
Started by MacGuffin, July 23, 2004, 03:00:02 PM

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i still recommend ppl read the book before this movie ruins the book.
under the paving stones.


its the truth. i just read v for vendetta in a couple of days having never seen the movie. i just watched the movie last night and holy shit what a disgrace.
"The myth by no means finds its adequate objectification in the spoken word. The structure of the scenes and the visible imagery reveal a deeper wisdom than the poet himself is able to put into words and concepts" – Friedrich Nietzsche

grand theft sparrow

Quote from: Pubrick on June 19, 2007, 06:59:44 AM
i still recommend ppl read the book before this movie casting ruins the book.


Source: CHUD

This morning Comic Con revealed the full line-up of events, and one of the movies being presented by Warner Bros is Watchmen. Zack Snyder will be on hand, and will most likely be making some casting announcements... and one of them will be Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan.

A very reliable source tells me that Snyder has settled on Crudup for the role of Watchmen's only super-powered character, a scientist who accidentally gets annihilated on an atomic level and reconstructs himself into a big, naked, blue, floating demigod.

There have been a number of names going around for Dr. Manhattan, including Keanu Reeves (who supposedly wanted more money than Snyder et al would offer) and Jason Patric (the guy you get when Keanu turns you down), but I think Crudup is the best name yet associated with the role. Not only is the guy a truly gifted, terrific actor, he has long deserved a potential break-out role like this; Billy Crudup should really be much more famous than he is. And once you think of Crudup in the role, you can easily see how he'll nail the humanity of Dr. Jon Osterman before the accident and the detached posthumanity of Dr. Manhattan.

Again, I would expect an official announcement at Comic Con, or the days leading up to it, but in the meantime, go rent Almost Famous and Jesus' Son to get a look at who Dr. Manhattan is.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on July 09, 2007, 02:22:51 PM

in the meantime, go rent Almost Famous and Jesus' Son to get a look at who Dr. Manhattan is.

or read the fucking book by alan moore.
context, context, context.


How fucking depressing is it that Billy Crudup is the third choice (at least)?  That's like Tool being your third choice of concerts, right after Hinder and Godsmack.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Patrick Wilson Talks And Co-Stars Confirm: 'Watchmen' Is Next
Source: MTV

As the final days on his current film wind down, fast-rising actor Patrick Wilson has become known as a nice guy, a solid thespian, and a consummate professional. And he's also being called one other thing around the set: The Nite-Owl.

"Isn't that exciting?" Wilson's co-star Kerry Washington grinned last night. "It's what he goes into next!"

For those of you who recently emerged from a deep coma, Wilson's name has been rumored for weeks as a possible star for "Watchmen" – the big-budget superhero flick that will serve as director Zack Snyder's follow-up to "300." So when the "Little Children" star met with reporters Monday evening on the set of his Samuel L. Jackson thriller "Lakeview Terrace," he addressed the Internet chatter publicly for the first time.

"I'm not a good liar," he laughed, refusing to deny it, "so I really shouldn't go into it."

During the interview in – of all places – an elementary school auditorium, Wilson's laughs and giggles left no doubt that he would soon be announced officially. "I'm not going there," he said playfully.

In a separate interview, however, his co-star Washington revealed that Wilson has already shared the news with his current co-workers. "I keep teasing him," she laughed. "Whenever he eats candy or something, I go: 'You're playing a superhero! I don't think you should be eating pretzels!'"

Reminded that Wilson's Nite-Owl actually has a sizable gut in Alan Moore's classic tale of what happens when heroes go beyond their super years, Washington responded: "He is [supposed to be out of shape], yes. That's what [Wilson] always says. But I always go 'Yeah, but you still want to be defined!"

Making matters even clearer, Wilson interrupted his own dodgy responses to point out a child's artwork that he kept eyeballing on the wall nearby. "Look at the thing I'm reading," he said, motioning to a painting entitled "Owl's Hollow." With a grin, he added: "But, I didn't say anything."

Adding "Yes yes, I know the [book], I know it all," Wilson (who was drinking a pounds-packing protein smoothie during the interview) allowed himself the following statement on his impending journey alongside Snyder and arguably the most well-respected comic book title of all time.

"This is the truth, whether it's ha ha ha - the film you're talking about - or whatever other big studio films lie ahead in the path," he said. "The weird thing is, as an actor you usually feel more comfortable on a big studio set."

"You have a lot of time, you've got a cushy gig where everybody likes you, and you don't have that stress," he said of such blockbusters. "I've never been scared by the big-budget thing - because if the script is good it doesn't matter."

Well, Time Magazine did famously choose "Watchmen" as the only comic in its list of the 100 Best American Novels at the end of the century, which would seem to indicate that such a script is in order. The Owl is due to take flight once the film begins shooting in Canada in September, and we'll continue watching the Watchmen closely as they build to a late '08 release.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Six conspire in casting of 'Watchmen'
Source: Hollywood Reporter

"Watchmen," the long-gestating big-screen adaptation of the seminal DC Comics limited series, has finally found its superheroes.

Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Malin Akerman have been cast in the Warner Bros. movie, which Zack Snyder is directing. Larry Gordon, Lloyd Levin and Deborah Snyder are producing.

