
Started by MacGuffin, September 15, 2007, 10:44:31 AM

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it seems like it all came from these very new parents who are still having illusions of maintaining some kind of fun and meaningful social life in spite of their deed.  they're probably desperate and helpless and they're going to the theaters to prove to themselves that they can still have fun.  then their babies start crying.  they pick movies like Knock Up and Juno because they want the movie to tell them that they did the right thing by keeping the kicking fetuses.  nah uh, you should tell them, once that thing comes out, you stay in.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


Ugh. I HATE when people insist on bringing their kids to the movies. And they're always wearing those shirts that say "every child deserves a chance at life!" and the kids are just so fucking white you wanna shoot them in the face, and they're sitting in front of you just bobbing and weaving and sucking on a straw even though the only thing left is ice and it makes that loud *schlurrpprprprpp* sound.

Fuck going to the movies. That's why I download everything and watch it on my own tv.

Furthermore, the best audiences are white adults with negro babies and the worst audiences are negro adults with white babies.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Sheesh... late again, of course.

The bad outweighs the good on this one.  Good attempt at executing a really terrible screenplay.
The indie-quirk was obnoxious, but not as much as the Kevin Smith-like "every character speaks in the same voice" dialog.

It reminds me of when I first started writing jokes, I would try to cram as many "laughs" into each line as possible and it would end up over-crowding the rest of the joke and in the process, kill it.  It wasn't until I went back and erased the parts that were forced that the joke would regain focus and actually make people laugh.  The Juno dialog is crowded with shit that's just not necessary.  The problem is that if you went back into the screenplay and erased all the extraneous, tired, unfunny lines, you'd have a good twenty minute short film.

and there's no way it "looked good on paper".  I can't imagine getting more than ten pages into the screenplay without writing it off as a pathetic Kevin Smith wannabe piece of junk.  Luckily, with the movie, the actors add some warmth to the crap and make it tolerable to watch.

B.C. Long

Quote from: Stefen on January 02, 2008, 01:26:14 PM
Furthermore, the best audiences are white adults with negro babies and the worst audiences are negro adults with white babies.

Are you talking about interracial adoption?


interracial sex, BC Long. white people and black people fornicating. i know that idea sounds crazy, but.. that's what he's talking about.

grand theft sparrow

Xixax condones miscegenation!


That'd be cool if Juno had her baby and it comes out black and in the back of the theater you hear a loud "Oh, hell no!"
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.

Gold Trumpet


I was very tunnel vision about this film. I didn't give much thought to the composition of the film. It became apparent early on that I fucking hated the character Juno and that's all that was going to inspire me.

I also don't feel I am very far off for taking that objective. The main thing the film wants you to do is believe in the legitimacy of this character. The film is no different than a soap opera in that the desired reaction is you cry with the character when she does. The film just takes offbeat ways to do it. To begin my Juno rant, most people criticized the dialogue because it was too cute and stylistic. I didn't mind most of the dialogue because the mini Juno's I know all try to be just as clever and irreverant as she is. These girls even fucking dress and look like her so I thought it was a good portrayal. I already know a lot of guys who think her character is something to idolize as the perfect girl, but it's just all bullshit because Juno is not an intelligent person. She is an arrogant, snot nosed fucking kid who likely has a history of mental illness to be as fucked up as she is. 

Juno is fucking crazy. She has a sketchy idea of art based on coolness. There is nothing wrong with that, but she is a little fucking militant about giving everyone else shit for their taste. The initial scenes with Jason Bateman where they both criticize each other's taste of music wasn't just them getting to know each other. For all the little Juno's it's a way of life. They just like that you call them indie kids. Indie kids continually hammer anyone else who likes something different. If the idea that the combativeness is cute because it shows the girl is spirited it ends up getting old really fucking quick because it never fucking ends.

Juno didn't discover herself either. She didn't realize at the end she was a fucking retard. She just realized you have to be with the person you are most compatible to be with. A quiet scene ends with her and Cerna playing music, but he's a fucking tool to think she will just all of a sudden become worry free. He only shows her that he can be walked on and still be OK to take her back. She was giving him shit for stupid stuff earlier and she'll do it again when it's conveniant. Personal arrogance doesn't just go away for these morons.

The film definitely hit a personal nerve and I allowed it to take over my experience of the film, but I believe I had the right. Your experience has to guide you through movies and this film is make believe for the bullshit it assumes about Juno. I've distrusted some artsy circles because of both men and women that are like Juno. I know gay people who cannot enjoy a moment of Altman's MASH because of its insane ideas. The film tries to appease with jokes and cute characterizations but the main thing it asks is that you believe in the character as a redeeming character. I think a film could be made about a girl similar to her, but it has to be done in a totally different context.


a character like Juno raped GT's mother.
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: modage on January 03, 2008, 02:20:04 PM
a character like Juno raped GT's mother.

not a good subject for jokes.


modage ran over GT's cat.
My house, my rules, my coffee

Gold Trumpet

Quote from: polkablues on January 03, 2008, 10:25:33 PM
modage ran over GT's cat.

Jesus, first the rape comment hit a sore spot and now you give me a cat comment when both of my cats were killed a few months ago.


Haha, man I hope you're joking, because that is really funny.

Gold Trumpet

No! They were killed by two large dogs. One was mangled on my porch and my brother was able to scare the dogs away and drag the body into the house where it died. The other cat immediately ran to a neighor's house where he thought they would let him in. Because it was late at night they didn't hear him crying and the dogs found him and killed him too. The girl of that house found the body the next morning and she had to be restrained from hysterics by the police because the body was so mangled. We wrapped both bodies in carpets and bags to adaquately bury them.

It's still a bad subject for all of us.


ok try this one.

modage took a dump in a paper bag, polky lit it, and gamblour put it on GT's doorstep.

oh, and i knocked on his door.
under the paving stones.