The stupidest thing you've heard someone say about a movie..

Started by CollinBullock, March 29, 2003, 02:00:00 PM

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Quote from: life_boypeople like American Histoy X just because he's a racist

I fucking hate that....know of one person for sure that actually has admitted biggest problem with people is the whole widescreen-full screen thing.  I work for an evil corporation known as walmart and constantly run into this. A couple days ago there were some customers buying "8 mile", I pointed out to them that they were buying the Full Screen version because some people don't pay attention.  To which the guy replies "it be better be fucking Full Screen or it's going right back to the shelf"...needless to say I didn't say anymore after that....

the version of "Big" walmart carries has a large sticker on it that says "Formatted to Fit your Screen (no black bars)"...thank you Penny Marshall for your eloquent explanation, and perpetuating the ruination of the movie consumer's mind
the rumble of the train trails off to infinity, a place where no one goes anymore

JC, no not that one

Sigur Rós

Quote from: moonshiner
the version of "Big" walmart carries has a large sticker on it that says "Formatted to Fit your Screen (no black bars)

Hehehe....thats fucking insane!!! People are ignorant!  :lol:


Has anyone ever been accused of "just liking fucked up movies?"


Quote from: life_boyHas anyone ever been accused of "just liking fucked up movies?"

oh yeah, constantly


Quote from: Pedro the Wombat

I have aunt and uncle on my reccomendation rented magnolia.  They got it on VHS and ended up putting the second tape in first.  They had no idea what was going on....

That exact same thing happened to me with 'The Deerhunter' when I was about 12. I thought to myself, "wow! this fucking movie kicks ass, no opening credits, they just jump right into it."

Then came the end credits.  :?


I posted something before about my parents telling me once that they didn't enjoy "Pulp Fiction" because it didn't make any sense 10 minutes into it.. and so they turned it off. (on a side note, "Memento" would've made their heads explode.)
Well I recently recalled something that a guy once said to me..  His favourite movies are the ones like "Spiderman" and "Lord of the Rings".. he said, "Foreign people can't make good movies."
I swear he said exactly that.. and I know he wants to work in film too, as a director or an editor. Sad. Very sad.


Check this Amazon "Adaptation" review out:

This movie could have been written by a film school student with no talent. The plot is trivially simple: a screenwriter can't think of a decent screenplay, so he writes a screenplay about himself trying to write a screenplay. Oh, and did I mention you get to see several scenes of Nicholas Cage masturbating? And a scene of Meryl Streep snorting hallucinogenic drugs? Why didn't anyone think of this sooner? Maybe because it's immature, gimmicky, and totally pointless. Cage and Streep have hit their respective low points.


Just for fun, I looked up that guy and he said this of "Chicago":

dark, cynical, "feel bad" cinema April 1, 2003
It's ironic that this film's tremendous success has been attributed to a craving for "feel-good" entertainment: in reality, this is a dark, grim, cynical downer of a movie. Chicago is devoid of a single likable character. The music is catchy, and the acting is solid throughout, but it's all in service of a story that didn't deserve to be sold.


1. "feel bad" cinema and "feel-good" entertainment. Can I say that he's a "feel dumber" reviewer?
2. Whats his problem with Chicago's story?? Did he forget it was a screenplay based on a famous Broadway show? Or the better may be: Has this guy heard of Broadway?
3. A story that didn't deserve to be 'sold' was "I Spit On Your Grave". Not "Chicago"

This guy should be shot.

Rudie Obias

this reviewer from gave PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE 2 out of 5 stars:

BIG disappointment! Look for older movies for good romance!, March 29, 2003
Reviewer: A customer from Cumming, Georgia  
Sure Adam Sandler is okay is a different role than people are used to seeing him in, and yes, there are a few funny scenes with likeable characters. That is why I am giving this movie two stars rather than 1 (or 0) that I thought it deserved. How can people say this picture makes you feel good? It is really sad to see a person like the main character suffer so severely for making seemingly small mistakes. Just because he calls a "phone sex" place, he is blackmailed (and worse). There was very little justice for what he endured, and even though he gets himself together to make an impression on a woman, the fact that she couldn't tell what a mess he is doesn't speak highly of her. I thought this was a poorly presented story with pitiful personas in a terrible and dangerous setting. Maybe that is life in "the big city," but it sure isn't my idea of pleasurable movie viewing. Finally, what's with the occasional burst of colors flashing on the screen to poorly "fuse" or "mingle" the scenes together? Did the director actually think this was a clever way to combine different scenes smoothly? I only wish I could have felt satisfied after seeing this movie, but I felt like I needed to rent one of the classic romances like IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT or even modern movies like SLEEPLESS IN SEATLE that have moments of drama and comedy leading up to a romantic storyline, not the harsh realities found in an inner city with emotionally disturbed people!
\"a pair of eyes staring at you, projected on a large screen is what cinema is truly about.\" -volker schlöndorff


