Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Started by MacGuffin, February 17, 2003, 02:42:48 AM

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So if the film is shit, we now know why.

I feel bad for Ford because by the time this film gets off the ground, he'll be long dead.


Aussie working on Indiana Jones 4
Source: Moviehole

Australian screenwriter Stuart Beattie has been hired to rework the fourth "Indiana Jones" movie.

According to a loyal scooper, The "Pirates of the Caribbean" writer - he penned the screen story - was hired by Lucasfilm pretty much based on the success of that film. He's currently at work on a re-write of the newest script, with suggestions the film still might be ready for a release sometime in 2005.

Earlier this year, Frank Darabont was let go from the production after turning in a sequel script that didn't meet up "to either of the uber-beard's standards".

"With Beattie now attached to re-write and everything looking a lot better everyone's trying to clear their dates again - Ford, Lucas, Spielberg, Connery. Karen Allen and Kate Capshaw are part of the storyline too. Lots of reshuffling going on".

Beattie is currently also working on Mikael Håfström's "Derailed".
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


About That Indy IV Rewrite...
Pirates scribe might not be involved after all.
Source: IGN Filmforce

Last week, the big news for Indiana Jones fans was that Stuart Beattie of Pirates of the Caribbean fame was re-writing Frank Darabont's script for Indiana Jones IV. It's not really clear whether that's the case now, however.

Although it was Beattie himself who first told IF Magazine about his involvement with the Indy movie, The Indy Experience denies his claim, saying that they have been in contact with a Lucasfilm spokesperson on the subject. Whether Lucas and Spielberg are simply holding off on an announcement for now, or re-working the script themselves isn't clear, but what is fairly certain is that the final screenplay will differ significantly from Darabont's draft.

CHUD also adds that contrary to other reports, Spielberg and Harrison Ford were both happy with Darabont's story. Producer George Lucas was the lone dissenter, because he felt that the character-drive story needed a faster pace to it. This being the case, George Lucas himself might very well be editing the Indiana Jones IV script himself.

Hopefully, as has been the case with the previous Indy films, the collaboration between these veteran filmmakers will result in a film that taps the strengths and experience of each, rather than suffering the too-many-cooks malady.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin
This being the case, George Lucas himself might very well be editing the Indiana Jones IV script himself.

that silly Lucas....

Find Your Magali

I have a bad feeling about this...

Too many cooks this time...

Maybe they should just get Charlie Kaufman to interview Darabont, Lucas and Spielberg and write a script called "It's Only Human Nature to Struggle While Adapting to the Fact that Spielberg and Lucas Have Lost Their Eternal Sunshine When It Comes to a Spotless Indiana Jones."

I need a drink.


Quote from: Find Your Magali
I need a drink.

sounds like you already had one


Lucas Keeps Indiana Jones Fans Waiting

Hollywood director George Lucas is refusing to rush pre-production work on the fourth installment of his Indiana Jones franchise - because he'll only set cameras rolling when the script is "really good". The eagerly awaited return of the adventurous archaeologist - played by Harrison Ford in all three previous releases - has already been delayed after Lucas reportedly rejected The Shawshank Redemption film-maker Frank Darabont's script. But the Star Wars legend insists a new writer is now on board to fine tune the plot. And Lucas and director Steven Spielberg are in no hurry to start shooting the movie, because their perfectionist approach to movie-making means the fourth Jones will only hit cinema screens when it's deemed good enough to do the series justice. He tells website, "We are working on the next script. Another writer has started working on it. We're just not going to make it unless it's really good. One of the reasons I'm able to work with Steven so well is because every time we come to a disagreement we'll yield to the other one, which means we'll come up with a compromise that considers both sides, and one person isn't determined to have his way. It's what's best for the movie."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


what the fuck does lucas know about scripts anyway? um, ::cough:: attack of the clones::cough


I hope Lucas adds some CGI Nazis to the fourth film.
Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit . . . and Jack just left town.


(to Steven)
What if we send Indy to the planet where E.T. came from? Wouldn't it be a blast? Like, you know, Indy and E.T. That would make money... right?

You're a dick. Let's call the movie off and lemme go and make a movie about the true story of a man who eats through his nose. Tom Hanks is interested in the role.


more than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. one path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. the other, to total extinction. let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
woody allen (side effects - 1980)


A New Map for Dr. Jones
Scribe Jeff Nathanson will try to please George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford with a fourth installment of the Indiana Jones franchise. Source:

In February the project had been considered dead, but now George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are turning to scribe Jeff Nathanson to resuscitate Indiana Jones. In order for the project to move on, Lucas, Spielberg and Ford will all have to give a thumbs up to the script, and Spielberg would have to move it to the front burner to get it into production in the near future.

Back in February, Lucas, Spielberg and Ford did not all agree on the script turned in by Frank Darabont. The project seemed dead, and each moved on to their separate projects.

Spielberg is currently working on an adaptation of the H.G. Wells sci-fi novel War of the Worlds, with Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning attached to star. Following that project, he was looking to returning to the 1972 Munich Olympic Games through a script from Eric Roth that examines the terrorist tragedy during the games. Angels in America scribe Tony Kushner is currently redrafting that script.

Lucas began work on the third installment of the Star Wars prequels, while Ford began reading various scripts. He's currently preparing to star in The Wrong Element and is attached to the sci-fi drama Godspeed.

For his part, Nathanson is not stranger to Spielberg. Nathanson penned the helmer's Catch Me If You Can and co-wrote The Terminal. Nathanson also drafted the Rush Hour films and recently made his directorial debut on the satirical comedy The Last Shot, starring Matthew Broderick and Alec Baldwin.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Hm, an Indy film filled with Comic Relief.
We uh don't uh exactly need that.


Quote from: AntiDumbFrogQuestionHm, an Indy film filled with Comic Relief.
We uh don't uh exactly need that.