The Fountain

Started by DavTMcGowan, April 28, 2003, 10:48:01 PM

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I Don't Believe in Beatles

From what you saw, what do you think the MPAA will rate it?
"A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later." --Stanley Kubrick

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known As on March 30, 2006, 01:30:38 AM
Many positive and many negative remarks were heard from the mixed audience.   

Not to pile more questions on you but...

Were the negative remarks intelligent criticisms or was it just the usual "This movie sucks! It made no sense!"?


Probably most here at XIXAX will share my enthusiasm, but some will disagree.
Rated R for sure.
Most of the negative was "I didn't care for it", "I'm not sure how I feel about it", "I just don't get the point of the movie."  The fans all definitely appreciated it save for one that I heard comment it "didn't meet expectations."  If you're looking for a more thorough review than mine check out these at AICN:  I agree with what these guys say.  Go with the second review cause seriously, you don't want to know anything about this movie going in.
I know this: I can't stop thinking about the film today and want to see it again RIGHT NOW.  And SOUND, wait 'til you see what he does with sound in this film.  Aronofsky made The Fountain I was anticipating!


Exciting review, can't wait, definitely my top pick of this year.

What is the current run time?


1:40ish.  My first reaction was that I wished it was longer.  I wanted more from the 1600 stuff some how.  Did I mention Matthew Libatique is God?   


Quote from: The Artist Formerly Known As on March 31, 2006, 11:03:59 AM
1:40ish.  My first reaction was that I wished it was longer. 
That's incredibly surprising.  From everything I've allowed myself to read, I was assuming and hoping it would be a lot longer than this. 


The length was one of the few things about the movie that I did read about, I read on AICN's interview with Aronofsky that they had locked it around 1:30-40. It's amazing that it's an epic tale told with such economy.


From Variety:

The 59th annual Cannes Film Festival will have a strong Hollywood presence thanks to Fox's "X-Men: The Last Stand" and Warner Bros.' "The Fountain," both starring Hugh Jackman, plus a 20-minute preview of Paramount's Oliver Stone pic "World Trade Center" and a slew of other U.S. pics, including toons and docs.


Darren Aronofsky's "The Fountain," in which Jackman stars with Rachel Weisz, will be showing "somewhere" in the official selection, per fest insiders, as will actor-director John Cameron Mitchell's heavily sexual New York ensembler "Shortbus," Rolf de Heer's Aussie Aboriginal drama "Ten Canoes" and Rachid Bouchareb's "Days of Glory," a big-budgeter about North Africans who fought alongside the French in WWII.


i'd give my left nut to go to this thing, as long as they kept it on ice and gave it back to me on the last day.


So apparently last night there was another test screening of this in California, but ALSO one in Boston.  I live in Boston, and didn't here about it until this morning.  Needless to say I am kicking myself, but I was wondering if anyone here went to the one in Boston, or knows where it was held.


From AICN.

Darren Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN has a release date at last!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... finally for the first time in well... forever, we have a secured nailed down theatrical wide release date for Darren Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN. Warners, being extremely nurturing with Aronofsky, took the release date demons away and allowed him and his editors the freedom to explore and find the rhythm of this rather complex and beautiful story. October 13th, 2006 is the date when we'll get to see what I believe we all feel in our hearts is going to be one of the best films period this year!


cool.  i imagine it will come and go pretty quickly Solaris style after the initial opening weekend buzz from stars jackman and weisz fades and nobody sees it.  but atleast we'll have it and thats what counts.   :yabbse-thumbup: to WB for dumping money into something that cannot possibly make it back.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


hey. maybe it will. there's a lot of good tv spot material.


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Bitchin. I got chills when I saw that this morning.