Ask The Gold Trumpet

Started by Gold Trumpet, April 30, 2003, 07:35:07 PM

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Gold Trumpet

Quote from: MacGuffin

How do you feel about this bit of news?:

Neve Campbell Set to Play Louise Brooks
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH, that is huge for me. Really. You could say I am quite excited by the possibility of getting a glimpse of Louise Brooks recreated and refelt in a minor way, but I'm really going to be tough on this film cause the subject is so near and dear to me. With being a historian for the subject, I also almost feel the impossibility of this succeeding. Louise Brooks was so vibrant she can be compared to Muhammad Ali. As much as Smith fit the look of Ali, he couldn't capture his spirit. He could just recite his lines. Neve Campbell looks similiar to Brooks, but I feel she is doomed. Gracias, Mac!


Quote from: The Gold Trumpet
Quote from: MacGuffin

How do you feel about this bit of news?:

Neve Campbell Set to Play Louise Brooks
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH, that is huge for me. Really. You could say I am quite excited by the possibility of getting a glimpse of Louise Brooks recreated and refelt in a minor way, but I'm really going to be tough on this film cause the subject is so near and dear to me. With being a historian for the subject, I also almost feel the impossibility of this succeeding. Louise Brooks was so vibrant she can be compared to Muhammad Ali. As much as Smith fit the look of Ali, he couldn't capture his spirit. He could just recite his lines. Neve Campbell looks similiar to Brooks, but I feel she is doomed. Gracias, Mac!

i think this is the most excited i have ever seen gt.


NEON et al ask....will you decide to stay here  and not leave...?

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: NEON MERCURYNEON et al ask....will you decide to stay here  and not leave...?

For the time being, I am here. I wasn't banned like I asked to be and the week off proved helpful for me to come back and realize the good things on this site. Even with all the dumb shit that goes on here, its a decent working environment to keep my mind active.


Quote from: The Gold Trumpet...its a decent working environment to keep my mind active.
Not quite the way I view Xixax, but to each his own.


Quote from: Onomatopoeia
Quote from: The Gold Trumpet...its a decent working environment to keep my mind active.
Not quite the way I view Xixax, but to each his own.

I think of it more as a crossroads to share Goatse.
"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


GT.......what up?!!!  ......long time........

its time to bring this thread back to life......

1.) What you think about jackie brown?
2.)what is the most annoying/overrated actress
3.)of all the films that are currently in pre/post-production, what are you most eagerly awaiting?
4.) what you thionk about 12 monkeys
5.) what you think about risky business

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: N the E digital O rape N[1.) What you think about jackie brown?

For me, it may be Tarantino's worst film. Its the only one to me that seems to attempt some kind of plot, but yet it lingers the way Tarantino does with his other films in the manner of style exploration. So the film really lacks to find a successful vision because when I look at the film in context of plot, I see a hollow film too obcessed with its own style and when I look at as just a stylized film, I see a film that just in scope and reward is still an inch of what Pulp Fiction brought. Some follow up. Pulp Fiction was Resevoir Dogs rewarded and where Jackie Brown could have been a growing period for Tarantino in him finally dealing with a plot, its a so so committment on his part. Too many scenes run through the banal, scenes that pick up on the habits and life of these characters that really don't allow for Tarantino to get the higher achievement. Its a reimagination of the black exploitation done with maturity and Tarantino, because he still has such a love for the genre, decides to only really mature it somewhat.

Quote from: N the E digital O rape N[2.)what is the most annoying/overrated actress

Annoying is hands down Rennee Zelwegger. She's bearable in Down With Love, Jerry Maguire and Nurse Betty, but her affair with the serious work is tainted by her desperation to go all out with the kind of performance she feels will best win her an academy award. It results in her doing over emotional performances with the handicap that everytime she tries to speak emotionally, she is fucking annoying. She can not go a sentence without me wanting to deconstruct her jaw with my fist. Its odd, but she enrages me. Prolly because under that smirk, I see a self advertising machine trying to please everyone around her. Prolly because with every line she says  there is a desperate attempt to sound intelligent when I hear a ridiculously dumb voice that is no better than any other average person. She's the kind of girl you'd shoot in the foot and she'd scream because it made her look bad in front of everyone else.

