The Fountain

Started by DavTMcGowan, April 28, 2003, 10:48:01 PM

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thanks polky that interview was both nice and little.

who knows with Watchmen, i'm just happy greengrass might not be doing it. i'd rather no one do it if it's not done right, like my mate darren says.
under the paving stones.


From all the interviews I read he seems like a really cool guy. 


I wonder how old he was when he got so cool.


So the other day I read that Rachel Weisz is married to Aronofsky. I had no idea. Thanks for keeping me in the know.
who likes movies anyway


She's also pregnant by him.


My house, my rules, my coffee


What the hell? she is?! I'm out of the loop!
who likes movies anyway


Quote from: Bethie on February 01, 2006, 11:55:45 PM
What the hell? she is?! I'm out of the loop!

That's what happens when you fall asleep during the Golden Globes.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


where am i? what's the date?!
who likes movies anyway


guys, i don't know her. just so you know.


For Bethie, who's been living under a rock:
Darren Arofksy + Rachel Weisz
Tom Cruise + Katie Holmes
Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie
Paul Thomas Anderson + Maya Rudolph
Heath Ledger + Michelle Williams
Ellen Degeneres + Portia De Rossi
Paul Bettany + Jennifer Connelly (I'm still a little depressed about that one)
Peter Sarsgaard + Maggie Gyllenhall
Billy Crudup + Claire Danes - Mary Louise Parker
Natalie Imbruglia + Mia Kirshner (I can dream, can't I?  Can't I?!?)

Now back to business.  Doesn't anybody have any wild speculation about when The Fountain will come out and how awesome it'll totally be?
My house, my rules, my coffee


prediction: by the time it comes out, one of the above couples will no longer be together.   :yabbse-sad:
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



more images you may not want to see

and minor spoilsy image


Okay, So Cal peeps listen up...

get yourself over to The Grove in L.A. (maybe call first).  I was there yesterday and got two free tickets to a test screening of The Fountain for Wednsday night.  Yes, that is right.  Check it out, see what's up. 

I hardly ever go out that way, so talk about being in the right place at the right time!