Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer

Started by MacGuffin, December 04, 2005, 08:01:45 PM

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New 'Fantastic' fuse fired up

20th Century Fox is set for another "Fantastic" voyage.

The studio has confirmed months of speculation that it would bring its summer box office hit "Fantastic Four" back for a second installment. Director Tim Story and scribe Mark Frost have signed on for the sequel, which is set for a July 4, 2007 release.

The first installment, which grossed more than $154 million domestically despite appalling reviews, also had been slated for a July 4 weekend bow but switched to July 8 to avoid a head-to-head clash with "War of the Worlds." The move paid off as the Marvel comic book-based tale earned $56 million in its opening take. This time around, "Fantastic Four" will be facing a formidable superhero foe in "Spider-Man 3," which opens in May 2007.

The first film's fantastic quartet -- Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis -- are expected to reprise their roles, as they originally inked deals extending through a planned trilogy. However, Julian McMahon, who played villain Victor Von Doom in the first film, will not be back because he instead opted to star opposite Sandra Bullock in thriller "Premonition," which begins production in January.

Fox's announcement Friday coincides with the "Fantastic Four" DVD release, which hits stores December 6.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


worst article ever...

Alba Says 'Fantastic Four 2' Will Be 'Exciting, Hot, New, Fresh'
Source: MTV

CULVER CITY, California — Comic book character-turned-cinematic superhero Sue Storm is best known for her powers of invisibility, which allow her to sneak around and keep the secrets of the Fantastic Four from falling into the wrong hands. While Jessica Alba can understand such tendencies, she prides herself on being a bit more upfront.

In town for her high-profile gig as host of the 2006 MTV Movie Awards (see "MTV Movie Awards: Will Ferrell Freaks Out; Jessica Simpson Dusts Off Daisy Dukes"), the actress is revealing some big secrets for "Fantastic Four 2," the superhero sequel she'll soon begin filming. And if there's one thing that perks up the ears of the men who've supposedly made her the most Googled woman in history, it's the pairing of the words "revealing" and "Alba."

"I start [filming] on August 28th, I think, through the fall," Alba said of the sequel to last year's blockbuster about a radiation-fueled super-family. "It's going to be a very, very exciting, hot, new, fresh 'Fantastic Four.' We're going to amp up the action, amp up the love interest, amp it all up."

As far as that first count is concerned, look for returning heroes Johnny Storm (Chris Evans), Ben Grimm (Michael Chiklis) and Reed Richards (Ioan Gruffudd) to embark on some seriously enhanced action scenes, but it will be Sue whose powers will blow everyone else away.

"I'm the most powerful of the four," Alba boasted, saying that the full-blown effects of the first film's hero-making mishap will finally be felt as she takes on the powers of her comrades. "I can kind of do everyone else's powers."

Check out the latest from "Superman Returns," Jet Li's "Fearless," "Accepted" and more, on Overdrive.
Continuing with all that amping up, "FF2" will once again delve into the complicated relationship between Sue and Reed. In the last film, the sheepish Mr. Fantastic was trapped in a love triangle that had him battling with Dr. Doom. This time around, Alba promises another love triangle, and a new co-star who might be fueling it.

"There is a little tension between the Silver Surfer and Reed," Alba said of the script, which will finally bring the legendary Marvel character to the big screen. The cosmos-roaming Silver Surfer has gained an army of loyal fans with his conflicted, complicated story line. Of the Surfer, Alba said: "He's a little good and a little bad. So it's just a matter of, 'What does Sue Storm bring — the good or the bad — out of that boy?' "
Alba's clues could equal a romantic subplot between Sue and a Silver-skinned lothario. While comic book fans are connecting such dots, it also helps to note that there could never be a Silver Surfer without a Galactus.

"I cannot bring up Galactus," Alba said, taking a deep breath and giggling. "I can't believe I just said his name.

"Maybe he'll do an appearance," she added.