Overrated is Nicole Kidman. She's fine for the average role and has done good work in Eyes Wide Shut, but her sudden aim for better work since then has been marred by an acting approach I think greatly limits her from really acting. She never seems to lose herself in a role, to allow herself to be embarassed the way one of her characters might. She was still Hollywood royality in Cold Mountain because she never abandoned her expensive make up in the film, kept a royal stature instead of losing it for a role of complexity and defeat. Its like the old Hollywood acting, where an actor always seemed to carry their desired Hollywood self image with every role they did, thus not allowing themselves to really encompass the character.

Quote from: N the E digital O rape N[3.)of all the films that are currently in pre/post-production, what are you most eagerly awaiting?

Hands down, Alexander by Oliver Stone. Sure, I am paying close attention to Sin City and Batman Begins and really loving the potential of both projects but my expectations are so high for Alexander that at minimumal, I think it will be the best film of the year. At my highest expectation, It'll be one of the best films I've seen. Oliver Stone was the premiere filmmaker of the 90s for me; JFK nicely sitting atop my top ten list at #1 and NBK also in the top ten. Neil Labute comes close but his vision has been lost since his first two films. Stone has also lost his great vision with many films, but the word is he is back and on fire with this film. Best thing to look forward to.

Sadly, haven't seen risky business or 12 monkeys.

Sigur Rós

I wanna ask you a bunch of questions amd I want them answered imediately!

Are you a hot chick?
Do you like surfing?
Ever been to Europe?
Why do good things happen to bad people?
Who's your daddy and what does he do?


You have mentioned that Antonioni is your favorite director of all time, or atleast who you think of as the best director. My question is...why?  What films have you seen of his?  Which is your favorite?  What makes him better than anyone else, in your opinion?

Glad this thread is resurrected.
"Talking shit about a pretty sunset
Blanketing opinions that i'll probably regret soon"


Quote from: Sigur Rós
Who's your daddy and what does he do?

hahahahaha terrific.  
context, context, context.


Quote from: cronopio
Quote from: Sigur Rós
Who's your daddy and what does he do?

hahahahaha terrific.  
hahahhahaha, i was just re-watching that movie the other day and everytime one of those lines comes up its hilarious.  like, even when he says something like 'yeah'.  because i can place it in one of those.  'you sunuvabitch, how are you?'
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Sigur Rós

Quote from: themodernage02
hahahhahaha, i was just re-watching that movie the other day and everytime one of those lines comes up its hilarious.

Oh come on... STOP WHINING! You kids are soft! You lack discipline! WELL I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU, YOU ARE MINE NOW! YOU BELONG TO ME!


Quote from: Sigur Rós
Quote from: themodernage02
hahahhahaha, i was just re-watching that movie the other day and everytime one of those lines comes up its hilarious.

Oh come on... STOP WHINING! You kids are soft! You lack discipline! WELL I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU, YOU ARE MINE NOW! YOU BELONG TO ME!

context, context, context.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: Sigur RósAre you a hot chick?

Only in drag and if your sexual kink is reserved for the taste presently common in the red light district of Amsterdam.

Quote from: Sigur RósDo you like surfing?

Absolutely. Living 3 blocks literally from stunning Lake Michigan has afforded me a life of privilege in extreme surfing. My friends and I go out to the beach every morning during the summer and spend hours trying to get that one great wave that will be over three feet high. Sometimes we get lucky and catch that wave, sometimes we don't. Either way, there is noting like the bonding of friends trying to surf and just falling flat on their faces.

Quote from: Sigur RósEver been to Europe?

I housed a foreign exchange student from England who insisted the family eat crumpets, drink tea and talk like girls. Does that count?

Quote from: Sigur RósWhy do good things happen to bad people?

Cause most of the good guys are pussies and never take advantage of situations that are usually awarded to bad people.

Quote from: Sigur RósWho's your daddy and what does he do?

A bad ass mother fucker who could give you a lil brother if you really really wanted one.