Quote from: Cinephile3. A story that didn't deserve to be 'sold' was "I Spit On Your Grave". Not "Chicago"

Of the movies you could've picked, it had to be that one.  :yabbse-angry:  :roll:  :evil:
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Okay well here's some people who deserve a lethal injection. Seriously.
This is straight from IMDB.. people who spoke negatively about "Citizen Kane".. I mean this is downright pathetic. You hope they were kidding but deep down, you know there are people in America THIS stupid. Enjoy.


Date: 18 March 2003
Summary: Horrible

This film is so horribly boring and uninteresting. I sat through the worst over the top acting just so i could say i watched citizen kane. Frankly, i don't know what the big damn deal is about this film. it took orsen wells 2 hrs to say he wanted his childhood back? wow, that makes for a damn compelling character and story. "

nc usa

Date: 20 January 2003
Summary: not so good in 2002

this film is so extremley overrated it made me sick. it goes to show movies are to often graded by there historical inportance then there current value it is all those top 10 or 100 lists are missleading to common people who dont care about that garbage. real modern cinema does not start intill rosemarys baby or psycho. King Kong or Wizard of oz seams more ahead of its time then citizen kane as well. at least they are fun to look at. But at least it was paced well and the narritive was good so i gave it 6 out of ten stars"

Dungarvan, Ireland

Date: 12 January 2003
Summary: Snooze

To all cynical snobs and/or critics around the world. Please excuse the evident bluntness of this unprofessional and gratuitously undetailed synopsis of Citizen Kane. (An epic???????!!!!!!!?????)


(p.s. if you agree with me, please send me a private message)"

**this person also says "Memento" is 'an underrated gem. Truly, one of the most complex movies ever made.'**

Virginia, USA

Date: 26 December 2002
Summary: Greatest film of all time????

I sat down to watch Citizen Kane for the first time this summer, excitedly anticipating the "World's Greatest Film." Every review I've ever read on it was extremely supportive, and I couldn't wait to see this epic.


The story was frustrating and the plot was predictable. The acting was average, and I didn't like the whole idea. It was so boring I was almost asleep halfway through the movie, and I never really got the point of the film. There is no message it sends, there is no point to the story. Rosebud is the name of his sled. How stupid and unmeaningful is that??!?!? This movie is a waste of 119 minutes and I don't see why it could be called an epic."

**this person also says the first "Lord of the Rings" was 'The BEST movie of all time!!'**

"Jackson Stephens
Provo, Utah, USA

Date: 14 December 2002
Summary: A major disappointment.

I saw this movie for the hype--"best movie ever"! Or so say a bunch of dusty ol' critics. Perhaps this movie was much better in its time, but today it is just boring and slow going. Watch it if you're interested in seeing a piece of history, but don't expect too much *entertainment*."

**this person also says "Memento" is 'One of the best movies ever!'**

Need I say more?


Quote from: MacGuffin
Quote from: Cinephile3. A story that didn't deserve to be 'sold' was "I Spit On Your Grave". Not "Chicago"

Of the movies you could've picked, it had to be that one.  :yabbse-angry:  :roll:  :evil:

Yeah? What's wrong with that?


Quote from: Cinephile3. A story that didn't deserve to be 'sold' was "I Spit On Your Grave".

wow there, buddy


Less than 10 minutes into Memento, my dad says
"Is this your idea of a movie?"
I like to hug dogs

Jeremy Blackman

Quote from: Cinephilepeople who spoke negatively about "Citizen Kane".. I mean this is downright pathetic......

"This film is so horribly boring and uninteresting. I sat through the worst over the top acting just so i could say i watched citizen kane. Frankly, i don't know what the big damn deal is about this film. it took orsen wells 2 hrs to say he wanted his childhood back? wow, that makes for a damn compelling character and story. "

Actually, I kind of agree with that.