The Office

Started by Redlum, September 19, 2003, 11:46:50 AM

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the one i found was longer than all of those

i guess it's the full thing. someone just named it highlights.
under the paving stones.


you're right, i should've watched all the clips first.

i am intrigued by this interview. has shandling shown disdain for gervais before? at times it almost feels like they're both acting, it's hard to tell cos there's cuts.
under the paving stones.


Still want to see the whole thing, but based off those clips, my initial reaction is "Garry Shandling is a comic genius" and he just used Gervais' style against Gervais... the result is brilliant.


Quote from: RegularKarate on December 29, 2006, 02:17:24 PM
Still want to see the whole thing, but based off those clips, my initial reaction is "Garry Shandling is a comic genius" and he just used Gervais' style against Gervais... the result is brilliant.

You're totally right.  It seems obvious that it's not real disdain, but Shandling is so deadpan and unflappable that it becomes genuinely uncomfortable.
My house, my rules, my coffee


Have you seen it all? It's obvious that Shandling holds Gervais in low regard.


if you haven't torrented it, here's the complete interview (in parts/starting with part 1/eff'd aspect ratio and quality).

the guy who posted this is also gradually posting the whole Larry Sanders Show.


the awkward bits seem less severe in context. it's not a bad interview, actually. the woody allen part was pretty interesting. i'm gonna look for torrents of shandling's sitcom from the 80s.


Quote from: Hedwig on January 04, 2007, 06:05:18 AM
i'm gonna look for torrents of shandling's sitcom from the 80s.
if you find one, link me. thx


Whedon Directing The Office Episode
Source: ComingSoon

Jenna Fischer, who plays Pam Beesly on NBC's hit comedy "The Office," has posted on her MySpace page about Joss Whedon directing an episode:

Joss Whedon in Da House!

So much has happened since my last blog.  We lost a Golden Globe, I met Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, and we've shot 2 more hilarious episodes of The Office...we are shooting one right now in fact.  So, starting next more reruns!

I wanted to post a whole blog about the Golden Globes along with photos but I never got around to it.  For the last week and a half we've been shooting on different locations so I've had limited computer access.  Also, the camera battery on my digital camera died and I cannot find the charger which means I can't power it up to download any of the photos.  (I asked Lynn to buy us a new charger today.  Just another example of the type of things a personal assistant does for you.)  Hopefully I can post some pictures soon.  I have a great one of B.J. Novak at the Golden Globes ceremony typing on his Blackberry.  (Typical.) 

The Golden Globes were pretty cool...until the part where we lost.  It picked up again at the after party when Ben Affleck came over to our group and geeked out on the show.  He told me to quiz him to prove he was a true fan.  I thought, "Okay amazing and talented movie star Ben Affleck who is too cute for words...what is Dwight's middle name?"  And he said, "Um...I know it...wait...Kurt!"  Then he called over his wife – that would be Jennifer Garner – and she geeked out too.  Jennifer Garner is STUNNING by the way.

That was pretty much the highlight of the night.  Some other things I can tell you:  Patrick Dempsey is HOT, Reese Witherspoon is totally sexy and beautiful.  I didn't get very close to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie but I saw them from across the room and stared at them for about 5 minutes...that is no exaggeration.  I literally stared for 5 minutes...which is creepily longer than it sounds.

The night ended with me and B.J. vamping for the People photographers.  I actually spent most of the evening with B.J. and Angela.  We stood in line for a party where we saw everyone from Paris Hilton to P. Diddy.  It was a crazy night.  But truthfully I mostly wished that I was at home with my husband watching the Season Premiere of 24.  The Globes were fun but not as much fun as watching Jack Bauer murder a man with his mouth.

In officeland...our newest scripts are SO GOOD that I actually yelped during our latest script reading.  When I heard the plot of our next script I gasped!  I wish I could say more.  I think you will be very pleased.  There are lots of cringy, wonderful, funny moments.  And some very touching ones as well.

This week we are shooting with hot shot director Joss Whedon!  This has been especially exciting for me because I already knew Joss.  (He has known my husband for a long time.)  Joss has quickly become one of our favorite directors.  The crew loves him.  He's a huge fan of the show and therefore gets really into every detail of the show.  He watches us even when we are in the background of a scene and compliments our smallest of choices.  It's been a total dream.  I'm currently the background of a scene and I can see him hunched over the monitors watching a scene and giggling like a little girl.  I'm going to miss him. 

I feel like there are a bunch of things to announce.  Like the fact that our producers Greg Daniels and Kent Zbornak won the Producers Guild Award for producing our little show.  We got picked up for another season.  We will be back next year!  And, if I may do a little wifely husband's movie SLiTHER was the 8th best reviewed movie of the year according to Rotten Tomatoes.  They compile all of the reviews from major publications and make a list of the Top 10 Movies of the Year and Slither was #8!  For a horror movie to make the Top 10 is pretty remarkable.  So, things are good in the Gunn/Fischer house.

Look for us at the Screen Actors Guild Awards Sunday night on TBS and TNT.  God, I hope we win.  I actually get a statue if we win.  That would be cool. 

(Posted from the desk of Pam Beesley)
"Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art." - Andy Warhol

Skeleton FilmWorks


This show gets funnier everyday... anybody seen the wedding episode?


This season just gets better and better with each episode.

I didn't like the early episodes of season 3, but the last 10 or so have been stellar. I think the Jim & Pam storyline is my fave. Curious to see what happens with Roy hunting Jim down after tonights episode.

Dwight better get Jims back!!

Falling in love is the greatest joy in life. Followed closely by sneaking into a gated community late at night and firing a gun into the air.


Dwight was probably his strangest in tonight's episode. Roy's freakout was sudden, but pretty realistic, I'd say.


i'm so angry that JJ Abrams has time to direct an episode of The Office but NOT AN EPISODE OF LOST!!!
Christopher Nolan's directive was clear to everyone in the cast and crew: Use CGI only as a last resort.


I think it was well done... Roy was trying so hard to change for Pam and doing all the shit he didnt want to do... and suddenly he finds out everything started because of Jim... it will be interesting to see what happens next...

Michael and Dwight were both a little over the top... they are idiots, and Dwight is a geek, but they have showed before that they can be smart too. In this episode they seem like complete retards and I thought it was too much.