For those who aren't tracking world-devouring mega-monsters, Galactus is the immeasurably powerful, millions-of-miles-tall being who must wander the universe looking for planets to snack on for sustenance. Galactus and the Surfer are as inextricably linked as George Steinbrenner and Joe Torre — appropriate, since an accurate cinematic manifestation of Galactus could cost enough money to bankrupt even the Yankees owner.

"We do have some villain action — maybe a new villain, maybe an old villain, maybe one of us turns into a villain," Alba added. Specifically asked if Victor Von Doom (Julian McMahon) would be in the sequel, the actress smiled. "Maybe, maybe," she offered.

Wrapping things up, Alba bristled at speculation that the recently announced departure of Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad would have any effect on his involvement with the movie. "He owns it, he owns Marvel, he's totally producing," she said. "He owns everybody. He owns all of us — Spider-Man, X-Men, the Fantastic Four."

" 'Fantastic Four' is so much fun, and we really have such a great, strong family that we created," Alba added. "I'm totally excited, and with 'X-Men' doing so well, it just lets everyone know [that more comic book movies are wanted]. It's our whole same [Marvel] team. We are all so happy for them, and we're ready to go in this year and bang out another one."
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.



dammit.   :yabbse-angry:
My house, my rules, my coffee


FF2 Now Called Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer?     
Source: Now Playing Magazine

We know that the Fantastic Four sequel is going to feature the Silver Surfer, and apparently the New York Licensing Show recently had a promotional poster on display with the title Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer – though it was unclear whether or not that was actually the title of the film, or just a way of conveying to the licensing folks attending the show that the character would be joining the franchise come next summer. Now, a report has surfaced which claims that is in fact the title of the film, and which also purports to have an official plot synopsis of the film from Fox. doesn't cite its source, and neither does it say explicitly that it got this info directly from Fox, so it's difficult to take it as anything but rumor right now. Regardless, here's the synopsis:

"Marvel's first family of superheroes, the Fantastic Four, meets their greatest challenge yet in Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, the Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny, and Ben must unravel the mystery of the Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost."

So the Surfer is preparing for the Earth's destruction? Does that mean Galactus is coming as well? Hmmm...
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Quote from: MacGuffin on June 29, 2006, 11:49:17 AM
So the Surfer is preparing for the Earth's destruction? Does that mean Galactus is coming as well? Hmmm...
take a pick:

a) i don't know
b) i don't care
c) i don't get it
d) die, ppl who'll see this, die. ..uh, not physically.  :yabbse-undecided: i wasn't really gonna kill ya, i was just gonna cut ya. ..ah forget it.
under the paving stones.


Who is playing The Silver Surfer?
Source: Moviehole

One rumour that has been making its way around the Internet in recent weeks is this one about Vin Diesel possibly playing The Silver Surfer in "The Fantastic Four 2". I'm sure you've all heard it. And the rumour mill went [further] into overdrive last week, when it was announced that Diesel had left his new film "Black Water Transit" – for undisclosed reasons.

That rumour? Not true. It is on the fast track to the recycle bin. Wham. Bam. Boom. No xXx fighting alongside the troops in blue, I'm sorry to say. Whatever reason Diesel left "Transit", has nothing to do with "FF2".

The film's director, Tim Story, told me this morning that although The Silver Surfer is indeed in the movie, it won't be Vin Diesel playing him.

"No truth to it", Story said, when asked about the Diesel rumours. "The Surfer will be a new CGI design being developed especially for the movie. It's going to be incredible".

The Silver Surfer is a galaxy-cruising defender endowed with superhuman strength, who is able to control and direct cosmic energies, with enough force to destroy a city.

Initially, he was going to front his own picture (and probably will, sometime in the future), but the studio have decided to team him up with "The Fantastic Four" for his first movie out of the gate.

Fantastic Four 2 Taken Straight From the Pages?
Source: Cinematical

True Believers were somewhat disheartened by the script work for the initial Fantastic Four  movie. There were certainly some great moments in the film, but overall we felt it could have been (and really should have been) much better. We've been promised a stronger showing for the second film in the franchise, and we cling to that promise in a desperate hope for the Fantastic Four movie we've always wanted. And if recent rumors are to be believed, the script/plot for the second film is already off to a VERY strong start -- a start fully capable of igniting hope in all our hearts.