Set in an alternate America, "Watchmen" follows costumed hero Rorschach, who is living a vigilante lifestyle because most masked heroes have retired or been outlawed. While investigating a murder, Rorschach learns that a former masked-hero colleague has been killed, prompting him to begin investigating a possible conspiracy.

Haley will play Walter Kovacs, aka Rorschach, who ignores the ban on costumed vigilantes.

Crudup will play Dr. Manhattan, a superpowered being with godlike powers and temperament.

Akerman will play Laurie Juspeczyk/the Silk Spectre, who is involved with Dr. Manhattan -- but that relationship begins to fall apart as he becomes more disconnected from humanity.

Goode will play Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias, a costume adventurer who retired voluntarily, disclosed his identity and built a large fortune. He hatches a plot to avert a global catastrophe he believes will be caused by Dr. Manhattan.

Wilson will play the Nite-Owl, a crime-figher who uses technical wizardry and has an owl-shaped flying vehicle.

Morgan will play the Comedian, a cigar-chomping, gun-toting vigilante-turned-paramilitary agent.

"Watchmen," created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, is one of the most critically acclaimed series in the genre. The comic is credited for redefining the superhero genre and often is referred to as the "War and Peace" of comic books. It is a crime-conspiracy story that provided the first realistic look at the behind-the-heroics lives of superhero archetypes. "Watchmen" appeared as the only graphic novel on Time magazine's list of the 100 best novels since 1923.

A feature adaptation was in preproduction at Paramount with director Paul Greengrass at the helm. Casting was under way when the studio pulled the plug in June 2005 and let go of the project.

Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves and Jude Law were interested in the Snyder incarnation, though they balked when it became clear that the studio was holding the line on the budget.

Shooting is set to start in the fall in Vancouver, with Snyder employing many of the filming techniques he used for his boxoffice success "300."

Legendary is co-financing the picture.

The cast is rumored to make an appearance at Warners' Comic-Con presentation Friday.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Comic-Con: 'Watchmen' Release Date Announced, Dr. Manhattan Will Be All CG
Source: MTV

Our guys at the panel, Shawn Adler and Larry Carroll, just sent in the following info and quotes from "Watchmen" director Zack Snyder, talking at length about his hugely anticipated flick.

The film's release date? March 6, 2009.

Some quotes from Snyder:

-"Is 'Watchmen' better if it's updated, more accessible? I don't think so. I don't think 'Watchmen' should come to the people, but the people to 'Watchmen.'"

-"We have real actors. It's not an exercise in marketing. I made a movie called '300′ and it had no stars in it either. A couple people saw that."

-"The idea for the Manhattan character — when he becomes Manhattan he's going to be a full CG version of Billy [Crudup], 'Pirates of the Caribbean'-style. The last thing I want is to see some guy with blue paint."

-"I want to see the ['Tales of the Black Freighter'] story. I think it's really important. People have talked a lot about what it means, but I think it's really cool and would be fun to do. I want to do it."
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Carla Gugino is Sally Jupiter in Watchmen
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Carla Gugino (Sin City) has joined the cast of Watchmen, the Warner Bros. adaptation of the DC Comics limited series.

She joins Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Malin Akerman in the Warner Bros. movie, which is set in an alternate America that has passed a law banning costumed crime fighters. When one is murdered, the remaining members set out to solve the mystery.

Gugino will play Sally Jupiter, a burlesque dancer-turned-costumed heroine and sex symbol the Silk Spectre who is part of the Minutemen, a group of heroes who preceded the Watchmen. She also is the mother of the new Silk Spectre (Akerman). Gugino is expected to portray Jupiter in varying eras, playing different ages throughout the movie.

Zack Snyder (300) will direct the film, which is set to start shooting in the fall in Vancouver.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Zach Snyder Talks Watchmen!
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

Watchmen director Zack Snyder (300) has sent a message to fans from the set of the anticipated comic book adaptation which you can watch In the video, Snyder talks about what they have done so far, what the experience has been like and what's ahead.

Opening March 6, 2009, the Warner Bros. release stars Patrick Wilson, Jackie Earle Haley, Matthew Goode, Billy Crudup, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Malin Akerman, Carla Gugino and Stephen McHattie.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


Quote from: modage on November 27, 2007, 10:13:29 AM
awesome set pics here...

click to enlarge

even if the whole thing is in slow motion: best achievement in art direction, costume design.
under the paving stones.


those are BEAUTIFUL. holy shit. that's the best i could hope for in bringing that city to life.

i wish the movie could always exist in this state, where cool pictures and (hopefully) awesome teasers are all we have, and the idea of Watchmen actually being a movie remains an idea, something i dream about. eventually it will be released, i will see it, i'll feel weird about it, maybe a couple parts will be ok and Rorschach will look cool... and then i'll have to accept that the movie is a wasted opportunity. i try to be hopeful but i can't really say i'm "looking forward" to seeing this. it's more like i just want to get it over with.

in other non-news, here's something fun: Watchmen cast guide.


Those pics are awesome, but this is still going to suck and will ruin the gn. It's impossible.

I hope the whole set burns down. Except for the ones those pictures were taken on.
Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.