has been a viable source of humor.
My house, my rules, my coffee

Chest Rockwell

Quote from: Hedwig on September 23, 2006, 12:59:50 PM
Quote from: Chest Rockwell on September 23, 2006, 11:48:57 AM
Quote from: Hedwig on September 22, 2006, 10:21:50 PM
the age thing is also not an excuse. i'm younger than walrus and the truth about The Simpsons and family guy has always been obvious to me.
There wasn't one thing you liked as a kid that you later found shallow or unfunny? I find it hard to believe your intelligence and sense of humor has been consistent from pre-pubescence to now. And even if that were the case, I'm pretty sure that's not common, therefore it would be an "excuse" for most people. At that, I don't see why people should be held accountable for what they find funny; it's not like they can just turn on and off what personally gets them laughing.
that's not what i was talking about at all.

we're talking about preferring FG to The Simpsons, and how walrus kept saying "keep in mind i was 12." yeah i saw the show and thought parts of it were funny, i even chuckled at some of the idiotic extended random bullshit, but i never, ever, for one millisecond thought that it was anywhere close to being as great as The Simpsons. using age as an excuse for not being able to see the difference between the subpar humour of Family Guy and the brilliance of prime Simpsons is ridiculous, especially for someone who is 19 or whatever. i never said anything about holding people accountable for what they find funny. i was commenting on the turnaround. maybe it was the word "excuse" that threw you off.
I don't think I was thrown off at all. It's perfectly reasonable that someone would like one show (for instance, Family Guy) more than another (Simpsons) at one point and then grow to appreciate the latter more than other when they grow older, appreciate the humor more, etc. Just because you didn't, doesn't mean that everyone else that did are lesser because of it.

What exactly is your point about him being 19? Family Guy started in 1999, so Walrus would have been roughly 12. One's sense of humor changes quite a bit in that timespan; he's learning more and really becoming his own person after puberty. I'm perfectly willing to admit that I thought Family Guy was hilarious when it first came out. Big deal.


I was using being 12 to illustrate a point, it wasn't the glue in the argument.  I'm saying my logic was flawed and I matured.  Clearly, Hedwig, you grew up so much faster than I did and you were always on the Simpsons band wagon.  Congratulations.

I guess I wasn't such an avid fan of the Simpsons, and as a result of them coming out on DVD, I'm getting back into them.  I realize they've been putting them on DVD for a while, but when I looked back on my particularly favorite episodes (mainly Season 7 and 8) I was so shocked at all that I had missed that I had to go back and watch 6 - 1.  I see the mistake I had made now, preferring Family Guy since I was only watching Family Guy. 
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


Quote from: Chest Rockwell on September 23, 2006, 09:43:21 PM
I don't think I was thrown off at all. It's perfectly reasonable that someone would like one show (for instance, Family Guy) more than another (Simpsons) at one point and then grow to appreciate the latter more than other when they grow older, appreciate the humor more, etc. Just because you didn't, doesn't mean that everyone else that did are lesser because of it.

What exactly is your point about him being 19? Family Guy started in 1999, so Walrus would have been roughly 12. One's sense of humor changes quite a bit in that timespan; he's learning more and really becoming his own person after puberty. I'm perfectly willing to admit that I thought Family Guy was hilarious when it first came out. Big deal.
i am not making a "big deal" or saying anyone who liked FG is "lesser because of it." no idea where you got that from. zillions of people preferred and still do prefer FG to the simpsons partly because they haven't even seen the prime simpsons episodes. again. and they were on all the time so it had nothing to do with age. i was young and i saw them. i'm repeating myself now. my point about walrus being 19 is that he was the right age to have seen enough simpsons in order to tell the difference. but he didn't, and neither did millions of other FG fans, and it had nothing to do with age. for the last time.

whoa, wait, look at this.....
Quote from: Walrus on September 23, 2006, 09:53:30 PM
I see the mistake I had made now, preferring Family Guy since I was only watching Family Guy.

that was exactly my point.


i think in the end we can all rejoice that walrus eventually saw the light. it's a good thing, whether it could've happened 2 years ago is another matter. at least it didn't take him 2 more years. unfortunately not all FG fans get to that point. i chose the period 2 years because of the following quote, which highlights the most frustrating thing for me: not that it takes ppl forever to realise a mistake but that the mistake was pointed out to them years before and they were just unwilling to fix it..

Quote from: Pubrick on January 03, 2004, 02:37:24 AM
family guy fans are consistently less informed on their "rival" shows, and a bit late on the knowledge train, quite frankly.
under the paving stones.


[this post is obsolete and has been left here to bump my other post into the next page. read on, future internet archaeologist]
under the paving stones.


20th Century Fox has set The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season for release on 12/19.

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


according to TV Shows on DVD, swartzwelder has finally agreed to do a commentary for season 9 on The Cartridge Family. i wonder if it's just him saying "no."


Quote from: Lucid on October 24, 2006, 10:32:38 PM
... an Iraq war satire that may rank as the most pointed political statement the show has ever made.

Sure, if by "pointed" you mean POINT, POINT, POINT!!!


Quote from: Lucid on October 24, 2006, 10:32:38 PM
its final line: "This sure is a lot like Iraq will be." That line may not make it to the air; some of the writers want it cut, says Jean, though not because it's politically loaded. "The debate is whether people already get it and we're being too obvious," he adds.
holy shit. the fact they're not sure if ppl will get it, and some writers feel the need to shove it down our throats, is indicative of just how out of touch they are with subtlety. along with other things they used to be known for. this is really sad. it makes me feel sorry for them.

i feel like homer at the end of C. E. D'oh where Mr Burns has been up all nite sealing him in a tomb and he wakes up, feels pity for mr burns, and gets him a jacket. mr burns remains completely unaware unaware as homer puts the jacket on him and says "there you go.." .

poor old man.
under the paving stones.