Your favorite bands none of your friends have heard of

Started by polkablues, March 19, 2003, 12:45:00 PM

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What are some of the bands that you love, but whenever you try to tell other people about them they say, "Who?"

Black Lab: The best rock band in the world right now.  They kick ass, write amazing songs, and even have a really hot female bass player.  If Matchbox Twenty kicked more ass and borrowed some of the epic quality of U2, they might sound like a halfway decent attempt to be this band.  Their first album, "Your Body Above Me" flew in under the radar, but they've had songs on a couple of high profile soundtracks, notably the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" tv show and the "Spider-man" soundtrack.  Their second album should be coming out anytime now.
Required listening: "Anything", "Horses", "Can't Keep the Rain", "Wash Away".

Placebo: Another great rock band that doesn't get the exposure they deserve.  Most people who've heard of them know them from the song "Pure Morning", which got a little airplay back in the late nineties.  They appeared in the movie "Velvet Goldmine", where they performed a cover of the T-Rex song "20th Century Boy".  They also write insanely clever lyrics.  "I'm unclean, a libertine/And every time you vent your spleen/I seem to lose the power of speech/You're slipping slowly from my reach/You grow me like an evergreen/You've never seen the lonely me at all." - from "Without You I'm Nothing".
Required listening: "Bruise Pristine", "Every You Every Me", "Special K", "Days Before You Came".

David Poe: A New York-based singer-songwriter who it sometimes seems like I'm the only person in the world that has heard of him.  His songs alternate between quiet/reflective and loud/explosive, intensely personal to overtly political.  He has a very warm, lush voice, an inventive guitar style, and the best sense of melding lyrics and melody of anyone.
Required listening: "Reunion", "Blue Glass Fall", "The Drifter", "Settlement".

Spoon: Clever indie-rock band from Texas.  Sounds kind of like Pavement, but with a more accessible songwriting sense.  Their most recent album, "Kill the Moonlight" has been well-reviewed, but its reliance on keyboards and its more polished studio sound undercut the low-fi grandeur of their earlier albums, like "Telefono", "Girls Can Tell", and "A Series of Sneaks".
Required listening: "Plastic Mylar", "Anything You Want", "Reservations", "Advance Cassette".
My house, my rules, my coffee


phil marlowe


Badass!  I didn't know they had a new one coming out so soon.
My house, my rules, my coffee

Sigur Rós

Wauw that is one cool photo!!!  :-D Analyze that!

phil marlowe

From now on I will exploid  every chance i get to post pictures of huggies.

Sigur Rós

How come De Niro looks like a pirat? plastic-surgery???


I agree that Spoon's great. That's what's funny about this board. People are always bringing up bands I like that none of my friends listen to. My current favorite by Spoon is "Paper Tiger"

Another cool band is The Velvet Teen. Check out "radiapathy"

Born Under Punches

i'm a fan of placebo too.  i'll admit that i only heard about them and got the album after hearing pure morning, but i've become a fan.  another band that i like that my friends have never heard of are the dirtbombs.  a bad analogy i known, but imagine motown soul numbers being performed by iggy and the stooges and that's kinda what they sound like.


I've been getting into The Libertines recently, no one i know has herd of them! they released a single in the UK a wile ago that got a little air play, i downloaded a couple more of there songs decided i liked there style so i went and brought he album.

there's also a new band called Athlete i quite like.

Placebo are quite cool some songs are excellent, but i find that some songs are very Whiny.
"There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. And that, I think, was the handle - that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting - on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high - water mark - that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back." - Hunter S. Thompson.


The Bad Livers are a band I really enjoy that not too many people have heard of.  They have a very eclectic group of influences so their music is hard to put a finger on.  If I had to put them into one category though, it would probably be bluegrass.


Placebo yeah their new album is dope, as is the first single from it, "Bitter End".

shit my ppl don't know but rule:
the notwist .
alec empire .
gemma hayes.
under the paving stones.



Taking Back Sunday
Biffy Clyro
Jetplane Landing
The Copperpot Journals
Day of the fight
Further seems forever

all these bands rule... but no-one seems to have heard of them. Anyone else fans?
Your face isnt a question....

Build a man a fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of the day...Set a man on fire, and he`ll be warm for the rest of his life.


Thursday seems to be getting pretty big. Further Seems Forever is getting a lot of attention too, since Dashboard Confessional had that hit over the summer.


mogwai, love that cure quote.
placebo is cool, david bowie likes them. i think they opened for him a couple times.

some bands i like:
Fuck - mellow indie
The Owls - an incarnation of Joan of Arc, the Kinsellas
Pretty Girls Make Graves - punky / girl indie
Kid Dynamite - Punk Rock
Stiff Little Fingers - Punk Rock (old school)
Screeching Weasel - Punk Rock

and hey marlow, is that avatar a pic of frank?
i've been drinking more wine lately.
it's good for you pop.
yeah, well anyway, i've been drinking more wine
(vito to michael, Godfather I)