Here's the deal; Marvel is reportedly working off a script based very heavily upon the (very) classic "The Coming of Galactus" story arc which ran through The Fantastic Four issues 48-50. The story was penned by Stan Lee himself, with the inking (and story) aid of Marvel godfather Jack Kirby, creator of many fantastic Reed Richard machines. The story is a particularly famous and beloved one, and tells the tale of the world-eater Galactus coming to earth with his Herald the Silver Surfer. For True Believers, "The Coming of Galactus" is practically holy scripture. If the script stays true to the pages, we could be looking at a golden movie here, folks.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Tim Story Gives Fantastic Four Sequel Update
Source: Superhero Hype!

Fantastic Four sequel director Tim Story has posted another update on his official Blog in which he gives an update on what's happening:

I am busy working away at all the concept art and most recently the design for Doom. I saw the maquette today of what the improved Doom will look like and he's everything I 've wanted him to be. Many have stated their disappointment with the lack of "evil" ness in the last movie and I'd be lying if I said I was able to do everything I set out to do, but this time, there will be the plotting and the fighting and technology. He's just as smart as Reed, or as he would say, smarter and I'm going to represent that in the movie big time. Julian is on board and wants to have just as much fun in making him "that villian" we all know and love, or should I say hate. I'm wrestling right now with the cape issue and trying to have it but not let it get in the way of him fighting. He's not going to just shoot beams of power this time. He goes toe to toe with a really big surprise.

My 2nd Unit director Ej Forrester was showing me storyboards on a sequence we have in the movie that involves Doom, and we're determined to have him blowing up shit! Wait until you see the mask! The armor!
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Fantastic Four Sequel Title Change
Source: 20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox has confirmed to Superhero Hype! that the Fantastic Four sequel has a new name - Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer. The movie was previously known as Fantastic Four and The Silver Surfer. The second film, directed by Tim Story, is set to hit theaters on June 15, 2007.

In the sequel, the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer races around the globe wreaking havoc, Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben must unravel the mystery of The Silver Surfer and confront the surprising return of their mortal enemy, Dr. Doom, before all hope is lost.

Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd, Chris Evans, Jessica Alba and Julian McMahon star.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


The Silver Surfer surfaces in 'Fantastic Four' sequel
Source: USA Today

It's surf's up for next year's Fantastic Four sequel.

In June, the Silver Surfer jumps from page to screen in The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

With computer-generated imagery techniques similar to those used to create Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, the slippery Surfer, voiced by Doug Jones, "will look somewhere between gun metal and fluid metallics so you can see the body motion, the breathing, the muscle tone, the mood," says Marvel Studios CEO Avi Arad.

The Surfer's mood is key to the story. After striking a deal with the evil Galactus to save his planet, the once-human Surfer wreaks havoc throughout the cosmos. "He is a highly emotional being, trapped inside fluid metal," Arad says.

Audiences will get a first look at the Silver Surfer this weekend in trailers before Night at the Museum.

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


under the paving stones.


Shame on them for roping Brian Posehn into this shit, and shame on me for clicking on it.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Galactus to Devour Cinemas
Screenwriter confirms FF2 appearance.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer screenwriter Don Payne has confirmed that the planet-devouring baddie Galactus will indeed appear in the sequel to 2004's Fantastic Four.

"[The] story definitely focuses more on the Silver Surfer—otherwise it would be called Rise of the Silver Surfer and Galactus," Payne informed "As far as Galactus goes, the essence will be the same."

Galactus, however, will be more of a "force" in the movie rather than a fully-realized character. (So sort of like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man? Just kiddin'.)

As for Galactus' herald, Payne revealed, "I wouldn't say the Surfer is in a love triangle with Sue and Reed, but there's definitely a connection between Sue and the Surfer."

He added that the Surfer's origin will not be explored too deeply in the film, but hopes it can be covered in a possible Silver Surfer spin-off film.
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks