Greatest Films Ever

Started by MacGuffin, May 22, 2005, 04:32:21 PM

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Quote from: modage on August 07, 2012, 03:02:31 PM
The Top 10's are hard to argue with but I think the Critics full Top 50 is kind of a joke the further you get towards the bottom.

Something like 15 total American films out of 50?

And I have a hard time believing (no matter how good it is) that a Godard-directed documentary about film history is one of the 50 Greatest Films Ever Made.

As Pubrick said, since 1990 we've got 4 films? (Close-Up, Sátántangó, Mulholland Dr., In the Mood for Love) The last 22 years summed up that easily?

With 50 slots I'll bet we could come up with an overall stronger list even without reusing anything on here. So THERE, S&S critics.

That "Documentary" Godard did, is called "Histoire(s) du Cinema". I've seen it and I'm surprised someone actually likes that piece of shit. I wouldn't recommend anyone watching it, unless you're in the verge of suicide and need one last push. Seriously, I think Godard does it on purpose. He wants his audience to feel miserable. He pushes the "Anti-Cinema" thing WAY TOO FAR.

Anyways... My Top 50 (No chronological order):

City of God
The Godfather
Taxi Driver
Raging Bull
Fight Club
The Big lebowski
Andrei Rublev
Phantom of the Paradise (Probably the most underrated de palma movie ever... It's fucking Hilarious and Dark)
The virgin suicides
Old Boy
Blood Simple
Pulp Fiction
Requiem for a dream
Wild at Heart
American Psycho
The assassination of Jesse James..
Midnight cowboy
The conformist
Night of the Hunter
8 1/2
Being there
A woman is a woman (I know I talk shit about Godard but the movies he made in the 60's are all classics. This one is probably his best and one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.. "I got to go, BREATHLESS is on TV tonight"  :bravo: )
Le samurai
The killing of a chinese bookie
Something Wild
The double life of veronique
Lola Montes
The passenger
The graduate
Rebel without a cause
American Beauty
Do the right thing
Barry lyndon
Tokyo Story
Battle royale
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: Reelist on August 07, 2012, 02:40:26 PM
We're gonna have to really narrow down the criteria to go anywhere with this, so how about just pick ONE fav. movie from the year you ( or anyone else ) was born. That way we don't have to get all 'list crazy' and can get to know eachother a lil better in the process.


Child's Play

Oh Reelist... since I obviously didn't see your brilliant post about Taxi Driver, I'll oblige.

"That Obscure Object of Desire"
(Buñuel's last and best movie)


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 07, 2012, 06:57:48 PM
Phantom of the Paradise (Probably the most underrated de palma movie ever... It's fucking Hilarious and Dark)

Cool. I like your list, man.

Quote from: Pwaybloe on August 07, 2012, 08:13:42 PM

Close Encounters of The Third Kind


Quote from: modage on August 07, 2012, 03:02:31 PM

Something like 15 total American films out of 50?

see, your problem with the list was actually the reverse of my problem with most lists. most lists (I'm talking about film threat and shit) have an overwhelming number of American films, and I just can't believe that somehow three quarters of the greatest lists all somehow come from the same country.
"Tragedy is a close-up; comedy, a long shot."
- Buster Keaton


That's weird I thought modage was making the same point as you.

15 out of 50 seems like a lot for one country.

Godard can go to hell tho.. even if the list was top 1000 that guy's non breathless work shouldn't be making an appearance.
under the paving stones.


Quote from: Pubrick on August 08, 2012, 03:21:34 AM
That's weird I thought modage was making the same point as you.

15 out of 50 seems like a lot for one country.

Godard can go to hell tho.. even if the list was top 1000 that guy's non breathless work shouldn't be making an appearance.

Ahem... you remember the 2004 Xixax DEKAPENTICON right?

7.  my life to live

Quote from: Pubrick on January 07, 2004, 07:30:10 AM
PDL is the only one that shouldn't be there. the rest of the list is much much better than i expected. 3 kubricks, that says it all really.

good work, ppl who voted.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Eight years ago! I was barely 20.. we're all a bit embarrassing at that age, just look at the current noobs.

But in my feeble defence, I think I was right to discredit PDL from the list as it had only just been released (and I had only seen a screener copy). It was supposed to be the best movies of all time, not of the last year.

And I must've just fallen into a brief coma when I came to My Life To Live, such is the shittyness of Godard.
under the paving stones.


Haha! I saw the opportunity to remember an obscure old thread and leaped on it. I do still like that movie though, but Godard isn't for everyone.
He held on. The dolphin and all the rest of its pod turned and swam out to sea, and still he held on. This is it, he thought. Then he remembered that they were air-breathers too. It was going to be all right.


Quote from: Pubrick on August 08, 2012, 03:31:47 PM
Eight years ago! I was barely 20.. we're all a bit embarrassing at that age, just look at the current noobs.

But in my feeble defence, I think I was right to discredit PDL from the list as it had only just been released (and I had only seen a screener copy). It was supposed to be the best movies of all time, not of the last year.

And I must've just fallen into a brief coma when I came to My Life To Live, such is the shittyness of Godard.

In my opinion, Vivre sa Vie ("My life to live") is GOOD GODARD! Godard turned to shit when he made "weekend" (1967). Everything he made after that was just plain awful.  "King Lear"? "Film socialisme"? "Germany year 90 nine zero"? WORST FUCKING MOVIES I'VE EVER SAT THROUGH.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: Pubrick on August 08, 2012, 03:31:47 PM
Eight years ago! I was barely 20.. we're all a bit embarrassing at that age, just look at the current noobs.

Well, we have to learn by our mistakes right? Hell, i'm even ashamed by the (back then awesome) Facebook updated I wrote 10 minutes ago and think these feelings are quite important for the personal development.


Quote from: KarlJan on August 08, 2012, 06:39:59 PM
Quote from: Pubrick on August 08, 2012, 03:31:47 PM
Eight years ago! I was barely 20.. we're all a bit embarrassing at that age, just look at the current noobs.

Well, we have to learn by our mistakes right? Hell, i'm even ashamed by the (back then awesome) Facebook updated I wrote 10 minutes ago and think these feelings are quite important for the personal development.

Facebook? YUCK.... Use twitter like a normal human being!
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


I dig your list Tyler. Just wondering why only Magnolia. No love for TWBB or PDL?


Quote from: CloudAuteur on August 08, 2012, 08:36:12 PM
I dig your list Tyler. Just wondering why only Magnolia. No love for TWBB or PDL?

Magnolia is the first PTA movie I ever saw, so that one holds a special place in my heart. Obviously I LOVE all his movies, but I was trying to keep it 1 film per Director (Scorsese and the Coens are an exception).

On another note, I just watched "The intouchables" and I think I need to add it to my list. One of the funniest, most beautiful movies I've seen in a loooong while. I'm surprised there's no thread about it.
Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.


Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 08, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
"The intouchables"

Is that the one where Eliot Ness takes down Al Capone by spreading rumors about him in a gossip magazine?
My house, my rules, my coffee


Quote from: polkablues on August 08, 2012, 09:06:42 PM
Quote from: InTylerWeTrust on August 08, 2012, 08:55:29 PM
"The intouchables"

Is that the one where Eliot Ness takes down Al Capone by spreading rumors about him in a gossip magazine?

You're thinking of:

I'm talking 'bout:

Fuck this place..... I got a script to write.