I Just Bought...

Started by ᾦɐļᵲʊʂ, October 25, 2003, 05:14:10 PM

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"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye

last days of gerry the elephant

Quote from: Garam on December 24, 2006, 07:53:43 AM
Beats anything I've seen from Leigh, Frears, Loach or Clarke. Buy it. It's a work of art, mannn.

...I don't believe. But that's got me all excited to want to watch it.


Garam has a point. It's pretty hot stuff. Bernard Hill does give a blinding performance.
Anyone seen the other British TV classic "Our Friends In The North"?
It does the social realism thing pretty brilliantly with pitch perfect performances from Chris Eccleston, Daniel Craig, Gina McKee and Mark Strong.
I urge anyone to seek it out.

Just bought:



with my christmas money.  they didn't have george washington. 


context, context, context.



\"I wanted to make a film for kids, something that would present them with a kind of elementary morality. Because nowadays nobody bothers to tell those kids, \'Hey, this is right and this is wrong\'.\"
  -  George Lucas


"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye


With some Christmas money

and i got this for free


I recently went to spain and got some top notch quality bootleg DVD's:
Casino Royale (For My Dad)
The Black Dahlia
Babel (this being the only shitty one shot in a theatre)

I also recently ordered Gus Van Sant's Elephant
The Beatles know Jesus Christ has returned to Earth and is in Los Angeles.

When you are getting fucked by the big corporations remember to use a condom.

There was a FISH in the perkalater!!!

My Collection


Just like the discounted seasons of 24, I couldn't pass these up:

"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


"As a matter of fact I only work with the feeling of something magical, something seemingly significant. And to keep it magical I don't want to know the story involved, I just want the hypnotic effect of it somehow seeming significant without knowing why." - Len Lye



It cheers me up to see people digging the ol' Ratcatcher.  I love that movie.

Recently, I bought a used Criterion of Do The Right Thing.

And, with Deep Discount DVD's Buy 1 Get 1 Free deal, Newsradio Seasons 3 and 4.